Market Maker

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Market Maker



JBS S.A. (Company) in compliance with CVM Instruction no. 384 of March 17, 2003 (ICVM 384), informs its shareholders and the market in general that it has hired FLOW CORRETORA DE CMBIO, TTULOS E VALORES MOBILIRIOS S.A., a corporation with headquarters in the city and state of So Paulo, at Rua Joaquim Floriano, no. 100 12 floor, duly enrolled at the General Corporate Taxpayers Register (CNPJ/MF) under no. 05.816.451/0001-15, to act as market maker aiming at promoting liquidity to its common shares (JBSS3) traded on the So Paulo Stock Exchange (BM&FBOVESPA S.A.), for a period of 1 (one) year, from February 8th 2012, automatically renewable for equal periods, provided that neither party states otherwise. The Company further informs that the free float is composed by 1.564.057.283 (one billion, five hundred and sixty four million, fifty seven thousand and two hundred eighty three) common shares, currently traded on the market and that it has not entered into any agreement with the market maker providing for the exercise of voting rights or purchase and sale of its shares. The market maker will initiate its activities from February 16th 2012.

So Paulo, February 16th, 2012.

Jeremiah OCallaghan Investor Relations Director


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