HTML 4 & HTML 5 Markup Hands-On Presentation Agenda Cristi Salcescu v3.1

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HTML 4 & HTML 5 Markup Hands-on presentation Agenda Cristi Salcescu v3.

HTML 4 structura de baza a unui doc html : html, head, body head : title, style, link, script h1,h2,...h6 p spatierea : space, tabs, new lines, &nbsp; attributes that can be used on any HTML element: o id o class o style o title image : src, alt o is an inline-block liste : ul, ol, dl o li : is a block element o dl : dt,dd linkuri : a o href o bookmark form o input:text o input:password o select o input:checkbox o input:radio o textarea : rows, cols o label : for o input:submit vs button o input:reset o input:image o button : type[submit, button,reset] o form: action, method o get vs post, id vs name o input:hidden o input:file table: tr, td, th, thead, tbody, tfoot div span iframe default actions comment o <!-- -- >

HTML 5 !doctype html header footer nav section, article aside nav input o date o datetime o time o email o tel o url o number o range : min,max,step,value o search form attributes : o autocomplete : on/off o autofocus o list o pattern o placeholder o required datalist

Resources: Pluralsight - HTML Fundamentals Lynda - HTML Essential Training 2012 Lynda - HTML5 Structure Syntax and Semantics

Util URLs cristi_salcescu / training

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