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4-4 Defense

4-4 DEFENSE Youth football coaches should play zone COVER 3 defense. Play the blitz package and have fun. The 4-4 is a good defense because you don't need as many good defensive players as some other defenses. It can be a very aggressive defense, and you can cover the various formations. I believe you do need good outside linebackers that are athletic. They must cover the run and the pass. I like the idea of having a strong side OLB and weak side OLB. They flip flop with the formation. We are hoping you can get an idea or two from the different looks. We are throwing out these ideas so that you will think and maybe incorporate an idea or two. I hope this will benefit you. When coaching the secondary we always stressed 3 things. 1. Stance 2. Alignment 3. Responsibility Stance: CORNERS 1. Narrow base: feet under armpits 2. Outside foot up: toe to instep stagger. 3. Weight on balls of feet; Sole of shoes have full contact with ground. 4. Bend in waist; Pads over toes 5. Bend in knees; Hands to knee level 6. Hips square to LOS 7. Head and shoulders turned in toward the ball. SAFTIES 1. Narrow base 2, Inside foo up 3. Weight on balls of feet 4 Bend in waist and knees 5, shoulders and hips are square to the LOS ALWAYS 1. Keep feet alive 2. Have an awareness of wide receiver split 3. FINISH NEVER 1. Panic-you are not beat until the ball is thrown. Put head down and get to WR. 2. When playing off the ball-NEVER be driven to a heads-up position.

If you read a 3 step drop, snap your eyes back to the WR to recognize route. 1. Read the front shoulder of the QB 2, Focus on the point of the shoulder as to what 1/3 of the field he is intending to throw to 3. Key shoulder level for trajectory a. Parallel - short zone b. Up - deep zone When the ball is thrown, the interception point is 6-8 yards in front of the receiver at the moment you recognize the pattern. Drive to the interception point. If you have no chance for the interception, make certain you tear away his upfield arm. This is the arm that is farthest from the flight of the ball. If the receiver is too far away for you to tear away his upfield arm, then you must make the tackle. 1. If you are in a trail position (1 to 2 steps behind) read the receiver's earhole. 2, When the earhole disappears and you see the receiver's eye, anticipate seeing his hands. 3. When the hands come up, punch through the pocket with your inside hand and clap the receiver's hand. On a hitch pattern, always come up on the outside under control, He already has gained 5 yards, KEEP IT THERE. Basic principles for Zone Defense 1. Know your area of responsibility. Who is your first threat. 2. See the ball at all times. 3. Never allow receiver to get behind you in deep zone responsibility. 4. Don't cover grass- find receiver. 5, Communicate 6. Maintin leverage 7. Keep cushion. Three yards.

MECHANICS of Back Pedal 1. Steps are 6-8 inches in length 2. Backpedal about 3/4 speed of full potential 3. Reach back with each step and pull weight over his feet just as though he were running forward with his weight on the balls of his feet. 4. Raise feet only high enough from the ground to have the cleats clear the grass. 5. Do not overstride. 6. Both knees should be bent to permit the feet to extend back past the hips. 7. Keep the chin pulled down, the head and shoulders out in front of the forward foot. 8. Move the arms in a normal relaxed manner with elbows at a 90 degree angle. Move them in a pumping action. Kee the elbows in to the sides and don't cross arms in front of body. 9. STAY in backpedal as long as possible. Usually 15 yards before turning and running. Techniques for Man Coverage 1. Corner at 5 yards deep-keep 3 yard cushion. Too much can be worse. 2. Keep feet alive and active. 3. Do not allow flag or out 4. Do not go for inside fake. Slide with the fake and get in his hip pocket. 5. Take the outside fake. (Cover) 6. Do not lose outside position. NEVER PEEK or look at QB. Stay with your man. 7. Whwn receiver looks, you look. 8. On inside cut- bump him and squeeze him in. Be on the top shoulder.

Denfensive Technique Numbering


5 4 4i

3 2 2i


2i 2 3

4i 4 5



Left End - 6 technique Key TE Run to c-gap Run Away -Trail Pass- Contain Right End - 5 Technique Attack tackle Run to -C Gap Run Away -Trail Pass - contain Left Tackle - 3 Technique Attack Guard Run to B Gap Run Away - Pursue Pass - inside rush Right Tackle - 2 eye Tech Attack guard Run to - A Gap Run away - Pursue Pass - inside rush - Aiming point neck of center SAM (strong side OSLB) Key - Near Back Run To - Alley Contain Run Away - Cutback/counters Pass- Cover called Alignment 8 Tech Mike (Strong side ILB) 2 eye Tech Key Guard to Back Run to - Read key Run Away - Read Key Pass - Cover Called Has A Gap Will (Weakside ILB) 3 Tech Key - Guard to Back Run to - Read Key Has B Gap Run Away - Read Key Pass Cover called Hawk (Weakside outside LB) Key Near Back Run to- Alley contain Run Away-cutback/counter C GAP 4 Down Linemen key the ball. Attack man over on snap Tackles must squeeze down on traps. Outside LB Split Rule: Up to 4 yards, play normal. Greater than 4 yards-split the difference and 5 yards off the LOS. Normal alignment is 2 wide and 4 deep. If you are getting beat with Tackle in 2eye techique, move him to headup or 3 technique.

Cover 2 vs Twins

Split difference-5 yards deep 7 yards deep 10-12 yards deep

cover 3 zone

5 yards 8-10 yards

7 yards

Trips Cover 3

Trips bump ILB out.

5 yds 7 yds Curl Flat

5 yd 7 yd

10 yd

Definitions Cover one - One man free Cover 2 - Two deep Zone or Man Cover 3 - Three deep zone Cover 4 - vs Ace or spread set Cover 5 - vs Twin set Cover 6 - vs Trips

1 5-6

2 4


Corner 7 yard rule - If wideout is within 7 yds of the sideline, play headup or inside. Pursuit in cover 3: Playside corner- come up fast on the OUTSIDE on sweep. Keep outside arm free and outside leg back. Safety - Fill inside out on sweep. You have cutback if you take proper angle. Stay one yard BEHIND runner in pursuit. Backside Corner - Take proper pursuit angle.

Cover 5 vs Twins. This can be an automatic call. This is played with 2 deep

If they have twins and split end- check to cover 3


Right corner Jam SE with hands. Read #2. If he breaks his pattern off- Play Flat If #1 and #2 go vertical, take #1 deep


Can play Zone

Cover 3 Roll Good vs flood patterns, This can be an automatic call on certain sets. This will take away the flood pattern. Safety align up deep enough so that he feels comfotable covering deep outside

Seam 7-15 yds 2/3 field Deep outside

Vs Trips Sam reads #2 & #3. If either goes flat, he goes flat. If # 2 and #3 goes vertical (this covers all go) he goes vertical Safety- If #3 goes flat - Rob #2 on seam. This covers the flood.

5 yd

5 yd 7 yd

7 yd


WILLIE 8-10 yd



On flood-Sam has flat Corner deep outside Safety - seam

Cover 1 (Man Free) Corners have #1 Sam and Willie have #2 Safety is free #2 #1 #2
5 yd 5 yd SAM FREE Willie


INSIDE LB's If not stunting-Back out of backfield (FB)

Trips with Cover 3

Cover 2 Man under

Safeties have 1/2 field each Safety split the distance of the receivers or go no further than the hash or one yard inside the hash. Align 10 - 12 yards deep. Corners- deny the slant. They can chase the receiver because they have help over top.

Two Deep-Play Man or Zone under

You can move 1 & 2 to LOS and fire them off corner. 3&4 take slots

1 3

2 4

2 Deep - Play Man or Zone

Corners - 7 yds Read # 2 #2 goes flat take flat #2 & #1 go vertical go vertical



1/4 Motion



Easy way is to go to automatic Man or play Man on Right side and Zone on Left side.

You can stay and play Cover 3 or bump the OLB and ISLB out and play trip rules where OLB reads #2 & #3 Linebackers bump

Play trip Rules

Can play double slot rules.

When calling stunts, you can call weak stunt, strong stunt, or both strong and weak. You will then play Cover 1, Cover 2, or Cover Zero. Stunt to the heels of offensive linemen. TAB-Tackle/Backer Can run one TAB (strong or weak)

One Tab Out One Tab In Red - Right Tab Out Liz - Left

Skull in (Strong)

Skull Out

Bones- Weak Out

Bone In Weak Outsidside stunt man has contain.

Combine the Two (Give this a name) Skull in and Bones Out Cover Zero

Bend- Backer and end

Fire (Outside LB) Fire to Near Back. Fire one or both

Slant to or away from formation Slant Left

Tiger In

Tiger Out

Lightning In Strong

Lightning OUT Weak

RAIN - Cover Zero

This Tab Out=Bend

Thunder Cover Zero Ends hold up ends and then rush

You can use this combination of two stunts One Tab Out Strong Fire Weak

Stunts vs Option

On this stunt, they can go on the snapor I liked it when they would read and go now. Yo this to one side or both sides. Dive QB Pitch Dive QB Pitch

OLB cheat up to LOS and on the snap step with the inside foot to the hip of TE aiming for near back. Come hard.

Pitch QB pitch QB Dive Dive


Pitch QB

Blitz Out Cover One

#2 #1 Free

#2 #1

A Few ideas vs Trips Cover Zero



TE Man FS VS Spread Cover Zero C C

SPY 5 yds Deep 5 yds Deep This can be an automatic call

#2 SPY Other Looks from 4-4 Defense

Throwing out A SHORT YARDAGE DEFENSE 60 Short Yardage Base Call off in Twin or Trips

60 Double A T's Gap ILB B Gap E's Step to shoulder of TE-c Gap OLBers-Step Cross over plant. Contain B E E B

60 Double B T's - B Gap Move to headup ILB - A GAP E's - Same ROLB - Same LOLB - Fire or Walkaway

60 single strong A RT Moves to 2 technique

60 A Weak Left Tackle moves to 2 technique

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