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Indications Actively growing individual with favorable (horizontal) growth pattern.

. Well aligned maxillary and mandibular teeth Mandibular incisors should be upright over the basal bone. Used In Class II Div 1 Class II Div 2 after aligning the incisors Class III Class I open bite Class I deep bite For cross bite correction (Trimming done in such a way that maxillary molars are moved laterally and mandibular molars lingually). Preliminary before Fixed appliance to improve skeletal jaw relationship. For post- treatment retention Used for opening the space for 1st or 2n premolars by using jack screws. Simultaneously serves as a space maintainer in mixed dentition, the acrylic is extended into the space of missing tooth. Treatment of snoring. Found to be more effective than soft palate lifter mouth shield (Swedish dental journal - 1996 20 (5)) Contra Indications 1. Class I crowding, due to tooth size jaw discrepancy 2. Increased lower facial height. 3. Extreme vertical mandibular growth 4. Severely procumbent lower incisors 5. Nasal stenosis. 6. Non growing individuals Efficacy of Activator: According to Andresen & Haupl, Activator is effective in exploiting the interrelationship between function and changes in INTERNAL BONE STRUCTURE.

During GROWTH, there is also interrelationship between FUNCTION and EXTERNAL BONE FORM. The condylar adaptation to the anterior positioning of the mandible consists of growth in an upward and backward direction to maintain the integrity of TMJ. This adaptational process in induced by the loose fitting appliance. Classification of views PETROVIC (1984): McNAMARA (1973) Andresen Haupl's Concept that myotatic reflex activity and isometric contraction induce musculoskeletal adaptation by introducing a new mandibular closing pattern. Superior head of lateral pterygoid plays an important role in assisting the skeletal adaptations. Pertovics research on condylar cartilage growth stimulation is by activating the lateral pterygoid. Selmer - Olsen, Herren 1953, Harvold 1974 & Woodside 1973 do not agree with the myotactic reflex. According to their views, Viscoelastic properties of muscle and stretching of soft tissues are decisive for activator action. Each application of force induces secondary forces in tissues which inturn introduces a bio-elastic process and that is important in stimulating skeletal adaptation.

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