Lion Reporting: Lions by Devanandh Murugesan

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Lions by Devanandh Murugesan

Lion Reporting

Lions are the second biggest cat in the world whos roar can be heard from eight miles away (which is 5 miles.) Lions are orange to bright. The male have a heavy mane around their head and neck. The mane varies from light tan to dark brown or black. It often said The bigger the mane the stronger it is. The mane often protects the lions neck in combat also makes the lion look bigger to scare off its opponent. There are 6 types lions: the African lion, Asiatic lion, American lion, mountain lion, cave lion and white lion. Lions are mainly split into groups by zoologists(for example: Vertebrates and invertebrates) As they have large carnivore jaws they feast on meat. They eat on anything whether its large or small. It can swallow 66 Ibs of food every time. It can go on for several days on 1 kill. Lion spend up to 15 years in the wild extraordinarily most of them prefer to live in open plains or in woodlands. They mostly inhabit Africa and south west India. Some lions are closely bonded and form herds. At the beginning of a new herd the mother finds a lair away from predators and close to water. The leader of a herd is a 1 4 adult male lions. Every 2 years the mother is pregnant for only 1 baby. A mother can produce up to 5 lions in her life span. When the babies are 2 years old they are driven out but some girls can stay. However the males are driven out by the dad who can sometimes eat them. There was once a lion which was the biggest cat ever but sadly in the ice age 10,000 years ago is became totally extinct. Modern wild life expert recon lion arent classified as endangered. But one , the Asiatic lion, its population rapidly falls every day due to the modern world. Because of the Habitat Destruction such as the rainforest, introduction of exotic species, disease, water pollution and global warming they die of these harsh actions.

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