County Press Release

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$ 1233$4&5),"6$7$!8(+"$%&'()9$:;$<=>3?$
$ Charlie A. Dooley$ !"##$%%&'(%"()*+(!$%$,&-.( ( Colonel Timothy E. Fitch(
County Executive /0+"*10(2&$103"+0""'(4"5$6$-1( Chief of Police

St. Louis County Police Asks Citizens for Diligence.

For Immediate Release 23-May-2013

A reminder to St. Louis County citizens that the St. Louis County Police Department's Division
of Criminal !nvestigation is still investigating what are known to be two related forcible rapes
- one each the last two summer seasons. !t is important that we remain safe by staying
vigilant and remembering to take care of one another.

The two crimes involving victims of Asian descent occurred on April +, 2011 (10300 block of
Sannois Drive) and September 9, 2012 (12800 block of Fee Fee Road) in relatively close
proximity of each other and with the utilization of similar patterns of criminal activity.
Physical evidence has been collected to link the two crimes, but the subject is still at large.
The St. Louis County Police Department held an informational town hall meeting in October
2012 at Parkway North High School relative to the incidents.

We just wanted to remind our citizens that we remain diligent and haven't stopped looking
for this individual. Often times, the smallest piece of information from a citizen turns the tide
during these investigations," said Chief Tim Fitch.

A collective description of the suspect from the two incidents is a possible Hispanic male
having short black hair, short facial hair, heavy build, 5'6" to 5'8" in height and approximately
+0 years of age.


Media Relations Staff:


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