Mobile Application Testing Checklist - I Phone and Android Applications

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MOBILE APPLICATION TESTING CHECKLIST -- I Phone and Android applications 1.) Testing mobile applications through i) Devices.

ii) I phone -- Simulator iii) Android -- Emulator 2.) Installation & Uninstallation Testing 3.) Few Security things if the application is a social networking application or links to a social networking applications like facebook, twitter and LinkedIn etc... 4.) Inner functionality -- Functional testing 5.) System Crash / Force Close Performance & Stress Testing 6.) -- Cosmetic issues(look and feel) 7.) Page scrolling 8.) Navigation to screens 9.) Truncation errors 10.) Data testing ( Contents) 11.) Performance -- application and inner pages load time 12.) Network Testing: (if the appl is a Network based appl) 1.) Verify the behavior of application when there is Network problem and user is performing operations for data call. 2.) User should get proper error message like Network error. Please try after some time 13.) Application Specific Testing (ie Application behavior Testing based on the Mobile Device used)/ Some Device specific Testing for the Application 14.) Application Side Effects: 1.) Make sure that your application is not causing other applications of device to hamper. 2.) Installed application should not cause other applications of device to hamper. Some more common checklist for both android and Iphone, that needed to be tested in all apps. 1.) System Crash / Force Close 2.) Performance/memory testing 3.) Check with different networks -- WiFi and 3G,4G .also field and flight based(if needed). 4.) Check Installation -- Install the application being tested. 5.) Check Application start/stop behavior -- Start the application by selecting the icon or following the steps outlined in the submission statement 6.)Check if No disruption to voice calls -- With the application installed and running use a second phone to call the test device. 7.)Check if No disruption to text messages -- With the application installed and running, send a text message to the test device. 8.) Check for Auto-start behavior -- With the application running, find the settings for the application either within the application itself or from the settings option on the device. 9.) Check for Multitasking -- No disruption to key device applications 10.) Check for navigations, tabs,page scrolling etc..

11.) Check for social networking options such as sharing ,posting and links etc.. 12.) Memory testing -- check the memory by filling and emptying it ,then compare the application with it. 13.) Check if any payment gateway occurs like paypal,chargify etc... 14.) Check uninstall of apps -- The application must be uninstalled without error. Also hav a look @ this: --> Perform multitasking or multiprocessing in mobile application and compare the performance b4 and after this process. $ Fill the memory and test whether the application s performing well or not.In some cases if the memory is full then the application works slowly and zero performance exists. $ Test the load time in application inner and outer areas.., means that interior page loading time (articles,images). $ Test the page navigations simultaneously. $Test in different devices for the best performance. - IPhone -- Check for 2g,3g and 4g $ Test whether Forceclose/sytem crash occurs during the page loading and navigations.In these the application faces lot of Force closes and performance becomes null. $ Test simultaneously the menus present in the same page and check the performance. $ Perform negative test cases for best performance of application ....via both functionality and design

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