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A Brief PhD Yearly Study Plan October of each year Your Name Here

Thesis Title: Year of Study: Instructions: Before you start producing your own PhD study plan below, please consult the general advises for PhD studies at (1) Self-Assessment I: general abilities What qualities do you have that is suitable for carrying out PhD studies? What qualities are under-developed? What do you plan to do to enhance those abilities? Qualities that I have that is supportive for PhD studies: Qualities that I need to acquire to help me doing a PhD: Course/activities that I plan to take to enhance my abilities: (2) Self-Assessment II: technical abilities (referring to Phase I in the aforementioned document) Technical abilities that I have that is supportive for PhD studies: Technical abilities that I need to acquire to help me doing a PhD: Course/activities that I plan to take to enhance my abilities:

(3) Milestones and Work Plan: What do you plan to accomplish within the prescribed period of your study? What are the Milestones? The prescribed studying period is 3 years for full-time students, and 4 years for part-time students (unless indicated otherwise in your case). Produce a plan regarding realising these goals. Give a more detailed plan for the current year and an outlined plan for the following years. Remember that you will be required to produce a PhD thesis proposal by the end of the first year, if you are full-time student; and by the end of the first 1.5 year if you are a part-time student. You are also required to produce a PhD thesis by the end of the prescribed year. Writing-up of a PhD thesis normally takes 10-12 months effort it may also be shorter if you have already written-up some material that is reusable. Also take into account the time needed to implement and evaluate your system many students did not leave sufficient time for evaluation. What have been accomplished so far:

Milestones and Timetable for the Current Year: Year N October November December January February March







Milestones and Timetable for the Following year and beyond: Milestones and timetable for Year N+1: Milestones and timetable for Year N+2:

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