Star Sign Profile-Aquarius

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AQUARIUS PERSONALITY PROFILE The 11th sign of the zodiac and ruled by Uranus, the symbol for Aquarius

is the Water-Bearer. Key phrase: 'I know' is Aquarius. Frank, intelligent and idealistic without being flighty, Aquarians possess strong and attractive personalities and is the most humanitarian sign. They are nearly always concise, clear and logical but do not respect authority or the opinions of others. Even in company they are fiercely independent, refusing to follow the crowd. They dislike interference by anyone, however helpfully intended, and will accept it only on their own terms. Aquarians need to retire from the world at times to become temporary loners, and will detach themselves from life and society if not sufficiently anchored through family and friends. In fact they are capable of fanatical eccentricity and an almost excessive detachment and inclination to retreat from life and society. They dislike any displays of sentiment, intimacy and show-offs and if taken for granted or emotionally disappointed, they do not forgive. They are extremely dogmatic in their opinions and because of their own lofty personal ideals are so demanding they can become disillusioned with life. They are highly (and happily) eccentric and usually prefer the company of other eccentric types as they bore easily and are often restless. It is very hard to get close to them and they only seek out people who are original, creative and exciting, (and sometimes risky or unstable), in order to obtain original experiences and have interesting conversations. The Water Bearers are experimental sensation seekers and they sometimes get into trouble as a result as they love trying out new things. Aquarians are continually seeking out novelty and change to ensure their need of constant intellectual stimulation. They will become keenly interested in you but as soon as their curiosity has been satiated they might move on. It is again their hunger for knowledge that makes an Aquarian interact with people. In reality they are the zodiacs most original thinkers but their fierce need for independence can become their Achilles heel as their never-ending eccentricity and incessant questioning could be the reason they have few close friends and disenfranchised family members. If they ceased the impulse to issue ultimatums theyd have everyone eating out of their hand.

They can be detached to the point of coldness, making it very difficult for ordinary mortals to relate to them. This isolation can come as a surprise to them as they find it difficult to see how they might have behaved unreasonably, but truthfully they do not give a flying fig what the world thinks. They do not let their emotions get involved in their decisions and any of their judgments are done objectively. Aquarians have a profound mistrust of emotions, which results in inner conflicts with themselves. Aquarius is often referred to as the sign of genius and boredom is the biggest hurdle for people born under this sun sign and their very fertile minds need to be fed constantly with new information. Aquarians arent cruel on purpose but their innately emotional dissimilarities and lack of tact can be hurtful to more sensitive individuals. They ARE good communicators as long as you stay in the mental realms and are friendly so long as you dont discuss your feelings which only make them uncomfortable. They are very helpful and generous to a fault almost to the point of selflessness and in some cases will give their last cent to someone in need. Ask an Aquarian for help and you will immediately get it which is why they are so hopelessly inept at managing finances. They have trouble saving money and tend to spend their cash as soon as they get it. Aquarius is a strong and persuasive individual with an excellent sense of humor and once they decide that someone is worthy of their friendship, are loyal and faithful (they are a fixed sign after all) but beneath their affability lurks a secret ambition to be famous and they'll betray anyone to get to the top. They do not get too close in relationships because they prefer to stay distant from others. If they can learn to tolerate other peoples weaknesses they will become tenacious friends or lovers ready to sacrifice everything for their partners and be faithful to them for life. In fact their friends are very important to them and they will most likely be members of clubs or groups that share their interests (particularly humanitarian). Aquarians are rarely frightened or anxious and tend to be confident and cheerful most of the time. It is these traits, combined with their rationality and logic that despite their unpredictable natures can act as stabilizing forces for those around them.

They are independent individuals and live in their own minds (think Lewis Carroll), which is their excuse to dispense with social conventions in favor of rebellion. It has to be said that the typical Aquarian is very unsuited for an Executive role. Firstly they would just about prefer starvation to the usual nine-to-five office routine, dislike making decisions and feel uncomfortable giving orders. On the plus side they cant tolerate unfairness in the office. But they are conscientious workers with a high degree of intelligence, as well as possessing uncanny perception. They will have lots of friends (probably a different one each week) and is the one who forgets to bring in his/her brief case on occasion. Chances are that the brilliant and friendly Aquarian employee wont stay around that long, but if they do in spite of their eccentricities they will be a decided asset and possibly even bring repute to the firm. Best match for Aquarians is Aquarius, Libra & Gemini. Aquarius With another Aquarius they have shared interests, tolerate each others quirks and idiosyncrasies, and give one another plenty of personal freedom. Libra Librans know exactly how to win their partner or friend's heart. As a couple, they are perfectly matched and made for each other as they understand and respect each other. If Librans give space to Aquarians, they will have an excellent relationship and in most cases, their relationship is long lasting. Gemini Gemini and Aquarius is also a great combination and even if things don't work out, they'll probably be very close friends for life. Aquarius has less luck with Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer as these signs are prone to jealousy, and Aquarians may find them too possessive. (Youll notice I kept the compatibility section brief, because Aquarians dont really give a toss one way or the other!)

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