Quiz 3

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Quiz 3

Due: 11:59pm on Friday, October 5, 2012 Note: You will receive no credit for late submissions. To learn more, read your instructor's Grading Policy

Question 1
Consider the following hypothetical aqueous reaction: total volume of 100.0 . The following data are collected: Time Moles of 0 10 20 30 40 . A flask is charged with 0.065 of in a

0.065 0.051 0.042 0.036 0.031

Part A
Calculate the number of moles of at 10 , assuming that there are no molecules of at time zero.

Express your answer using two significant figures. ANSWER: = 1.4!10"2


Part B
Calculate the number of moles of at 20 , assuming that there are no molecules of at time zero.

Express your answer using two significant figures. ANSWER: = 2.3!10"2


Part C
Calculate the number of moles of at 30 , assuming that there are no molecules of at time zero.

Express your answer using two significant figures.

ANSWER: = 2.9!10"2


Part D
Calculate the number of moles of at 40 , assuming that there are no molecules of at time zero.

Express your answer using two significant figures. ANSWER: = 3.4!10"2


Part E
Calculate the average rate of disappearance of between 0 and 10 , in units of .

Express your answer using two significant figures. ANSWER: = 2.3!10"4

Answer Requested

Part F
Calculate the average rate of disappearance of between 10 and 20 , in units of .

Express your answer using two significant figures. ANSWER: = 1.5!10"4


Part G
Calculate the average rate of disappearance of between 20 and 30 , in units of .

Express your answer using two significant figures. ANSWER: = 1.0!10"4


Part H
Calculate the average rate of disappearance of between 30 and 40 , in units of .

Express your answer using two significant figures. ANSWER: = 8.3!10"5

All attempts used; correct answer displayed

Part I
Between 10 and 30 , what is the average rate of appearance of in units of ? Assume

that the volume of the solution is constant. Express your answer using two significant figures. ANSWER: = 1.2!10"4

Answer Requested

Question 2
Part A
Consider the combustion of , what is the rate of consumption of oxygen? ANSWER: = 0.23 . If hydrogen is burning at the rate of 0.46


Part B
What is the rate of formation of water vapor? ANSWER: = 0.46


Part C
The reaction decreasing at the rate of 53 ANSWER: = 27 is carried out in a closed vessel. If the partial pressure of , what is the rate of change of the total pressure of the vessel? is


Question 3

For the reaction

, the initial reaction rate was measured for various initial concentrations of Initial rate ( ) 6!10"5 1.8!10"4 2.4!10"4 2.4!10"4

reactants. The following data were collected: Trial 1 2 3 4 ( ) ( ) ( )

0.20 0.20 0.40 0.40

0.20 0.20 0.20 0.40

0.20 0.60 0.20 0.20

Part A
What is the reaction order with respect to Express your answer as an integer. ?

Hint 1. Compare trial 1 with trial 3

Compare the values in trial 1 to those in trial 3. Notice that and remain constant whereas

doubles. What happens to the rate in the transition from trial 1 to trial 3? ANSWER: There is no change. It doubles. It triples. It quadruples.

Hint 2. How to set up the math

The reaction rate can be determined from the following equation:


is the order with respect to

For trial 1 this equation is 2.4!10"4 and for trial 3 this equation is 2.4!10"4 Dividing the equation for trial 3 by that for trial 1 gives

which simplifies to

Now, solve for


The rate quadrupled when . was doubled. This indicates an order of 2 with respect to because

Part B
What is the reaction order with respect to Express your answer as an integer. ?

Hint 1. Compare trial 3 with trial 4

Compare the values in trial 3 to those in trial 4. Notice that and remain constant whereas is

doubled. What happens to the rate in the transition from trial 3 to trial 4? ANSWER: There is no change. It doubles. It triples. It quadruples.

Hint 2. How to set up the math

The reaction rate can be determined from the following equation:


is the order with respect to

For trial 3 this equation is

2.4!10"4 and for trial 4 this equation is 2.4!10"4 Dividing the equation for trial 4 by that for trial 3 gives

which simplifies to

Now, solve for .


The rate didn't change when was doubled. This indicates an order of 0 with respect to .

Part C
What is the reaction order with respect to Express your answer as an integer. ?

Hint 1. Compare trial 1 with trial 2

Compare the values in trial 1 to those in trial 2. Notice that and remain constant whereas is

tripled. What happens to the rate in the transition from trial 1 to trial 2? ANSWER: There is no change. It doubles. It triples. It quadruples.

Hint 2. How to set up the math

The reaction rate can be determined from the following equation:


is the order with respect to

For trial 1 this equation is 6!10"5 and for trial 2 this equation is 1.8!10"4 Dividing the equation for trial 2 by that for trial 1 gives

which simplifies to

Now, solve for .


The rate tripled when was tripled. This indicates an order of 1 with respect to because .

Part D
What is the value of the rate constant for this reaction?

Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units. Indicate the multiplication of units explicitly either with a multiplication dot or a dash.

Hint 1. How to approach the problem

Based on your previous answers, and solve for . . Now, plug in numbers from any one of the trials

ANSWER: 7.50!10"3

All attempts used; correct answer displayed

Question 4
A reaction obeys the following rate law: .

Part A
If is doubled, how will the rate change?

ANSWER: The rate of the reaction would be halved. The rate of the reaction would be multiplied by 4. The rate of the reaction would be doubled. The rate would remain the same.


Part B
Will the rate constant change? ANSWER: Yes No


Part C
What is the reaction order for ?

Express your answer as an integer. ANSWER: 0


Part D
What is the reaction order for ?

Express your answer as an integer. ANSWER: 2


Part E
What is the overall reaction order? Express your answer as an integer. ANSWER: 2


Part F
What are the units of the rate constant? ANSWER:


Question 5
Consider the following reaction: The rate law for this reaction is first order in is 0.050 , the reaction rate at 298 and first order in is 0.0432 . . When is and

Part A
What is the value of the rate constant? Express your answer using two significant figures. ANSWER: = 170


Part B
What are the units of the rate constant? ANSWER:


Part C
What would happen to the rate if the concentration of ANSWER: The rate would be multiplied by 27. The rate would be multiplied by 9. The rate would be tripled. The rate would remain the same. were tripled?


Part D
What would happen to the rate if the concentration of both reactants were tripled? ANSWER: The rate would be tripled. The rate would be multiplied by 9. The rate would be multiplied by 27. The rate would remain the same.


Question 6
Consider the gas-phase reaction between nitric oxide and bromine at 273 . The following data for the initial rate of appearance of Experiment 1 2 3 4 0.10 0.25 0.10 0.35 0.20 0.20 0.50 0.50 were obtained: Initial Rate of Appearance of 24 150 60 735

Part A
Determine the rate law. ANSWER:


Part B
Calculate the average value of the rate constant for the appearance of Express your answer using two significant figures. ANSWER: = 1.2!104 from the four data sets.


Part C
How is the rate of appearance of ANSWER: the rate of appearance of the rate of disappearance of the rate of disappearance of is half the rate of disappearance of is half the rate of appearance of is equal to the rate of appearance of related to the rate of disappearance of ?


Part D
What is the rate of disappearance of when 6.7!10"2 and 0.29 ?

Express your answer using two significant figures. ANSWER: = 7.8

Answer Requested

Question 7
Some watch dials are coated with a phosphor, like replaced by , and a polymer in which some of the atoms have been atoms, tritium. The phosphor emits light when struck by the beta particle from the tritium decay,

causing the dials to glow in the dark. The half-life of tritium is 12.3 yr.

Part A
If the light given off is assumed to be directly proportional to the amount of tritium, by how many percents will a dial be dimmed in a watch that is 45 years old? Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units. ANSWER: 92

Answer Requested

Question 8
Part A
How much time is required for a 5.35 ANSWER: = 76.2 days sample of to decay to 0.800 if it has a half-life of 27.8 days?


Question 9
Learning Goal: To learn how graphs can be used to answer kinetics questions. A student collected time ( ) and concentration ( ) data at 295 for the reaction . These time and versus ,

concentration data are shown in the table to the right. The student then plotted graphs of versus , and versus .

( ) 0.00 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0

) 0.693 0.944 1.19 1.44 1.69 2.00 2.57 3.30 4.24 5.43

0.500 0.389 0.303 0.236 0.184

Part A
What is the order of this reaction?

Hint 1. How to approach the problem

Recall that the equation for a straight line takes the form y intercept. Also consider the following integrated rate law equations: Order 0 1 2 Integrated rate law Straight line graph vs. vs. vs. , where is the slope and is the

If the reaction is zeroth order, a graph of graph of versus


will be a straight line. If the reaction is first order, a versus

will be a straight line. If the reaction is second order, a graph of

will be a straight line.

Hint 2. Which graph shows a straight line?

Look at each graph shown in the introduction. Which one shows a straight line? ANSWER: versus versus versus

What does a straight line imply about the order of the reaction?

ANSWER: 0 1 2

Now that we know that the reaction is first order, we know that the units of the rate constant will be inverse seconds, .

Part B
What is the value of the rate constant for this reaction? Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units.

Hint 1. Determine how to approach the problem

There are two possible ways to solve this problem.Which of the following is not a valid way to approach this problem?

Hint 1. Equation for a line

Notice that the integrated rate law

resembles the equation for a straight line


is the slope and ,

is the y intercept. That means that , and corresponds to .

corresponds to ,

corresponds to

corresponds to

ANSWER: Plug values into the first-order integrated rate law and solve for . Determine the y intercept of the graph of Determine the slope of the graph of vs. , then change the sign. vs. , then change the sign.

The two valid methods for solving this problem are: Plug values into the first-order integrated rate law and solve for . Determine the slope of the graph of vs. , then change the sign. The remaining hints will address the latter method.

Hint 2. How to find the slope of a line

The slope of a line is defined as "rise over run" by

Hint 3. Identify the graph components

Which components in the graph of values? Drag each item to the appropriate bin. versus correspond to slope, y intercept, x values, and y

Hint 1. Equation for a line

Notice that the integrated rate law

resembles the equation for a straight line


is the slope and ,

is the y intercept. That means that , and

corresponds to ,

corresponds to

corresponds to

corresponds to ..


Answer Requested

ANSWER: = 1.25!10"2

Answer Requested

Next, the student ran the same reaction at a different temperature and measured a different reaction rate, with the following results: ( ) ( )

295 325

0.0125 0.0357

Part C
What is the activation energy of this reaction? Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units.

Hint 1. How to approach the problem

The Arrhenius equation relates the rate constant to temperature as follows:


is the activation energy,

is the gas constant, and

is a constant

called the frequency factor. Notice that this equation also resembles the equation for a straight line, . So, by plotting the

appropriate values, you can use what you know about a straight line to find the activation energy.

Hint 2. Determine what to plot

What relationship will give you points that will plot to a straight line? ANSWER: Plot Plot Plot Plot Plot vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. to give a slope of . . . . .

to give a slope of to give a slope of to give a slope of to give a slope of


Hint 3. Extend the data table

To plot on the y axis and on the x axis, you will need to fill in the rest of the following table:

( ? ?

) ? ?

295 325

0.0125 0.0357

Hint 4. Determine the slope

What is the slope of a plot of versus ?

Express your answer as an integer and include the appropriate units.

Hint 1. How to find the slope of a line

The slope of a line is defined as "rise over run" by the following equation:

Hint 2. Determine the rise

What is the value of the "rise"? Express your answer numerically using five significant figures. ANSWER: = 1.0494

Hint 3. Determine the run

What is the value of the "run"? Express your answer numerically using five significant figures. ANSWER: = -0.00031291

ANSWER: slope = -3354

Hint 5. Putting it all together

We know that the slope is equal to . Solve for Recall that . . 3354 . We also know that slope is equal to . So,

is the constant equal to 8.314


= 27.9

Answer Requested
It is important to realize that the integrated rate law, in the integrated rate law is not the same as in the Arrhenius equation. In is a refers to the concentration of reactant. In the Arrhenius equation,

constant called the frequency factor.

Question 10
The integrated rate laws for zero-, first-, and second-order reaction may be arranged such that they resemble the equation for a straight line, . Order 0 1 2 Integrated Rate Law Graph Slope

Part A
The reactant concentration in a zero-order reaction was 0.100 is the rate constant for this reaction? Express your answer with the appropriate units. after 190 and 2.00!10"2 after 355 . What

Hint 1. How to approach the problem

The graph of concentration versus time yields a straight line with a slope of . Therefore if you treat the given values as point coordinates, you can calculate the slope of the line formed by connecting those points.

Hint 2. Calculate the rise

Slope is equal to "rise over run." What is the value for the rise? Express your answer with the appropriate units.

Hint 1. Formula for the rise

The "rise" is the difference between two points on the y axis. Since for a zero-order reaction the y axis is concentration, simply subtract the two values:

ANSWER: "8.00!10"2


Hint 3. Calculate the run

Slope is equal to "rise over run." What is the value for the run? Express your answer with the appropriate units.

Hint 1. Formula for the run

The "run" is the difference between two points on the x axis. Since for a zero-order reaction the x axis is time, simply subtract the two values:



ANSWER: = 4.85!10"4


Part B
What was the initial reactant concentration for the reaction described in Part A? Express your answer with the appropriate units.

Hint 1. How to approach the problem

Use the integrated rate law for zero-order reactions to solve for Part A, and your answer to Part A was the value of . . Values for and are given in

ANSWER: = 0.192


Part C
The reactant concentration in a first-order reaction was 7.00!10"2 What is the rate constant for this reaction? Express your answer with the appropriate units. after 40.0 and 8.60!10"3 after 100 .

Hint 1. Make a data table

Set up a data table as follows and fill in the missing values. ] ( ) ? ( ) 40.0 100

7.00!10"2 8.60!10"3

For example, what value goes in the cell marked with a question mark?

ANSWER: -2.66

Answer Requested

Hint 2. Calculate the rise

Slope is equal to "rise over run." What is the value for the rise?

Hint 1. Formula for the rise

The "rise" is the difference between two points on the y axis. Since the y axis for a first-order reaction is , simply subtract the two values:

ANSWER: -2.10


Hint 3. Calculate the run

Slope is equal to "rise over run." What is the value for the run? Express your answer with the appropriate units.

Hint 1. Formula for the run

The "run" is the difference between two points on the x axis. Since the x axis for a first-order reaction is time, simply subtract the two values:




ANSWER: = 3.49!10"2

Answer Requested

Part D
The reactant concentration in a second-order reaction was 0.870 What is the rate constant for this reaction? Express your answer with the appropriate units. after 170 and 2.30!10"2 after 880 .

Hint 1. Make a data table

Set up a data table as follows and fill in the missing values.

( ?

( ) 170 880

0.870 2.30!10"2

For example, what value goes in the cell marked with a question mark? ANSWER: 1.15

Hint 2. Calculate the rise

Slope is equal to "rise over run." What is the value for the rise?

Hint 1. Formula for the rise

The "rise" is the difference between two points on the y axis. Since for a second-order reaction the y axis is , simply subtract the two values:

ANSWER: 42.3

Hint 3. Calculate the run

Slope is equal to "rise over run." What is the value for the run? Express your answer with the appropriate units.

Hint 1. Formula for the run

The "run" is the difference between two points on the x axis. Since for a second-order reaction the x axis is time, simply subtract the two values:


ANSWER: = 5.96!10"2

Answer Requested

Question 11
Part A

Based on their activation energies and energy changes and assuming that all collision factors are the same, which of the following reactions would be fastest? ANSWER: = 41 = 32 = 50 , , , = -27 = -11 = 13 . . .


Part B
Which of the following reactions would be slowest? ANSWER: = 41 = 50 = 32 , , , = -27 = 13 = -11 . . .


Question 12
The rate of the reaction was measured at several temperatures, and the following data were collected: Temperature 15 25 35 45 0.0521 0.101 0.184 0.332

Part A
Using these data, graph ANSWER: versus .

Answer Requested

Part B
Calculate the value of ANSWER: = 47.5 by using your graph.


Question 13
What is the molecularity of each of the following elementary reactions?

Part A

ANSWER: unimolecular bimolecular termolecular


Part B

ANSWER: unimolecular bimolecular termolecular


Part C

ANSWER: unimolecular bimolecular termolecular


Part D
Write the rate law for the reaction in part A? ANSWER:


Part E
Write the rate law for the reaction in part B? ANSWER:


Part F
Write the rate law for the reaction in part C? ANSWER:


Question 14
Part A
Based on the reaction profile, how many intermediates are formed in the reaction ?



Part B
How many transition states are there? ANSWER: 3


Part C
Which step is the fastest? ANSWER:


Part D
Is the reaction ANSWER: exothermic endothermic exothermic or endothermic?


Question 15
The activation energy of an uncatalyzed reaction is 94 energy to 55 . . The addition of a catalyst lowers the activation

Part A
Assuming that the collision factor remains the same, by what factor will the catalyst increase the rate of the reaction at 25 ? Express your answer using two significant figures. ANSWER: = 6.9!106


Part B
Assuming that the collision factor remains the same, by what factor will the catalyst increase the rate of the reaction at 140 ? Express your answer using two significant figures. ANSWER: = 8.6!104


Score Summary:
Your score on this assignment is 75.9%. You received 11.39 out of a possible total of 15 points.

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