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Mayra Licea Period 2 Time Management and Goal Setting

Here is the chart that shows how I manage to spend my time on daily activities. I eat for 15 minutes. After I eat I spend 180 minutes on the World Wide Web. I exercise for about 120 minutes when I go to softball practice. I do my hobby for 30 minutes. Then I finish my day by sleeping for 540 minutes
Time management for Mayra
600 500 400 300 200 minutes per day 100 0 1 Daily activtites School Eat World Wide Web Exercise hobby Sleep

My Goals My goals this school year is to improve my grades. I would like to improve my grades so I can make my parents proud. I would also like to get better grades so theres a greater chance of me getting into a good high school. In order for me getting good grades, I would need to pay attention in class and not fool around or talk. I hope I reach this goal. Support Someone I depend on to help me accomplish my goals is my dad. I depend on my dad because he works his hardest to maintain my family. He teaches us that its important to get a good education so we can become what we want when were older. I plan to accomplish my goals and make my dad proud of me. Hes one of the biggest supporters in my life. My Plan My first plan is to graduate middle school with good grades. I plan to make it to a good high school. In high school I plan to be successful in order to make I to a good collage. I want to study criminal justice. I think my plans will go good. Im determined to complete them.

Setback Something that might get in my way of reaching my goal is a hard subject. Another thing that can get in my way is softball because instead of studying I have to play my game. If theres a hard subject in class it Can confuse me and make my grade go down. Words of Encouragement Some words of encouragement are that sometimes its going to be hard, but you have to work through it. Everything is possible it just takes time. As long as you keep trying it can happen. You can achieve you dreams and goals. Reflection
How does the way you spend your time help or prevent you from accomplishing your goal?

The way I spend my time gets in the way of reaching my goals because I can get distracted. I could get into it and it could entertain me from doing my work. Yet this can get into the way I will manage to do my best.

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