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States of Mater Investigation .

Name: ________________________
Using the simulator, change the Atoms & Molecules to Water.
In the Teacher options, select Celsius.
Change the Change State to solid.
Draw a diagram of the different states of matter that the water appears in and answer the
following questions.
What temperature does this state appear in?
Where does this state appear in the water cycle?
Where can you find this state of water on the
Earths atmosphere or out in space?
What is the state of the molecules in this state?

Draw a diagram of the simulator showing the

movement of the molecules.

Change the Change State to Liquid and make note of the temperature it is set at.
Change the Change State back to Solid.
Heat up the solid water, watching the change in the molecule movement until it reaches
the temperature that Liquid appears at.
Draw a diagram of the different states of matter that the water appears in and answer the
following questions.
Where does this state appear in the water cycle?
What temperature does this state appear in?

Draw a diagram of the simulator showing the

movement of the molecules.


Does the movement of the molecules affect the

state the water is in?
Where can you find this state of water on the
Earths atmosphere or out in space?

Change the Change State to Gas and make note of the temperature it is set at.
Change the Change State back to Liquid.
Heat up the Liquid water, watching the change in the molecule movement until it reaches
the temperature that Gas appears at.
Draw a diagram of the different states of matter that the water appears in and answer the
following questions.

Where does this state occur in the water cycle?
What temperature does this state appear in?
Where can you find this state of water on the
Earths atmosphere or out in space?
How does the movement of the molecules affect
the state the water is in?

Draw a diagram of the simulator showing the

movement of the molecules.

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