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1.Which relative pronoun(s) can complete each sentence?

Who,Whom,Which,That, 0- omit the pronoun,

My friend told me about a student. has taken the TOEFL test twelve times! The professor..I talked to didn't know the answer to my question. I am looking for a college program. offers a lot of computer courses Some of the courses. I took last semester have been very useful. My friend is in my Networks class studies with me in the afternoon. Computer Information Systems is a field of study will guarantee a good job after graduation. The class. I didn't do well in was Programming with PHP. The courses are taught in the evening are mostly graphic arts classes. You should always study the subjects. you really like. A person has a positive outlook will do well in life.

2.For each gap, choose the word that best completes the text: 0(zero), about, around, at, for, in, of, to, with As a rule, Italians are very conscious.. their dress and have a great sense style. Casual dress is fine most occasions, but a suit and tie are recommended.. business meetings. . summer, locals will not be seen wearing shorts the city. When visiting the Vatican or any major cathedral, men should wear long pants and women skirts or long pants. Sleeveless shirts and shorts are not permitted.. churches and the Vatican, including. the Vatican museums. Tipping is not mandatory.. times a service charge (servizio) is included.. your restaurant bill. This should not be confused.. the cover charge (coperta), which is a charge. bread and table settings. If the service charge is included and you are pleased.. the service, it's customary to leave an additional 5%; if the service charge is not included, leave a 10% tip. .. the porter and cleaning lady of the hotel you should give 10,000 lire, .. room service. 5,000 lire. Tipping

taxis is not obligatory either, but 1,000 to 2,000 lire is usually given the driver.

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