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Ulysses and his fleet leave Troy

Ulysses and his crew land on Ismarus where they sack the city and engage in battle with the Ciconians

Ulysses and his fleet arrive on the island of the lotus-eaters

Ulysses and his fleet arrive on the land of the Cyclopes; Ulysses encounters Polyphemus who ate his men until they escaped

Ulysses and his crew land on the Aeolian island of Aeolus, the Keeper of the Winds. He gave Ulysses a bag of winds and warned him and his crew not to open it. As they were nearing Ithaca, they opened it and were blown back to Aeolus

Ulysses and his men encounter the Laestrygonians where Ulysses loses all of his fleet and men except his own ship and those on his ship

Ulysses arrives to Aeaea where he and his crew live with Circe for a year who advises him to visit Hades before resuming his trip back home; Ulysses speaks to Tiresias who warns him of Helioss cattle

Ulysses and his crew return to Aeaea to bury one of their shipmates. Circe warns him of the dangers of the Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis; they safely get past the sirens but lose 6 men while sailing past Scylla.

Ulysses and his men land on Thrinacia where his crew eats Helioss cattle. He becomes angered and asks Zeus to punish them, so Zeus brought about a great storm that killed all of his men and his ship

Ulysses washes up on the island Ogygia, home to Calypso and stays with her for seven years; he then built a boat and tried sailing back to Ithaca

however Zeus destroyed his ship again and Ulysses washed up on the shore of Scheria where King Alcinous helped him go back to his family in Ithaca

Ulysses, after 20 years, returned to his homeland

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