All You Wanted To Know About The Planets

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All You Wanted to know About The Planets

1. Aries (Mesha) : A ram, resides in forests among other four legged animals like sheep, goat, grassy meadows, canals, lakes etc. Areas abundant with precious stones and minerals, which includes their mines, snake holes. 2. Taurus (Vrishabh) : A bull, farmlands, cow sheds, forests but in the present contexr also the towns, cities, beautiful places and locations where business is transacted. 3. Gemini (Mithuna) : A man and woman holding a trumpet and a harp, also considered as holding a mace and a violin, towns and cities, parks, gambling dens, places of worship, pleasure houses, music and ballet room, couch and lounge (bed room). 4. Cancer (Karka) rivers. : Crab, resides in water and forests, places near water, ponds,

5. Leo (Simha) : A lion or other wild animals, lives in mountains, caves and forests, places inhabited by hunters, places where rishis live. 6. Virgo (Kanya) : A woman holding a corn and a lamp, resides near water in pasture lands, or having water and food crops, pleasure rooms, near a shop, temple. 7. Libra (Tula) : A man holding a weighing balance in his hand, signifies place of business, markets, bazaars valuables or articles of trade, a shop. 8. Scorpio (Vrishchik): A Scorpio, living in a hole, cavity, crevice, burrow, anthills, rocky areas, habitat of poisonous insects which is partly watery, ponds. 9. Sagittarius (Dhanu) : Body of a horse and face of a human, holding bow and arrow, habitat of horses and elephants, kings abode, a battle field, a fort, brave and accomplished. In the present context expert in firearms, rest houses, military cantonments. 10. Capricorn (Makar): Mouth of a deer, shoulders of a bull and eyes of an elephant, resides in forests, rivers, areas full of water, places inhabited by potters, home if tribals. 11. Aquarius (Kumbh): A man holsing a water pot, or a pot containing pickles, habitation in water, gambling dens, art gallery. 12. Pisces (Meena) : Two fishes, the head of each close to the tail of other, deep caves, resides in water, temples and pilgrimages.

Mode of rising mode of rising

signs of the zodiac

Shirshodaya (rising with the head) Prishtodaya (rising with the hand) Ubhayodaya (rising with both) Benefic of malefic As per general parashari rule All odd signs are malefic All even signs are benefic

3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 1, 2, , 9, 10 12

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

Another viewpoint is that signs having lordship of benefic planets are benefic and those having lordship of malefic planets are malefic. Hence based on lordship. Malefic signs having malefic lordship Benefic signs having benefic lordship Strength All odd signs are considered strong during day all even signs are considered strong during night. However, the following classification of strength of signs during day and night is more acceptable. Signs powerful during night (Ratribali) : 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10 Signs powerful during day (divabali) : 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 Ratribali signs are governed by Moon and divabali signs are governed by Sun.
Lunar or Solar Solar signs are 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 whereas lunar signs are 4, 3, 2, 1, 12 and 11. There is another viewpoint to consider diurnal signs as solar and nocturnal signs as lunar signs which are as follows. Lunar Signs Solar Signs Male or Female Male Signs are all odd signs Female Signs are all even signs Element of Signs 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12

1, 5, 8, 10, 11 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12

Fiery Earthy Airy Watery

Aries, Leo Sagittarius Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

(1, 5, 9) (2, 6, 10) (3, 7, 11) (4, 8, 12)

Nature of Mobility Movable Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn (1, 4, 7, 10) Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius (2, 5, 8, 11) Fixed Dual Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces (3, 6, 9, 12) Movable signs indicate mobility or change of status whereas fixed signs indicate status quo or no change. Dual signs fall in between the two and in the context of prashna the rising degrees determine its tilt towards moveable or fixed. A dual sign rising with 0 to 15 degress is closer to a fixed sign and gives results accordingly. On the other hand dusl sign rising with 15 to 30 degrees is closer to a moveable sign and gives the results of a moveable sign.
Directions Directions are determined from the sign in the rising Lagna. East Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (1, 5, 9) South Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn (2, 6, 10) West Gemini, Libra, Aquarius (3, 7, 11) North Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (4, 8, 12)

For the purpose of Arudha Lagna however the direction are allotted in accordance with the direction from which the querist approaches the astrologer. Aries and Taurus represent East, Gemini South-East, Cancer and Leo South, Virgo South-West, Libra and Scorpio West, Sagittarius NorthWest, Capricorn and Aquarius North and Pisces North-East.
Caste Kshatriya Vaishya Shudra Brahmin Radiance or grow Shining Lusterless Qualities or Gunas Sattwik Rajasik 1, 5, 9 2, 6, 10 3, 7, 11 4, 8, 12

3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10

4, 5, 9, 12 (Signs owned by Sun, Moon and Jupiter) 2, 7, 3, 6 (Signs owned by Venus and Mercury)

Tamasik Appearance Rough appearance Smooth appearance Based on feet Biped (two Feet) Quadruped (four Feet) Reptiles (many Feet)

1, 8, 10, 11 (Signs owned by Mars and Saturn)

1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12

3, 6, 7, first half of 9, 11 (strong in Lagna i.e. when any of these signs are in Lagna). 1, 2, 5, second half of 9, first half of 10 (strong in 10H ie. When any of these signs are in 10H) 4, second half of 10, 12 (strong in 4H i.e. when any of these signs are in 4H) 8(Strong in 7H i.e. when in 7H) Another viewpoint is to consider Scorpio and Pisces as keeta rashis or land reptiles whereas Cancer and second half of Capricorn as watery (jalchara) reptiles. 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 2, 3, 11 4, 8, 12

Affinity with women Scare affinity Medium affinity Excess affinity

Nature Imperious and authoritative 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 Philosophic and philanthropic 4, 5, 9, 12 Assertive and energetic 8 Lazy and indolent 10,11

Signs based on aspects or looks Urdhvamukh (upward looking) Sign left behind by Sun and its trines Adhomukh (downward looking) Sign occupies by Sun and its trines Tiryankmukh (sideways looking) Sign to be occupied by Sun and its trines Agramukh (forward looking) Sign third from Sun and its trines. Ascension Short ascension Medium ascension Long ascension

1, 6, 7, 2 2, 5, 8, 11 3, 4, 9, 10

The duration of rising Lagna varies with sign, latitude and the hemisphere. The duration given above is at equator which varies with increase in latitude. Foe each place the

duration of rising of a sign called oblique ascension must be done in mind.

Colours Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Constitution Dhatu Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn Colour Red White Green Pink Off White Variegated Sign Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Colour Black Saffron Golden Various colours Dark Brown White

Mula Taurus Leo Scorpio Aquarius

Jeeva Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces

Dhatu, Mula and Jeeva based on rising sign and navamsha Sign in Lagna Navamsha Indicates Odd 1, 4, 7 Dhatu 2, 5, 8 Mula 3, 6, 9 Jeeva Even 1, 4, 7 Jeeva 2, 5, 8 Mula 3, 6, 9 Dhatu The above mentioned scheme is generally acceptable. As per Krishnacharya however, the categorization is: Odd 1, 6, 8 2, 4, 9 3, 5, 7 1, 6, 8 2, 4, 9 3, 5, 7 Dhatu Mula Jeeva Jeeva Dhatu Mula


This difference of opinion may hold the key to the failure of this technique in mook prashna and hence it requires further testing. A combination of any two indicates the type of article depending upon the planet and sign in Lagna.

Planet indicates Dhatu

Dhatu Dhatu Mula Mula Mula Jeeva Jeeva Jeeva

Sign indicates Dhatu

Mula Jeeva Mula Jeeva Dhatu Jeeva Dhatu Mula

Combined indication Metal

Tree, plants Animals made of metals Root Fruits, crops, roots Burnt vegetation Livings beings Wastes or excretion of animals Seeds

Natural benefics and malefics Natural benefic planets : Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon Natural malefic planets : Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu Note: 1. Mercury is malefic if associated with malefic otherwise not. 2. Moon is benefic from ashtami of shukla paksha to saptami of Krishna paksha and malefic from ashtami of Krishna paksha to saptami of shukla paksa. 3. Sun is cruel or krura. Exaltation, Debilitation, Mooltrikona Planet Exaltation Deep Mooltrikona Debilitation Deep Sign exaltation sign debilitation Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Aries Taurus Capricorn Virgo Cancer Pisces Libra Aries 10 deg. Taurus 3 deg. Capri 28 deg. Virgo 15 deg. Cancer 5 deg. Pisces 27 deg Libra 20 deg. Leo 0-10 deg. Libra Taurus 4-10 deg. Scorpio Aries 0-10 deg. Cancer Virgo 16-20 deg. Pisces Sagit. 0-10 deg. Capricorn Libra 0-15 deg Virgo Aquarius 0-20deg. Aries Libra 10 deg. Scorpio 3 deg. Cancer 28 deg Pisces 15 deg. Capri. 5 deg. Virgo 27 deg. Aries 20 deg

There are controversies with regard to exaltation and debilitation signs of Rahu and Ketu. However, it is widely accepted that the exaltation sign of Mercury is the own sign of Rahu and own sign of Mercury is the exaltation of Rahu. Hence Gemini is the exaltation sign of Ketu and debilitation sign of Rahu. Virgo and Pisces are the own signs of Rahu and Ketu respectively. Rahu and Ketu give good results in saumya rashis or benefic signs which are the signs owned by Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. In this very context it is believed that the exaltation sign of Rahu is Taurus. This viewpoint too is acceptable and gives results accordingly. A debilitated planet gives unfavourable results pertaining to its lordship as well as for the house where it is posited. Several combinations of cancellation of debilitation called

neech bhang raj yogas have been given which are summarized as below. It must by understood that such a cancellation gives results for the house whose lordship the said planet carries.

1. When lord of debilitation sign is in Kendra from Moon. 2. When debilitated planets exaltation sign lord is in Kendra from Lagna and Moon. 3. When debilitated planet is posited in Kendra from Lagna or Moon. 4. when debilitated planets sign dispositor, which is its debilitation sign lord, influences that planet by position or aspect. 5. when debilitated planets debilitation sign lord and exaltation sign lord are in mutual aspect or kendras. 6. The planet which gets exalted in the debilitated planets sign is posited in a Kendra from Lagna or Moon. These principles of cancellations though important for natal horoscopes are rarely used in prashna charts though they must be tried and tested to reach at a definite conslucion. Similarly there are different viewpoints with regard to the cancellation of exaltation also. As per Sarvarth chintamani when an exalted planet is retrograde it gives the result of a debilitated planet whereas a retrograde debilitated planet gives the results of an exalted planet. In prashna however there is an entirely different method of analyzing retrograde planets, based on my observations. It has been enumerated in the chapter on General Principles of Prashna However, this in an interesting area of research. Sex Females Moon, Venus and Rahu Males Sun, Mars and Jupiter Eunuchs Mercury, Saturn and Ketu Human Jupiter and Venus Note: Eunuchs must be considered to give neutral results. Whenever mixed results are obtained, the majority influence decides the sex of the thief, progeny etc. Mobility Movable Fixed Dual

Moon, Mars, Venus and Rahu Sun, Jupiter and Saturn Mercury

Trees Strong and tall trees Sun Trees which ooze liquids e.g. resin Moon Shrubs, rough and thorny Mars Creepers Moon and Venus Trees which bear fruits, eatables Jupiter Trees which bear no fruit Mercury Trees giving beautiful flowers Venus Thorny or other useless trees Saturn Bushes, clump of old dead treesRahu and Ketu Planetary Avasthas Name of avastha 1. Deepta avastha 2. Swastha avastha 3. Mudita 4. Shaant avastha 5. Shakta avastha combust 6. Peedit avastha 7. Deen avastha 8. Khala avastha 9. Vikala avastha 10. Bheet avastha

Planetary position Planet in its sign of exaltation Planet in its own house Planet in a friends house Planet posited in the vargas of benefic planets. When the planet is bright, heliacally rising and not When the planet is combust Planet in its sign of debilitation Planet defeated in a planetary war When posited with malefic planets When the planet is heliacally set.

Planetary avasthas are classified in different ways by several learned scholars. In the generally accepted ten avasthas, enumerated above, a planet in retrogression does not find a place. Particularly in prashna analysis, in my view, a retrograde planet specifically gives repetition, cancellation or failure depending upon the overall influences. This is explained in chapter on General Principles of Prashana. Heliacally setting or rising of planets as mentioned in shakta and bheet avasthas needs to be understood. During the journey of a planet around the Sun, as viewed from Earths a planet is not visible to the naked eye when it is too close to the Sun. A planet in such a situation is called heliacally set. On the other hand when it becomes visible on moving away from the Sun, it is termed as heliacally rising.

COLOURS Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury CASTE Brahmin Kshatriya Vaishya Shudra Outcaste or malechha

Colour Dark Red White Light Red Green

Planet Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu, Ketu

Colour Golden Blue Black Variegated, Black

Jupiter and Venus Sun and Mars Moon Mercury Saturn

Strength during day or night Strong during day (divabali) Sun, Jupiter and Venus Strong during night (ratribali) Moon, Mars and Saturn Planet always strong (sarvabali) Mercury These planets in Lagna or aspecting Lagna indicates the time of the event as they are considered strong. Mercury and Jupiter Morning Sun and Mars Noon Venus and Moon Afternoon Saturn and Rahu Evening Strength during Paksha Malefics are strong during dark half or Krishna paksha Benefics are strong during bright half or Krishna paksha. Strength in different ayaans Benefics are strong during Uttarayana Malefics are strong during Dakshinayana Directional Strength In Ascendent Jupiter and Mercury In 4H Moon and Venus In 7H Saturn In 10H Sun and Mars

Strength of Planets other considerations Lord of the Year

Lord of chaitra shukla pratipada, the first day of the Hindu year has special status for the whole of that year and is strong for full one year. Lord of the month Similarly lord of the pratipada of each month in shukladi system gains importance and strength for the full month. Lord of the week day The lord of each weeday is strong during the concerned week day. Lord of hora In Prashna, hora lord assumes great importance and is explained in detail in the chapter on miscellaneous techniques of prashna.

Shapes signified by planets Moon Round and Fat Venus Lean but beautiful Sun and Mars Square Jupiter and Mercury Round Saturn and Rahu Long Tattwa Planets Sun Moon Mars Mercury

Tattwa Fiery (agni) Watery (jal) Fiery (agni) Earthy (prithvi)

Planet Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu

Tattwa Ethereal (akash) Watery (jal) Airy (vayu) Airy (vayu)

Tastes Signified by Planets Planets Taste Sun, Mars Bitter Moon Salty
Mercury Astringent

Planet Jupiter Venus

Taste Sweet Sour

Saturn, Rahu Pungent

Planets signifying vaat, pitta and kapha Planets which influence Lagna, Lagna lord, 6H or 6L signify these three humours and the resultant diseases due to their imbalances: Planet Humour Diseases it signifies

Sun or Mars disorders


Fever, Diarrhea and dysentery, stomach High blood pressure, headaches. Cough and cold, pneumonia, Constipation, jaundice Gastric troubles, paralysis, rheumatism, joint pains, boils and ulcers Imbalances of these three humours gives diseases, neurotic disorders

Moon or Venus Kapha bronchitis, asthma, Saturn or Rahu body and Vaat

Mercury or Jupiter All three multiple Remedial measures Remedial measures for the imbalance of vaat pitta and kapha have been mentioned in our classical ayurvedic texts. Astrologically however, the remedies for propitiation of dosha causing planets include mantra, tnatra, ratna, aushadhi, daan, snan and upvaas. Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn black Rahu Ketu (urad, Grains Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Jewel Ruby Pearl Coral Emerald Topaz Diamond Blue Sapphire Gomedh Cats eys Offerings or daan Gold, brass, wheat, red clothes, gur Silver, rice, white clothes, sugar, curd Red cloth, wheat, gold, copper, masur Green gram (whole), green clothes Gold, yellow clothes, tamarind, gram Silver, rice, milk, mishri Iron, sarson oil, urad sabut (whole), til, buffalo, clothes, kulthi Blanket, til, oil, wheat, blue clothes Instrument, til, black clothes, coconut, seven grains Moongi, gehun, chana, jaun, tandul, kangni) Grains Hindi Equivalents Wheat Kanak, gehun Rice Chawal Pulses, Red Gram Dal, Arhar Green Gram Moong Bengal Gram Kabuli Chana Cow Gram Lobia Sesamum or black grains Til, Kale anaj

Rahu Ketu

Black gram Horse gram

Kala Chana Kulthi

Deities denoted by different planets Planet Sun Sun in 1st dreshkon of a dual sign Sun in 2nd dreshkon of a dual sign Moon Strong Moon weak Moon weak and/or in the signs of Mars

Diety Shiva Subramanyam Ganesha Durga Kali Chamunda Subrahmanya Bhairava Chamunda, Kali

Mars in Leo or Sagittarius (Sattwik odd signs) Mars in Aries, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius (other odd signs) Mars in any even sign

Mercury in moveable or dual signs Vishnu avatars* st nd Krishna Mercury in 1 or 2 dreshkon of fixed signs rd Vishnu Mercury in 3 dreshkon of fixed signs 1. Mercury also represents the God depending upon the planet with which it associates. The ten avataras of Vishnu are Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Balarama, Budha and Kalkin. Jupiter Vishnu

Venus Lakshmi Venus in sattwik signs and own houses Annapoorna Venus in rajasik signs and benefic houses Lakshmi Venus in tamasik signs and malefic houses Yakshi Venus in odd houses with male planets Ganesha Saturn Ayyappa* A God which is both Shiva & Vishnu Rahu Serpents Ketu Ganesha Gunas or qualities of Planets

Sun, Moon and Jupiter Philanthropic Mercury and Venus Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu Time Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Ages Sun Moon Mars Mercury




Rajasik Imperious Tamasik Mild and Lazy

Period Season One ayana or six months Summer (geishma) One muhurat (48 minutes) Rainy (varsha) Day and Night (ahoratri) Summer (grishma) Season or two months Autumn (hemanta) One month Winter (sharad) One paksha Spring ( vasanta) One year Winter (shishir) 8 Months 3 Months

50 years 70 years 16 years 20 years

Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu

30 years 7 years 100 years 100 years

Colour of clothes Sun Saffron Moon White Mars Red or Burnt out Mercury Green

Jupiter Venus White Saturn Rahu

Yellow Black, old, worn

Black or Variegated

Seasons signified by planets Sun and Mars Summer season Moon Rainy season Mercury Autumn season Venus Spring season Jupiter and Saturn Winter season
Directions allotted to planets Various directions allotted to planets are as follows: Planet Direction Planet


Sun Moon Mars Mercury Status Planet Sun, Moon Mars Mercury

East North-West South North

Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu or Ketu

North-East South-East West South-West

Status King Commander Heir to the throne

Planet Jupiter, Venus Saturn Rahu, Ketu

Status Ministers Servant Defence Personnel

Aspects of Planets All planets aspect the 7th house from where they are posited. In addition Jupiter, Mars and Saturn also have special aspects which can be summarized as follows: Planet Jupiter Mars Saturn All other planets Aspect 5, 7, 9 4, 7, 8 3, 7, 10 7th aspect

Aspects of planets on directions Planets also have the following types of aspect depending on the direction in which it aspects. Planets Aspect Place or direction of aspect Sun, Mars Urdhvadridhti Upward looks, roof, height Saturn, Rahu Adhodrishti Downward looks, underground, basement Mercury, Venus Tiryankdrishti Sideways looks, obliquedirection, corner of Wall Moon, Jupiter Samadrishti Even looks, floor, level with ground Or Agradhrishti Tajik aspects As per tajik system of astrology, which has a great bearing and value in prashna analysis, the aspects are as follows: Friendly aspects Openly friendly 5, 9 Secretly friendly 3, 11 Inimical aspects Openly inimical 1, 7 Secretly inimical 4, 10 Neutral aspects considered as no aspect 2, 2, 6, 8

Which aspects to use, Parashari or Tajik There has been a debate as to which aspects should be used in prashna, whether parashari or tajik. In the same context it is argued that before tajik principles were evolved, whether parashari knowledge was inadequate to analyze prashnas with excellence. This point must be understood clearly to avoid any confusion at the stage of analytical reasoning. Tajik aspects are an essential criteria for the formation of tajik yogas. Other than this fact tajik aspects should not be used. In prashna analysis parashari aspects only need be used and this emphasis has been duly illustrated in this book. Cause of Death Planets posited in the 8H show the cause of death. However, 22nd dreshkon, 64th navamsha or 85th dwadashamsha and their lords should also be considered. To know whether the death will be peacefully or unhappy, see the 7H from Mandi in the navamsha chart. If benefic is posited there than the death will be peaceful otherwise not. The influence of the following planets on the 8H indicate the cause of death, as follows: Planet Sun Moon disease Mars death Mercury medicine Cause of death Fire Drowning Weapons/Accident High fever Planet Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Cause of death Disease Thirst/sexual Hunger/Sudden Poisons/Faulty

Planetary Friendships Planetary friendships is of two types, natural and temporary. Natural friendship is gauged from a planets mooltrikon sign Lords of 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12 from a planets mooltrikon sign are its friends and others are enemies. When a planet is a friend considered from one lordship and enemy from the other, then it is termed as neutral. Temporary friendship and enmity is seen from the placement of planets. From any planet, those posited in 10, 11, 12, 2, 3, 4 are its friends and other enemies. A correlation between natural and temporal friendship gives us panchadha maitri which is not generally considered in prashna. Here we consider group friendship which is as follows:

Group I : Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Ketu Group II : Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu Planets within a group are friends and outside the group are enemies. Parts of Body Planets Body Parts Sun Bones Moon Blood Mars Marrow Mercury Skin Dhatu, mula or jeeva As per Krishacharya Dhatu or mineral Mula or root Jeeva or living

Planets Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu & Ketu

Body Parts Fat Semen Nerves and Muscles Bones and feet

Moon, Mars, Rahu and Saturn Sun and Venus Jupiter and Mercury

There are divergent views in this classification also Jupiter is Jeeva, Sun, Mars and Rahu represent dhatu, Saturn indicates mula. Some consider Sun and Saturn to indicate both dhatu and mula, Mercury as jeeva and Venus as mula. As per another viewpoint, Moon represents both dhatu and jeeva whereas Mercury and Venus indicate both jeeva and mula. However the accepted. Out of these planets, those which influence Lagna signify the particular category of dhatu, mula or jeeva. Dhatu All minerals and mental extracted from the earth are dhatus. These are broadly of two types. The first group includes gold, silver, jewel etc. whereas the second group has soil, stones, coal minerals. For the sake of convenience let us call them expensive and inexpensive group, although technically it is not so because certain minerals are even more expensive than silver and gold. They can also be classified as malleable or non malleable metals. Planets influencing Lagna In the navamsha of malefics In the navamsha of benefic Any of Moon, Mars, Saturn, Rahu Expensive group Gold, Silver, Jewels Inexpensive group Soil, stones, minerals.

Planet related with karyesh Sun Venus and Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Saturn Rahu

Type of dhatu Pearl Silver Brass, red stones, coral (moonga) Gold Gold studded with jewels Iron Bones including Ivory

Mula All vegetation is mula. They are also of two types. Vegetation which grows on land is called sthalaj mula and which grows in water is called jalaj mula. Planets influencing Lagna In the navamsha of watery Signs (4, 8, 10, 11, 12) In the navamsha of other Signs (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9) : Sun or Venus : Mula or growing in water jalaj mula : Mula growing on land sthalaj mula

Jeeva All livings beings are jeeva. They are further divided into dwipad or two legged, chatushpad or four legged, keeta or insects. This classification is also on the basis or origin. The genesis of andaj jeeva is from eggs, like birds. Keeta jeeva includes insects and pindaj jeeva are the other living beings not falling in the above two categories.
Planets influencing Lagna Jupiter or Venus Sun or Mars In the influence of malefics In the influence of benefics Mercury or Saturn In Watery signs In other signs Moon or Rahu In the influence of malefics In the influence of benefics Mercury or Jupiter Two legged dwipad Four legged chatushpad Wild animals Pet animals Birds Birds living near water Birds living on land Insects Poisonous insects Non Poisonous insects

Mrityu bhaga or fateful degrees pf planets

These fateful degrees of planets in different signs called mrityu bhaga are considered inauspicious: Sign Lagna Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Sun 20 9 12 6 8 24 16 17 22 2 3 23 Moon Mars Mer Jup. Ven 8 25 22 22 21 1 4 23 18 20 20 10 19 8 25 23 29 28 14 21 2 15 11 6 14 13 12 8 18 20 10 21 22 7 5 15 29 12 27 6 4 13 10 17 11 15 28 19 15 11 17 10 13 4 6 27 12 29 19 28 4 Sat. Rah Ket 10 14 8 Mandi 1 9 22 22 25 2 4 23 18 20 24 10

13 7 12 9 11 12 24 16 23 3 22 18 21 28 10 14 20 13 18 15 8

23 18 24 20 11 10 12 21 13 22 14 23 8 24 18 11 20 12 10 13 21 14 22

Pushkara bagha of planets Certain fateful degrees of planets give auspicious results in different signs. They are called pushkaramsha. Moon in the following degrees in different signs gives auspicious results. Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Longitude of Moon 21 14 18 8 19 9 Sign Longitude to Moon Libra 24 Scorpio 11 Sagittarius 23 Capricorn 14 Aquarius 19 Pisces 9

Other significations of Planet at a glance In addition to the significations explained above, there are various others which have benn tabulated under relevant columns of dhatu, mula, jeeva parts of body, place relationships, faculties, abstract, society and miscellaneous. SUN Body

Dhatu Mula Jeeva Relationship Copper Timber Cattle Fortress,forest Father


Place Bile, feverish or

Heart, bones

Brass, gold almond river Valuables chillies palatial Ornaments, grass Pearls, ruby orange Stones, red Coral, topaz

lion, wool,

Stomach, body, face

inflammatory complaints,

shores of temples,

deer soul goose

diseases of eye buildings and head, thinning apartments of hair, red eyes

Faculties Miscellaneous Vitalities, power or strength Anything auspicious, Courage, bitter taste, valour having thorns, Wickedness, mental, purity a year,wandering Awakening of knowledge the hills, circular Ambition, enthusiasm, forms,blood red,cloth Freedom from disease, capturing the foe,thick Short stature, anger that saffron, yagnas, Doesnt cool easily mountaineering



Heat, worship of Shiva King, ruler favour of king, world of mortals, traveling dealing with affairs of or airspace physician officiating trees half over

Kingdom or Government priest at open conduct, strong noon, sattwik temper, atman or soul at sacrifice yarn,


Dhatu Mula Jeeva Body Dosha Place Relationship Silver Fruits Fish, other Mind, facial Phlegmatic Wells, tank Mother, self Pearls Sugarcane acquatic luster, face constitution facing, west

Diamond wheat species stomach world Crystals pulse,algae serpents oral, cavity Ruby barely horned Flowers animals Faculties

epilepsy, ulcer middle, acidity, malaria kitchen fever, ailments toilets of shoulders distilleries

Abstract Society Miscellaneous Intelligence, nature Diseases, laziness Brahmin monsoon, season, Happiness, impartial sleep, consumption woman going to fortrees Outlook, short stature whiteness, muhurat lover philgrimages, noon, Abilities, sense of worship of Parvati washer-man salt, tapasvi Humour, swiftness, favour, nourishment night, saline, eating Fondness for curd, pleasures, middle distant places, milk Beauty, fame, brown age, manaha or mind fountains,farming, good food And blue eyes, soft crockery Speech, delicacy



perfumes, liquids, waist band, strong going at to


Dhatu Mula Relationship Tin, ruby Tree Brothers Jewels cashew house, relatives Gold coffee Copper lotus Metals pepper Minerals



Dosha Loss of virility bile, heat

Place Land hall of the ruler,

Quadruped Blood snake, ram bone

jackal, cat marrow wounds, ailment tiger, vulture monkey carnivorous Animals

kitchen hide-outs underworld, butchery




Miscellaneous Valour, strength, anger Carrying weapons, ruling King,thief Archeologist,obstinate Charitable nature, sight over people, opposition minister fool, sound of trumpet, Fondness, steadfastness battle, foes, love of goldsmith, going to a foreign Shortness, fame, desire deep red objects, service commander country, supporter,fire Firmness of limbs, skill under ruler, obstacles of army, controversy, argument In archery, strength of youth, pungent taste, cooks day, sky, sword, spear Enemy, leanness, speech summer season, Brahma burnt place, abusing Cruelty, stamina earthen ware, eating NonVeg food, man, forest officer, village axe, chief, peculiar, clothes, scandals, spreading rumours, firearm, samavedha, summer. MERCURY Dhatu Mula Jeeva Body Dosha Relationship Ornaments betel Horses, Skin, neck Skin disease Maternal Compound leaves birds, navel, sex wind, bile & grand-father Place Treasury, fine places,

Substances grass, younger Plants co-borns With no Fruit library



phlegm (vaat, pitta and kapha in even ration

heavens, towers

of temples garden, Temples


Abstract Miscellaneous Knowledge, speech Education, sculpture writing, new clothes Lecturing, humility maths, astrology of places, grass Fear, devotion, self commerce, Vedanta colour, pilgrimages, Control, tendency to system, bad dreams looking cross Laugh well versed moisture, religious in morning, In puranas, scholar rites, renunciation, season, (beginning Witty language, dancing, evenness, bills, dust Beneficial nature, grammer Scholar, ratna parkhi

Society Infrantry eunuch, child, shudras tantrik clerks Script, construction green black magic, wise, strong hemanta of winter),


Precious Daughter, Stones, tree, Son, grandGold, black father, dear

Mula Jeeva Relationship Peepal Cows, Brain horses,

JUPITER Body Dosha Digestive, disorders wind complaints, phlegm, dropsy

Place Mansions strange peculiar


buffaloes fats

Topaz, gram, friend, Cats eye fruit elder brother Faculties

in the body


Abstract Miscellaneous Jurisprudence, large Religious and other deposits, treasury, Body, valour, fame duties, astrologers throne, honey, oil Logic, proficiency, physical health, elephants, Indra, Great eloquence, charity, drama, old philosophy, secondLong, intellect, age, yellow, colour winter, silky, paunch Knowledge of texts impartiality pilgrimage, idol of Gentle, sattwik penance, mantra Nature, reading of long poems. Others thoughts, Benefic

Society Brahmin teachers, traders Chariot, holy water, wealth of Vedanta half of place of Brahma

Dhatu Silver Wife Pearls husband Precious Stones, Ornaments, Diamond Mica.

Mula Jeeva Relationship Flowers Bipeds, Genitals cherry elephants urinary tract

VENUS Body Dosha Cough

Places Watery place theater, cinema hotels, dancing halls, houses of prostitutes, harem

cotton, horses creepers, peacock, juicy silk fruits

Faculties Miscelleaneous



Gentle, happiness from Income, acid, taste Women clothes, marriage, Sex life, short stature commands, cross vision, vaishyas umbrella, fortnight Fame, youth, firmness, strange poetry, music ruler, conveyance, saltish Pride, rajasik nature, luster, charming speech call girls yajurveda, dancing Beauty, enjoyment tenderness, kingdom, merchant middle age, Love of humour, welldecoration, marriage fortune,flute Built, profoundity festivities, respect proportioned limbs,eminence. walking, spring season, possessing many

Good white

taste, cosmetics, swimming, well

Trade, Women, inclined to sex, Musical instruments, Expert in Bharat natyam Veena. SATURN Body Dosha

Dhatu Precious Stones, Iron, Lead, Tin

Mula Jeeva Relationship Wood, Horses Skin, Disease Cousin, father black elephant tendon, (for those grains, buffalo bone, born during Inferior snake, nerves night) cereals goat, ass bird, dog

Place Dirty house, battle field, where labour class lives, garbage dilapidated, structure


Abstract Relationship Distrees, enmity, dirty Ill health, obstruction Income, maid servant Mind, disgust, charity standards, death, old persons with deformed Longevity, indignation age, happiness from, wind, roamingLong lasting, exertion woman, telling lies woods, strong at Cruelty, generosity servants, duties, end of the day, Fierce, severe, chained sins, friendship with from a low Wicked, destiny woman/adultery or a widow, dirty cloth,

Society Outcastes lords, eunuchs, shudras, Brahmin with tamasik qualities, Black smith Black limbs, in the born

colour, ashes, a Year, blanket, thefts. Dhatu Mula Relationship Gomedh bushes Maternal Iron, sesamum grand Emerald father snakes Insects hills, of wind and phlegm, boils and eruptions, catarrh pain, complaint tunnels, ant Jeeva RAHU Body Dosha Place Difficult places dense forests,

Serpents Bones Hidden reptiles, mosquito Bug, owl abdominal ulcer

malignant tumour grave yards acute duodenal world of

Faculties Abstract Society Miscellaneous Harsh speech, family Gambling, strong at malechha Sinful woman, looking downLogic, unclean, great sunset, sex with shudra, wards, southern breeze, air, Valour, falsehood, women, living in a irreligious umbrella, travels, duration of Perplexity, wicked world of dreams, person one muhurat, association with masochism, old age, corruption animals, heretic, Persian or Homosexuality bribery Urdu language, planet of conLesbianism fusion and material inspiration

Dhatu Stones Fathers father

Mula Jeeva Body Dosha Relationship Bush, Dog, ass feet Painful, fever, wind Thorns, cock, Vultures Horned Animals complaints, wounds, diseases of stomach and eyes, duodenal ulcer, skin eruptions Small pox. Abstract Society

Place Holes, tunnels, darkness

Faculties Miscellaneous Pain, grief, friendship treasure, final With hunters, instability in Ganges, Of mind, great penance Zoology, Hypersensitivity, hunger, silence,

Salvation, consumption Doctors, prosperity, mantra shastra, achieving the shudras, snake

Wealth, taking bath salvation,

heights like a flag, mast charmers, observing

Stupidity, knowledge of association Brahma, renunciation, shudras, mysterious of Knowledge of animals, which also indicates Poor eating habits revocation imprisonment.

luxury, suffering from foes, fortune

Buddhists Vedanta, with planet intrigues, Of


Male or Female Male Nakshatras :Ashvini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mtigshira, Moola, P.Ashadha U. Ashadha, Shravana, Dhanishta, Shatbhisha, P. Bhadra, U.Bhadra, Revati Female Nakshatras: Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, P.Phalguni, Hasta, U. Phalguni, Chitra, Swati. Eunuch Nakshatras : Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyestha.

Dhatu, Mula and Jeeva Dhatu Mula Ashivini Bharani Rohini Mrigshira

Jeeva Krittika Ardra

Punarvasu Magha Hasta Vishakha Moola Shravan Purva Bahdrapad

Pushya Purva Phalguni Chitra Anuradha Purva Ashadha Dhanishtha Uttara Bhadrapad

Ashlesha Uttara Phalguni Swati Jyestha Uttara Ashadha Shatbhisha Revati


Fixed significations of houses Houses Significator 1H or LagnaSun 2H Jupiter 3H Mars 4H Moon, Mercury 5H Jupiter 6H Mars, Saturn

House 7H 8H 9H 10H 11H 12H

Significator Venus Saturn Sun, Jupiter Jupiter, Sun, Mercury, Saturn Jupiter Saturn

Dhatu Mula Jeeva Physical State Wealth -Longevity

I HOUSE Body Place

Relation- Mental ship State

Body, Limbs Birth Animal hair, skin unhappiness old age Husbandry head, vitality sound health Living proportion of decency, efforts related Beings body, complexion renouncement to object or


Self Happiness, place dream, sleep

Peace query

Virtues Abstract Miscellaneous respect Faculties Knowledge, livelihood, Moral character court expenses Fame, strength gambling good behaviour journeys/co-borns of friends Dignity, self insult, achievements in career or Respect, stigma antecedents speculative fortunes Honour, wisdom defamation spouses family or Ability to work appearance, associates Proficiency enemies and debtors Personal charm and fortune of 5

Relationships with of other houses, being 2nd from12th - hospitals, 3rd from11th 4th from10th -

Profession from 9th

fathers illness of

6th from 8th th

Relatives from 7th -



Of spouse from 6th -obstacles to

9th from 5th long journeys Children 10 from 4th - reputation of


mother, family, 11 accruing to brothers 12th from 2nd family and food

Home from 3rd -

gains loss of

Dhatu Physical state

Mula Jeeva


Relation Ship

Mental state

Wealth, pearl Corn, Horses prosperous and Diamond, eatables determination affluent living Precious stones nine kind Copper, metals of grains Nine gems, Artificial products Virtues with respect Faculties being Faith in sacred everything to Texts, good journeys of Speech, home of friends Learning, lies speculation and Business Eloquence, ailments and than for enjoying, Abstract

speech, nails Family, close Control or tongue, right followers eye, nose, family friends grace, face, mouth miserliness, cheeks, chin, faith teeth Miscellaneous Relationships to other houses,

Acquisition of


2nd from 1st-

money more

pertaining money memory, splendor 3rd from 12th-short secret enemie 4th from 11th5th from 10thinvestments in domestic articles friendship, lores 6th from 9thenemies of

for the purpose of hoarding

modesty, trading in household or

father Truth, deceit maintaining unearned gains to Hypocrisy, accounts death of spouse Enjoyment of journeys/fortunes Pleasures relatives

7th from 8thspouse 8 from 7thth

9th from 6thof maternal

10th from 5thcareer and profession of Children 11th from 4thgains and social activities of Mother 12th from 3rdlosses, hospitalizati on of Brothers or neighbours III HOUSE Body Place

Dhatu Mula Jeeva RelationMental Physical Ship state state Ornaments crops Soldier Right ear, feet Land or Brother, near Mental Fitness, taking Ornaments roots servants throat part of road, relatives instability clean food and Of ears bulbs hand between heaven, friends, religious the like, valour Fruits thumb and index library neighbours duties physical growth servants Grains, legs, collar bone environof body Corn, shoulder, blade ment maid-servants personal Good/ growth of body surround- casual strength Defective nervous system ings acquaintances Slaves

Virtues Faculties



Relationship with respect to other houses, being

Courage Valour, good Qualities, Education, hobbies

Abode of Gods War, causing sorrow partitioning wandering small, of inheritance vehicles, short journeys, pilgrimages Correspondence undertakings, Great partition, publishing, army wicked intentions

5th from 11th- children of friends 6th from 10th- litigation in own career 7th from 9th- fathers trade associates 9th from 7th- partner/husband/wifes father and their long journeys 10th from 6th- career and occupation of enemies 11th from 5th- gains of children 12th from 4th- losses, dreams, hospital-isation of mother

Sculpture Wealth Treasure Hidden Underground

Clothes agriculture abundance of crops, eatables, Garden, Harvest

Buffaloes, cows, bull horses elephants

IV HOUSE body Place

Relation Ship

Mental state

Heart Land, Small Maternal uncle Victorious thoracic well, garden, mother, friends elate region of mandap friends, relatives body, breast shoulder, chest

Virtues Faculties


National or Govt work, travels, vehicles, caste, oil bath, spices, drink milk, medicine, perfume paternal, property, water, direction of stolen article

Relationships with respect to other houses, being

2nd from 3rd profit of brothers 5th from 12th- progeny of sudden gains Secret enemies. 6th from 11th- enemies and debts of friends 7th from 10th- spouse of career partners associates 8th from 9th - fathers inheritance 9th from 8th - sudden, luck, lottery, Prize, income 10th from 7th-career of spouse or partner 11th from 6th-gains of enemies 12th from 5th-loss in speculation, illness Of children

Education, good False Name, faith or allegations Trust, pure or things that Steady intellect give Happiness, suffering Appealing, Mannerism





V HOUSE Place Relation Ship

Mental state

Physical state

Sculptures Clothes King, Stomach, paternal Ministers belly, property Heart, Hand

Children, Mind, discretion Pregnancy love, affairs foresightedness fertility courtships, seriousness sterility first child, secrets, humility Disciples, emotions, piety Second co-born,

Virtues Faculties

Abstract Miscellaneous

Relationships with respect to other houses, being

Virtuous deeds Mantras Umbrella, auspicious 2nd from 4th-income, from mother, property of father, good composition documents, affairs vehicles character, of poetry, with loose women, 3rd from 3rd- brothers friend education, scholarship means of earning 4th from 2nd- family, estates, cars Vivek (disin literature money, lottery 6th from 12th-problems of secret enemies, crimination literary work, gambling, public their sickness Between bad any plan or speaking, education 7th from 11th- liasions with associates. And good), scheme, discharge of debt, 8th from 10th- losses in career Welfare, resourceful minister, foresight 9th from 9th- grand father, fathers luck Wisdom, genius 10th from 8th- social background of the Family of spouse Cheerfulness purva punyas or 11th from 7th- gains from wife, partnerships the goodness of 12th from 6th- secret enemies and clandestine past life deals

Mula Boiled rice, herbs, grains




animals Urinary pets, tract, domestic, belly, creatures, waist, quadrupeds navel donkey region camel disease Abstract

VI HOUSE Relation Ship Prison Maternal uncle cousins,

Mental Physical state state Madness, mental Diseases, cruel, agony or worry obstacles, miserliness, hated small pox, by many, insanity venereal boils, wearisomeness, eye diseases, mental torture heavy breathing

Virtues Faculties
Miser Forgetful, Dejected Mind, Cruel, Deeds,


Relationships with respect to other houses, being

2nd from 5th- childrens families 3rd from 4th- uncles, aunts on maternal side 4th from 3rd- family estates, cars 5th from 2nd- luck through singing, speech, family trade 7th from 12th-affairs and sweet hearts of enemies 8th from 11th-death of friends 9th from 10th-deputations, official journeys, transfer 10th from 9th-fathers career 11th from 8th-legacies of friends 12th from 7th-secret enemies & affairs of Spouse.

Debts, slender, Fighting in war delight of foes, receiving alms, profits, reproach poison, chained of imprisonment or handcuffed, arms misunderstanding quarrels, thieves with brothers, enemy, swelling Calamity, vices enmity, service Humiliations working class Superstitions industries, public Health sanitation




VII HOUSE Place Relation Ship

Mansion Adopted son,

Mental state

Physical state

Deviation from Marriage, loose

Leaves, Flowers Pulses, Food of Liking

or public

reproductive own place organs, anus foreign or kidneys, distant bones, sex place urge

wife or husband, partner, 3rd co-born

right path, loss sex life, sexual, of memory union, theft desire arguments

Virtues Faculties
Husbands Purity, valour Charity, Destruction of Enemies, Diplomacy Passion

Victory in love or passion, break, travels commerce or trade, gain of money from distant place Agreements, Contracts Receiving Honour abroad


Relationships with respect to other houses, being

Having perfumes, 2nd from 6th-wealth of enemies,hospitals music and flowers, profit through jails, clinics delicious food, curd 3rd from 5th-brothers of sweet heart. possessing clothes 4th from 4th-property of mother, change food with cereals of residence overthrow of enemies 5th from 3rd-nephews and nieces controversy deviation 6th from 2nd-family disputes from right path, banker 8th from 12th-penalty, death of enemies, lender, borrower, punishment black money, wealth 9th from 11th-friends antecedents and kept elsewhere, business gains Business partnership 10th from 10th-merit in career, victories in Battles 11th from 9th-fathers personal effects and His gains 12th from 8th-tracing and detention of thieves




VIII HOUSE Body Place Relation Ship

Loss of Fortress Slaves, dead limb, of enemy relations, rectum, enmity of health brother

Mental state

Physical state

Buried New poisonous Treasure crops, insects Enjoyment Of food

Happiness, Age, longevity worry about cancer, capital death, mental dispute among anguish, brothers, Worries from punishment Ailment, fear beheaded of water, sorrow

Virtues Faculties
Sin, terrifying Sorrows, cruel Acts, living By earnings Interest, fall From height, Underground Work, caves

defeat absence of quarrels debts, battle scandals, impurities, misfortune anger

money coming from insurance, loss of money, punishment from govt., long awaited or unearned money, accidents death in water, mode of death, Butchers, surgeons

Relationships with respect to other house, being

2nd from 7th-dowry, income from partner 3rd from 6th-supporters of enemies 4th from 5th-childrens education and schooling 5th from 4th-happiness through writings, literary talent 6th from 3rd-brothers enemies and debts 7th from 2nd-substance of wife or husband 9th from 12th-antecedents of conspirators 10th from 11th-profession of friends or Elder brother

11th from 10th-gains from profession 12th from 9th-fathers hospitalization, Political imprisonment.

Medicinal Drugs



IX HOUSE Place Relation Ship

Mental state
Purity of mind efforts to learn splendour

Physical state

Horses, Thighs Temple Father, elephants, coronation grandson, Buffaloes halls, assembly guru Halls, distant acharya Places boss

Virtues Faculties
Charity, virtuous Acts, devotion And respect of Elders/Gods, Virtues, nobility Generosity, Compassion Vedic, sacrifice Religious bathing

Penance, polity listening good stories, fortune, auspiciousness legal matters inventions, luck science, law religion,

Pilgrimage, travel of conveyances fortune, prosperity paternal property distribution of money, foreign journeys emigration of immigration

Relationship with respect to other house, being

2nd from 8th gains through inheritance 3rd from 7th- letters of partnerships, spouses, short journeys. 4th from 6th-properties of enemies 5th from 5th-speculative gains of grand/children 6th from 4th-mothers health/debts legal battles 7th from 3rd-brothers wife or Sisters husband 8th from 2nd-monterary losses or Obstacles 10th from 12th-acts of enemies, Conspiracies 11th from 11th-gains of friends/elder Brother 12th from 10th-tricks and conspiracies Of enemies.

Medicines Agricultures




X HOUSE Relation Ship

Mental state
Inclination to give orders to be obeyed

Physical state
Prosperity good living, luxuries

Knee sky, place Mother, joints of residence adopted Back bone son

Virtues Faculties
Fame, right Path, Good Conduct, Self Control, Teaching Ability, Sacrifices Capabilities of

Honour from ruler, quality lordship, fame wisdom, power ambitions, success, morality

Service, teaching recitation of mantras, Gods, occupation, ruler commerce, news distant place aptitude for work happiness, rain,

Relationship with respect to other house, begin

2nd from 9th-fathers income and family 3rd from 8th-end of obstacles through efforts karma 4th from 7th-spouses mother, house 5th from 6th-children of servants or tenants 6th from 5th-enemies or adversaries of children 7th from 4th- mothers public activities/trust

the person, influence

Government drought

8th from 3rd-death or legacies of brothers & sisters 9th from 2nd-general fortune of family 11th from 12th-friends and sympathizers of i Well wishers 12th from 11th-elder brother expenditures And losses

Dhatu Pearls, gold Ornaments, Riches of Every kind, Jewel

XI HOUSE Mula Jeeva Body Relation Ship grains cattle Shanks Elder brother corn wealth left ear paternal uncle left hand friends, brother feet, right of spouse, death foot of progeny Acquaintances Abstract Miscellaneous

Mental state Evil desires, dependence of mother

Physical state Skill in earning, longevity, recovery from ill health

Virtues Faculties
Worship of Gods/sattwik Deities, gain of desires, reformative wisdom, blaming others virtues wicked desire

Relationship with respect to other house, being

2nd from 10th-income from own efforts 3rd from 9th-paternal uncles, short journeys of father 4th from 8th-legal education, secret knowledge 5th from 7th-spouses affair 6th from 6th-enemies of enemies, illness their debts, 7th from 5th-marriage of son or spouse of son/daughter 8th from 4th-mothers inheritance 9th from 3rd-long/foreign journeys of Brother 10th from 2nd-family occupation, Business/reputation 12th from 12th-end of losses and Recouping of health

Dependence of Gains, all forms of others, position income, profits, dawn of a minister of fortune good, return skill in the art cooking, desires, of painting paternal/property acquisitions, important papers realization of and documents, objectives principal plus commendations interest of lent money museum many wives

Dahtu Jeeva
Elephants Horses, Cattle, Beasts

Feet, left eye, limbs or loss of limbs, Crippled

XII HOUSE Place Relation Mental ship state

Bed, jail Enemy hospital foreign land, inauspicious House Disturbed sleep, fears from foes, hated by public, break down of marriage, anger, mental imbalance

Physical state
Imprisonment, loose sex life, physical ailments, loss of wife or husband

Virtues Faculties


Relief from debts, paternal property, migrating to a distant place, expenditure of all kinds, end, poverty chained or handcuffed losses, convent or life in monasteries, lossesphysical, financial and emotional,

Relationship with respect to other house, being

2nd from 11th-invitation for good food from friends 3rd from 10th-short journeys/efforts related to career 4th from 9th-grand mother ancestral land 5th from 8th-insurance investments for progeny 6th from 7th-ailments of wife 7th from 6th-disputes with servants, tenants, repayment of debts 8th from 5th-death or kidnapping of children 9th from 4th-foreign residence 10th from 3rd-career or profession of Brother th nd 11 from 2 -gains for family business, Friends of relatives

Obstinacy freedom from, Cleverness, sufferings, loss Ascetic life, of authority, Seclusion, sorrow, exile, Fear, cunning fear, ascent to Adultery, envy heaven, receipt Blackmailing, of charity, Secret plans, discharge of Or scheming, debt, Malice, intrigue impediments Intrigue inferiority Treachery

Significations of houses for kingdoms and democracies The significations of 12 houses have been dealt in considerable detail in the previous pages. Effort has been made to group them into different heads for practical and easy reference. The original Prashna marg verses written by a namboodri Brahmin of Kerala in 1649 A.D. refers to certain specific significations of houses. They can be viewed in the context of the period when they were written or more logically the period when they were observed, tested, researched, assimilated and applied. Raj jyotishi had all his efforts directed towards the king and the kingdom. These have been given here with the present context in which these significations can be effectively used with regard to prashnas pertaining to countries, politics, mundane affairs etc. House No. 1. 2. banking Ancient Present context (monarchies) (democracies) The king or the ruler, his The President or Prime Minister Physical body, well being Wealth, treasures, finances Finances of the country, Of the kingdom

3. The army, warriors of the weaponary, communications 4. Lands, vehicles agriculture 5. Diplomacy, education education and System 6. The enemy debt 7. Communications 8. Longevity Government, sector 9. The mind of the king of the nation, ruler/s 10. services 11. 12.

The armed forces, sophisticated Defence The seat of of the the country, Government,

Production, lands Diplomacy, level of literacy, its technical advancement. Violence, debts of the nation (external And internal borrowing) Civil and social unrest Term of life for the ruler and The underground wealth, insurance The religious and moral fabric Judiciary, working and mind of the

Trade and commerce Income Expenditure

Employment, business, trade

The gains and income Foreign policy and foreign, relations, Revenue and expenditure. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ZODIAC SIGNS Aries places, Central Government. Taurus : House of Venus, Hump portion of the Bull, Cattle sheds, fruits, white in Colour, food grains, face (forehead). : House of Mars, thorn planets, rocks, hills, hot countries, fiery Battle field, small villages red in colour, stones, head portion,


: House of Mercury, Commercial place, green grass and leaves, shoulders, balcony, big hall, gambling house, cities. : House of Moon, water place, tank, bath room, milk booths, place of deities, pink in colour. : House in sun-caves, Kingdom, place of administration, brown in colour, belly, stomach, State Government. : House of Mercury, place of intellect, big commercial locality, creepers, place of amusements, place of good looking, Grey in colour, place of learning, ground where there is no hard stones, coins. : House of Venus, treasury, place of business, group of maids, variegated in colours, abdomen. : House of Mars, underground, road containing full of thorns and some pieces, place containing venomous reptiles, wild places, villages, valleys, colour of black and red, male and female secret organs (for example by nature Scorpio lives in a hole or cave thing like where it enters a hole which denotes a women secret organ and also the Scorpio has a tail which indicates the secret organ of a man and hence the aspirant is to posses a character of both men and woman in general by nature.






Sagittarius : House of Jupiter, forest places, forest, platoons, place of armouries, archery, crowd of trees, thigh. Capricorn : Houe of Jupiter, place of dust water, jungles, knees, place of Dwarapalakas/guards. : House of Saturn-secret place, place of dark, pot shape, small village, round shape, place of toddy shops, gambling mutton market, buttocks. : House of Jupiter- Bank of holy rivers, tanks, pilgiramges, feetHoly place like Haridwar (in India). Origin of Ganga.



COLOURS OF SIGNS: The colours of the twelve sign are in order1) Red, 2) White, 3) Green, 4) Pink, 5) Brown, 6) Grey, 7) Variegated, 8) Black, 9) Golden, 10) Yellow, 11) Val legated and 12) Deep Brown. PLANETS AND GENDERS The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are males, the Moon, Venus and Rahu females, and Mercury, Saturn and Kethu eunuchs. RELIGION OF PLANETS Jupiter and Venus are Brahmins, the Sun and Mars Kshatriyas, the Moon Valsya, Mercury of mixed religion, Saturn-Sudra and Rahu- Muslim- KethuChristian. Saturn and Rahu Mars and Rahu Mercury and Kethu Menials. Sikhs Bengalis

PLANETS AND THEIR QUALITIES The Sun, Moon and Jupiter are pious, Mercury and Venus intellect and preserving, and others like Mars, Saturn, Rahu are Tamasa and where Kethu stands for Mokshakaraka like a Sanyasi. PLANETS AND THEIR HUMOURS Sun and Mars have pittaor bile. (Heat and its effects), Moon and Venus where Moon indicates cold effects like kapha, and Venus like (vata) Meha, Saturn Vatha effect from wind like gastric troubles, and Mercury a mixture of consolidation of over-thoughts. PLANETS AND THEIR SEASONS There are six Ritus which are explained as follows: Vasanta is called spring, Grishma (the summer), Varsha (the rainy season), sarad (the

season of Autumn, Hemanta (Dewy), and Sisirea (the cold season or winter), and these belongs to 1) Venus, 2) the Sun and Mars, 3) the Moon, 4) Mercury, 5) Jupiter, and 6) Saturn respectively. The Characteristics of Gems, Metals, Tastes of Plants The Suns precious stone Manikya or Ruby, the Moons Pearl, Mars Coral, Mercurys Marakata of Emerald, Jupiters Pushyaraga or Topaz, Venuss Diamond, Saturns Nila or Sapphire, Rahus Gomedheka or Agate and Ketus Vaidurya or Lapis Eazuil. In this connection let me tell you the metals owned by the planets. They are in order 1) Copper, 2) Bell-Metal, 3) Cooper, 4) Lead, 5) Gold, 6) Silver and 7) Iron. The clothes worn by them have the same colours as they themselves posses, but those of Saturn are rags and those or Mars signed by fire. Their tastes are in order 1) Pungent, 2) Salt, 3) Bitter, 4) Mixed, 5) Sweet, 6) Sour and 7) Stringent. Lead a tattered clothes are owned by Rahu, while a mud pot and pieced-together as well as Saffron clothes by Kethu.

Their Grains: The grains owned by the nine planets are in order 1) Rice, 2) Wheat, 3) Adhaka or Tuvar, 4) Green gram, 5) Bengal gram 6) Nishpava or cow gram, 7) Sesama, 8) Black gram and 9) Horse gram. Planets and their Tatwas (elements) You know there are five elements constituting the entire universe. They are 1) Prithvi or Earth, 2)Apah or Water, 3) Tejas or Fire, 4) Vayu or Wind, 5) Akash or Ether. Do not confuse these things with the visible earth etc. These are subtle things of which you see the grosser forms in the world. The Sun and Mars own Fire, the Moon and Venus Water, Mercury Earth, Jupiter Ether, and Saturn Wind.

The Planets and their Portfolios The Sun and Moon are the Royal couple, Mars the Commander, Mercury the Crown Prince, Jupiter and Venus Ministers, and Saturn the servant. These seven planets also represent in order the Soul, Mind, Courage, Speech, Wisdom, Happiness, Sexual Passion and Grief and Kalapurusha. They also represent the senses and their functions thus-Mercury governs small (nose), the Moon and Venus taste (tongue), the Sun and Mars form (eye), Jupiter sound (ear), and Saturn, Rahu and Kethu touch (skin). The Planets and their relationship with other planets. Planets Friends Neutrals Enemies Sun Moon, Mars & Jupiter Mercury Venus & Saturn Moon Sun & Mercury The rest Nil Mars Sun, Moon & Jupiter Venus & Saturn Mercury, Rahu Mercury Sun & Venus Mars, Jupiter & Saturn Moon Jupiter Sun, Moon & Mars Saturn Mercury & Venus Venus Mercury & Saturn Mars & Jupiter Sun & Moon Saturn Mercury & Venus Jupiter Sun, Moon & Mars Rahu Mercury, Saturn, Venus Moon Mars Ketu Venus, Moon Jupiter Saturn N.B. The Karakatwas or mutual relationship between the planets referred in our lessons are subject to future lessons or guides although different persons are likely to have their views or opinions, and whereas they should be properly understood or manipulated for future guidance, and lessons given by us. Planets and their presiding Dieties Sun : 4 am to 12 noon Brahamamsha-Creator (Exact 12 Rudramasha after 11am) (12 to 4 pm-Noon-Shiva-Destruction 4 to 7 Evening Vishu Amsha Sthithi- the Lord of Status quo. Moon : Parvathi the Divine Mother, Moon & Mars _ Shakthi (Power)

Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

: Lord Subramanya (incarnation of Lord Shiva). : Lord Vishnu : Brahma (Jagadguru) (Dakshinamurthy) : Lakshmi the Goddess : Lord of Karma (Yama Sseiamsha) : The Lord of Serpents : Brahma

Face governed by the Planets (i.e. 9 Planets) Right eye Left eye Eye Brow Forehead Nostrils Cheeks Chin Mouth Hair Teeth Tongue : Sun : Moon : Mars : Left and right parts of the forehead governed. : Jupiter : Venus : Right and left part of the chin governed by Saturn : Rahu : Kethu : Mars : Mercury

General characteristics of Planets Characteristics of the Planets will be dealt in different types. But the same planets will have 2 or more causative effects. SUN For example Sun is the causative planet of, father: and this same planet will denote sons of father and after giving issues will become father of his children

As per Indian Astrology, Sun is the Soul and is known as the Almighty. MOON As per the above example Moon is the causative planet of Mother in Male and Female birth chart. In the chart of married women, which will guide the character of the Mother and Mother in Law. According to the Nadi Reading Moon is the causative planet of Mother, Maid, Mother-in-Law and also in some of the circumstances which will own the place of Wife, Because the Moon is the incarnater of Parvathi, Who is the Mother of the Universe, Mother and Mother- in-Law can give birth to continue the general of this world, after giving birth every maid will become Mother. MARS Mars indicated the natives brother, when he will entage with planet of Karma, it denoted partner of his career. Whenever these planets are situated in particular sign, if the planet is associated in friendly sign which will give the good effects, otherwise the native will have to struggle with misunderstandings. MERCURY Mercury is the causative planet of younger brothers, father-in-law, friends education, knowledge. But the same Planet will be considered as maid, wife, because Mercury is the incarnation of Mahavishnu. While referring to Indian Mythology, Vishnu had to become won form under two instances, viz., once during the distribution of Amritha, after the churning of Meera Parvathi and again during the Mohini Bhasmasura thus indicating that the Vishnu Karraka is a mixture of man and woman (involved with Bhudha). While considering the predictive Nadir-Astrology, it is observed that Vishnu Karaka (incarnater of Mahavishnu) is indicated by the planet of Mercury. JUPITER

Is the Planet of Jeeva or causative planet of life. Sun is Soul or Atma, Jupiter is the life, combination of both in a sign of the natives birth chart will give knowledge of philosophy, high status and also he is the master. Out of his male children, one is incarnator of his Grand father, Jupiter is Dharmakaraka Graha. SATURN The planet Saturn will denote the native; in other words he is the indicator of KARMA. In Hindu philosophy much importance is given to Dharma and also to Karma (Jeeva + Karma); therefore generally public will give much importance to these two planets. RAHU AND KETHU Although these planets having much powers, some of the authors have omitted in their literature this aspect. But in the Nadi-system Rahu the causative planet of Pithamah, Grand-father and Mouth (main entrance) KALIPURUSHA AMSHA.

TRANSITS (Indian Method) The method of transit was also handled by ancient Indian astrologers for the purpose of predicting future events. The name by which this method is known in the Indian system is Gochara. There is, however, one difference. In the Indian system, the house of the Moon at birth is taken as the first house for purposes of Gochara calculations. In the following paragraphs the effects of the transits of the planets in the twelve different houses, counted from the Moons house at birth are tabulated. The following effects will be felt only when the vedha places of the planets are not vitiated by the presence of incompatibles as tabulated here. Here are the planets and their vedha places. Sun Moon Mars 3/9; 6/12; 10/4; 11/5. 1/5; 3/9; 6/12; 7/2; 10/4; 11/8. 3/12; 6/9; 11/5.

Mercury Jupiter` Venus Saturn

2/5; 4/3; 6/9; 8/1; 10/7; 11/12. 2/12; 5/4; 7/3; 9/10; 11/8. 1/8; 2/7; 3/1; 4/10; 5/9; 8/5; 9/11; 11/6; 12/3. 3/12; 6/9; 11/5.

The following are exceptions: there is no vedha between Sun and Saturn; Moon and Mercury. The Sun for instance is good in 3rd house from Moon. But unless the 9th house is not vitiated by the presence of other planets (Saturn is an exception), the good effect will not accure. SUNS TRANSIT 1 House: Change of place, illness, decline of prosperity. 2nd House: Fall in income, increase in expenditure, deception, disease of the eye or head. 3rd House: Health, preferment, increased income, 4th House: Ill-health, delay in work at hand, domestic unhappiness. 5th House: Fear from enemies, ill-health, anxiety. 6th House: Success of undertakings, increase in income, good health. 7th House: Sickness, travel, monetary difficulty. 8th House: Accident, quarrel, sorrow, disease pertaining to the abdomen. 9th House: Frustration of objective, danger, indisposition. 10th House: Success, friendship of great men. 11th House: Gain and expansion of business, honour, good health. 12th House: Excess of heat, frustration of objective, un-necessary wandering.

MOONS TRANSIT 1 House: Good for and sleep, gain of clothes and jewels. 2nd House: Obstruction, abuse, mounting expenses. 3rd House: Success, gains, good health. 4th House: Anxiety, indifferent health, unprofitable wandering. 5th House: Indisposition, frustration, sorrow. 6th House: Domestic happiness, gain of wealth, good health. 7th House: Gains, enjoyment. 8th House: Indisposition, quarrel, loss of sleep, anxiety, loss of money. 9th House: Fear from foes. 10th House: Monetary gain, success. 11th House: Arrival of relatives. 12th House: Heavy expenses.

MARS TRANSIT 1 House: Travel, excess of heat in the body, fear from foes, frustration. 2nd House: Displeasure of employer, quarrels, failures. 3rd House: Success, friendship of great men. 4th House: Undesirable association, injury. 5th House: Ill-health, affliction of children, sorrow, fear from foes. 6th House: Success, gain of gold. 7th House: Domestic quarrel, loss of money, trouble to the abdomen or eye. 8th House: Travel, humiliation, bodily injury. 9th House: Setback in undertaking, ill-health, displeasure of superior. 10th House: Gains, preferment, success. 11th House: Very favorable. 12th House: Trouble in the eye, quarrel, heavy expenditure, unwarranted blames. MERCURYS TRANSIT st 1 House: Setback in education, displeasure of relative, an unruly tongue. 2nd House: Gain or wealth, good food, gain through speech. 3rd House: Trouble through enemies, displeasure of superiors, fear from foes. 4th House: Gain, domestic happiness. 5th House: Feud at home, mental aberration, sorrows. 6th House: Success, riches, gain through speech. 7th House: Exhaustion, separation from beloved ones, quarrel. 8th House: Success and happiness. 9th House: Disagreement with relatives, ill-health. 10th House: Health, increase in emolument. 11th House: Domestic happiness, gain. 12th House: Humiliation, quarrel with enemies, disease.

JUPITERS TRANSIT 1 House: Loss of job or shifting of residence, loss of money, mental aberration. 2nd House: Gain, happiness in domestic life. 3rd House: Danger. 4th House: Abnormal expense, death of relatives. 5th House: honour, preferment, gain of wealth and jewels, excellent mental activity, 6th House: Loss of money, change of job, ill-health. 7th House: Success in undertaking, ill-health. 8th House: Affliction of wife and children, tragedy at home, slavery imprisonment, wandering

9th House: Gain in friendship, acts of charity, preferment. 10th House: Setback in work on hand, loss of money, humiliation. 11th House: Promotion in job gain. 12th House: Wifes travel, expenses. VENUS TRANSIT st 1 House: Good meals, sleep and enjoyment. 2nd House: Domestic happiness, increase in produce, honour. 3rd House: Gain from friends. 4th House: Joy-rides, Improvement of habitation, honour of relatives. 5th House: Well-being of son, happiness of parents. 6th House: Disease of wife, humiliation, 7th House: Loss of peace at home, quarrel with women. 8th House: Improvement of landed properties, sex-enjoyment, gain in riches. 9th House: Charitable activities, romance. 10th House: Failure of undertakings, feud, humiliation. 11th House: Gain, domestic happiness. 12th House: Tendency to florid adornment. SATURNS TRANSIT st 1 House: Affliction of wife, children and near relatives, unwholesome food, fear from foes, dispute. nd 2 House: Ill-health, loss of cattle, wandering, quarrel through argument, loss of money. 3rd House: Success, gain, happy events, recognition of merits. 4th House: Ill-health, sorrow over relatives, affliction of parents. 5th House: Loss of money, unwarranted allegations, disease, quarrel. 6th House: Loss of enemys interest, gain, success in undertakings. 7th House: Journey, separation from beloved, expenses. 8th House: Death of near relative, public disapproval, confinement. 9th House: Fall in income. 10th House: Disease, humiliation, wandering. 11th House: Gain in money and woman, reward. 12th House: Accident, sorrow, expenses. Rahu and Ketu wield the same influences as Mars and Saturn respectively. Of these planets, Sun and Mars will usher their influence immediately as they enter the houses: Jupiter and Venus while half-way in the houses; Saturn at the time of leaving the houses; Moon and Mercury all through their sojourn.

It should be borne in mind that the effects enumerated above will be modified by the strength or weakness by position, rulership and aspects of their planets. For instance besides the vedha positions already explained, an aspect between a good and bad planet neutralizes the effects of both, whereas the bad aspect, of two bad planets will increase the bad effects. The good effects of a weak planet will naturally become weak like milk mixed with water. The Moon just becomes an amplifier of the good or bad effects indicated by the different planets with which it becomes associated during its short sojourn in the different houses. This method should always be handled jointly with the dasa system, checking one by the other as it were. And however beneficent a planet may be in its gifts during transit, the dasa period should permit the same to be taken full advantage of. Further, while pronouncing opinions by this method, the results of all the planets in the different houses should be considered, for the net effect alone should be taken. In transits too, the relative strengths of the different planets and special aptitudes in respect of individual horoscopes should be taken into account: or no two horoscopes are identical and each reading should be individualized.

TABLE OF DASA ALLOTMENTS Nakshatras Krittika Uttara Phalguni Uttara Ashada Rohini Hastha Whose period Years




Shravana Mrigasirsha Chitra Sravishta Ardra Swati Satha Bhishag Punarvasu Vishakha Purva Bhadra Pushya Anuradha Uttara Bhadra Ashlesha Jyeshtha Revati Aswini Makha Mula Bharani Purva Phalguni Purva Ashada











20 -------120 so all that we have to do is to calculate the longitude of the Moon from time of birth from Raphaels Ephemeris and subtract from it the ayanamsa of the year of birth. This will give us the exact position to the above table, we can immediately find what the opening dasa is. What remains for us is to find how much of the opening dasa is outstanding at the time of birth. It has already been shown that the measure of a nakshatra is 13 degrees 20. So, the total amount of the years of the opening dasa must be equated to this 13 degrees 20 and that portion of the years which is proportionate to the degrees yet ot be traversed by the Moon in order to complete that nakshatra


must also be found. This will be the outstanding years of the opening dasa. The other dasas will follow afterwards in the fixed order. ON DASAS IN GENERAL Generally speaking the dasas or major periods, of planets who are lords of the angles or trines produce favorable results; those of the lords of the second, third and eleventh houses, prodice mixed results and those of the sixth, eighth and twelfth houses unrelieved by other favorable factors are always harmful. The Sun and the Moon are however exceptions to the odium in respect of the eighth house rulership alone. During the period of rule of the lord of the first house, the native will be strongly entrenched. During that of the ruler of the second house, setting up family and domestic happiness are indicated. When the lord of the third house rules, unfavorable results accrue. Acquisition of properties is indicated during the rule of the fourth house. Childbirth during the rule of the fifth house lord, fear from foes during that of the sixth house lord marriage in the case of the seventh, recovery from illness in the case of eighth, interest in good undertakings in the case of the ninth, good business conditions during that of the tenth gain in the eleventh and sickness, expenses and confinement in the twelfth are indicated. These effects will accrue when the lords are strong. During the major period of a planet, its own sub-period will be inconspicuous. Apparently the planets choose to remain neutral out of humility. The planets, during similar disabilities, fulfill their promises through the medium of their colleagues which are similarly placed or aspected during their sub-periods. During the periods of yoga karakas the malcontents find themselves incapable of doing any mischief. Their hands are tied as it were.

Table of Yoga Karakas Lagna Malefics Marakas Benefics Yoga

Karakas Mesha Saturn, Venus, Mercury Jupiter, Sun Saturn, Mer. Venus Vrishabha Jupiter, Venus, Moon Saturn, Sun Jupiter, Venus, Moon Mithuna Mars, Jupiter, Sun Mercury Jupiter, Sun Kataka Mercury, Venus Mars, Jupiter Venus, Mercury Simha Mercury, Venus Mars Mercury, Venus Kanya Mars, Jupiter, Moon Venus Jupiter, Moon Thula Jupiter, Sun, Mars Saturn, Mercury Jupiter, Sun Vrischika Mercury, Mars, Venus Moon Mercury, Mars, Venus Dhanu Venus Mars, Sun Saturn, Venus Makara Mars, Jupiter, Moon Venus, Mercury Jupiter, Moon Kumbha Jupiter, Moon, Mars Venus Moon, Mars Meena Saturn, Venus, Sun, Mer. Mars, Moon, Venus, Sun, Mer.

Saturn Mars, Mars Sun,

Ven., Mer. Mars, Moon, Sun, Sun, Venus Mars Mars, Jup. Sat., Mer. Moon Mer. Mars,

Similarly in the major period of a harmful planet, the sub-periods of good planets which are un-influenced by the ruling planet, are hardly productive of good results. Those that are influenced give mixed results. The highly beneficial effects of a planet that gives raja yoga, manifest themselves in the sub-period of the maraca (death-dealing) planet during the major period of the former. The good results go on increasing in the subperiods of harmful planets during the same major period. The major periods of those planets which are the lords of the third, fifth or the seventh nakshatras from the janma nakshatra are also evil.

In general, the good effects of favorable planets begin to take shape when the Sun or Jupiter usher their sun-periods in the major period of the former.

YOGAS Certain special positions of planets or Yogas which are remarkable for their effects are described in the following paragraphs:Ruchaka Yoga is when Mars occupies his own place and in trine or angles to the Lagna. The indications for the same are a long face, doggedness, wealth by various means, victory, fame and generalship. Bhadra This is when Mercury is placed as above and in trine or angles to the Lagna. The indications are long life; brilliant intellect, officership, gift of the gab, wealthy and praise from the learned. Hamsa This yoga happens when Jupiter is placed in the same manner as the above. Kingship, admiration even by the enemies, charitablemindedness, and beautiful body are the indications. Malava When Venus is similarly placed this yoga is said to be formed, the effects being great wealth, plenty of cash, large family, landed property, vehicles, servants, etc., scholarship, charitable-mindedness. Sasaka This is when Saturn is similarly placed. The native will be wealthy, enjoy life to the brim, but will be a derelict and immoral person. Vallaki If all the seven planets are distributed at the rate of one planet in a sign starting from Lagna consecutively, this yoga is said to be formed. The indications are: the native will be a lover of music, dancing and allied arts.

Dhama This is when the seven planets occupy six signs from lagna consecutively. Then the native will be highly charitable. Daridra Lord of 11th in 6, 8, 12 or 11th occupied or aspected by malefics. He will be poor, indebted, speak and behave awkwardly, do hateful actions and be a servant for life. Rajju This happens when all the planets in a horoscope occupy the movable signs. The indications are that the native will have interrupted fortunes but famous. Khemudra If there are no benefic planets in or on either side of Langa or Moons place or in their kendras then the man will be a run-down even though born rich. He will most probably live in bondage doing undesirable things. Chamara This is a very desirable yoga and happens when there is a benefic in the langa which is well placed and well aspected and the lord of the lagna is similarly well-placed and well aspected. The effects are long life, riches and fame in public life. Raja yoga If the lords of the 9th and 10th houses are in conjunction in either of the above house or are situated in one anothers house, they produce very favorable results in all undertakings. Neecha bhanga Rajayoga When a planet occupies his neecha position, (a) if the lord of that neecha house or the lord of its uchcha house (7th from it) occupies Kendra position from Lagna or Moon. (b) If the lord of that neecha house occupies his house or exaltation or Kendra. (a) If the lord of that neecha house aspects the neecha planet. A person who has any one of the above combinations will be highly venerated and will be dharmic minded. Kesari Yoga Moon in Kendra to Jupiter. The effects are formidable to opponents, able speaker in large assemblies, occupies big post, famous, keen intellect, and very capable.

Chakata Yoga Moon in 6, 8 or 12 from Jupiter. Such a person will experience great changes in fortune. He will find himself against great odds and finally be defeated in the battle of life, retiring as a sorrow-stricken man. Lakshmi Yoga Venus and lord of 9th house in 5th, 9th or Kendra and at the same time in own or uchcha places constitute this yoga. Such a person will be blessed with a happy family, healthy, wealthy, beautiful, liberal in gifts and will enjoy a luxurious life. Saraswathi Yoga Venus, Jupiter, Mercury in Kendra or trikona or 2nd house and Jupiter occupying own, uchcha or friendly mansions and strong. Such a person will be a scholar, poet, good at figures, wealthy, and have happy family life.

RESULTS FOR EACH YEAR OF THE AGE OF THE NATIVE RULED BY 3 PLANETS EACH YEAR For persons born in 27 stars, during each year of their age, 3 planets rule the year. If all the planets are fully benefics the year troughout will be good. If two of the planets are benefics and the other is malefic the result will be good but at the same time there may be also bad results to a certain extent. If one planet alone is benefic and the remaining two are with rare intermittent good results. If all the three planets are malefic the complete year will be bad. The native has to suffer to the maximum throughout the year. This calculation of knowing the results is prevalent mostly in northern districts of India. Since this quantities in a way, the results of ruling planets each year. This is also considered here under Gochar results given here. Now we will explain the method of knowing yearly results by this method. 1. Jupiter, Venus waxing Moon, Mercury not connected with malefics are the full beneifcs. 2. Sun, Mars, waning Moon, Mercury connected with malefics, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are malefics.

3. First we should calculate the present age of number of which we have to know the results. 4. Note down the Janma Nakshatra of the person. 5. Now get down the birthday of the year of the age of person should be noted down. From that day only the particular new year of age for which you have to know the results begin. Now look at the tables first from the perpendicular first column upside down all the 27 stars are given one by one. Next you may see the horizontal colums showing different ages. Now let us take the age of the native is at present 68. Let us suppose that his Janma Nakshatra is Chithra. Now look down under 68 in the horizontal column where the horizontal column cut the vertical column. In this square you see the planets Rahu, Ketu and Mars, all are malefics. Hence during this 68th year he will havce completely bad results which means, the year will not be good at all. However, in his 72 years you will see that Lords are Moon, and Jupiter. Hence this year will be very good. From the above we can see that

1. 68th year Lords are 2. 69th year Moderate only 1/3rd good with malefics. 3. 70th year

- Rahu, Ketu and Mars a bad year - Lords are Ketu, Mercury, Ketu --whenever Mercurys transit is not connected

- Lords are Venus, Mars and Moon. - Here Venus will do good, Moon will do

good when waxing that is for 6 months he will be good. Hence this year will be 50% good for the native. 4. 71st year Here only Venus - The Lords are Venus, Ketu and Mercury.

is good and Mercury is good. Whenever he is not connected with malefics, that is he functions as benefic planet for 50% of the year including Venus 1.5 planets are good this year. Hence he will have 50% good results and 50% bad results With intermittent periods. 5. 72nd year Moon, Jupiter and is waxing hence He is 50% good. Jupiter is fully good. Hence 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/6 = 2+2+1 = 5/6 the year will be 0.833 good with intermitten good and bad periods. Hence out of all the years from 68 to 72nd years of age will be good on the greater side II. Now we can know the results in yet another way. For each afe 3 planets are given. Now these 3 planets should be understood to give 4 months of each in the year beginning from the first planet given in the order now. First planet gives results up to 4th month of the age. The second planet gives results from 3 to 8th months of the particular age. The third planet gives results from 9th to 12th month of the age. Now with this in view if you look the case of the native. 1. 68th year will prove completely bad. 1. 69th year, the middle four months will only be good, whenever Mercury is not connected with malefic planets. 2. 70th year, the Lords being Venus, Mars and moon here first 4 months will be good. 2nd 4 months will be very bad. During the third 4 months 2 months will be good with intermittent 15 days period each whenever Moon is waxing. - Now take the 72nd year. The Lord are Jupiter. Here Moon will be good when he

3. 71st year also will be limits to that of 70th year if not lesser good. First 4 months will be completely good second 4 months will be completely bad (Ketu rules) During 3rd & 4th months say 50% i.e. 2 months period will be good with intermittent fap whenever Mercury is not connected with any malefic. 4. 72nd year, the second and third 4 months period will be very good. The lord being full benefic during the first 4 months period 50% will be good with intermittent gaps when ever the lord Moon is through waxing phase. In this way, we can analuyse the results for each year of the age for the native. Now you can refer to your table and find out which years of the age of the native will be good. In the above case from 68 to 71st year age results are not good. And 72nd year will be very good and during this year you can start new things, projects etc. THRIPATHA CHAKRA TABLE SHOWING RULING PLANETS FOR EACH YEAR OF HUMAN AGE Your Birth Star The Year of Your Age 2 3 4 38 39 40 74 75 76

1 37 73

5 41 77

6 42

78 1. Ashwini Ketu Sun Jupiter Ketu Saturn Venus Mercury Ketu Jupiter Moon Rahu Venus Ketu Moon Sun Mercury Mercury Moon Mars Jupiter Mars Ketu Venus Mercury

2. Bharani

Sun Saturn Mercury Moon Mercury

Moon Mars Jupiter

Mars Ketu Venus Sun

3. Krithika

Sun Saturn Mercury Ketu Mercury Sun Moon Jupiter Mercury Ketu Jupiter Rahu

Moon Jupiter Mars Jupiter

Mas Ketu Venus

Mercury Jupiter Sun Moon Rahu

4. Rohini

Mars Rahu Mars Venus

Mercury Ketu Saturn

Saturn Jupiter Rahu Moon Sun

5. Mrigasrisha

Mars Ketu Mercury Ketu Venus Ketu Mars Venus Mars Venus Rahu Moon Mars Sun Mars Venus Rahu Mercury Jupiter Moon

Mercury Mars Saturn

Saturn Ketu Rahu

Jupiter Jupiter Sun

Rahu Moon Mars

6. Aridhra

Jupiter Ketu Rahu

Rahu Jupiter Sun

Ketu Moon Mars

Venus Ketu Ketu

7. Punavasu

Jupiter Ketu Sun

Rahu Jupiter Mars

Ketu Moon Ketu

Venus Ketu Moon

8. Pushya





Mars Venus Sun Mercury 9. Ashlesha Rahu Mars Ketu Rahu Mars Jupiter Ketu Mercury Jupiter Ketu Ketu Saturn Venus Mercury Jupiter Ketu Moon Saturn Sun Saturn Jupiter Ketu Mercury Sun Moon Jupiter Moon Saturn Jupiter Mars

Ketu Mars Jupiter Ketu Mars Ketu Venus Venus Moon Moon

Jupiter Ketu

Moon Moon


Venus Moon Moon

Sun Ketu Mercury

Moon Venus

10. Makha

Sun Ketu Mercury

Moon Venus Jupiter

Mars Rahu Venus

11. Pubba

Sun Saturn Moon Mercury Rahu Moon Jupiter Moon Jupiter

Moon Ketu Jupiter

Mars Venus Venus Rahu

12. Uttara

Mars Ketu Venus

Mercury Venus Saturn Rahu Rahu

13. Hastha

Mars Rahu Ketu Venus

Mercury Venus Saturn

Saturn Rahu Rahu Ketu Sun

14. Chitta

Mars Ketu Moon Saturn Venus Ketu Mercury Venus Moon Saturn Saturn Moon Saturn Sun Ketu Saturn Rahu Mercury Jupiter Moon Venus Ketu Sun Mercury Rahu Mars Venus Saturn Mars Jupiter Ketu Mercury Venus Ketu

Mercury Ketu Saturn

Saturn Venus Rahu

Jupiter Rahu Sun

Rahu Ketu Mars

15. Swathi

Saturn Ketu Rahu

Jupiter Venus Sun

Rahu Rahu Mars

Ketu Ketu Ketu

16. Visaka

Jupiter Venus Sun Sun

Rahu Rahu Mars

Ketu Ketu Ketu



17. Anuradha

Rahu Rahu Mars Jupiter Ketu Rahu Ketu Rahu Venus Venus Rahu

Ketu Ketu Ketu

Venus Saturn Moon

Sun Sun

18. Jyestha

Venus Ketu Moon

Sun Saturn Mercury


19. Moola

Sun ketu

Moon Saturn

Mars Sun

Ketu Saturn 20. Poorvasadha Venus Mercury Rahu Mercury Moon Saturn Sun Saturn Rahu Mercury Mercury Sun Moon Jupiter Ketu Mercury Jupiter Mars Mars Ketu Saturn Ketu Venus Ketu Mercury Venus Saturn Ketu Saturn Moon Saturn Sun





Sun Saturn Ketu Mercury Rahu Moon Jupiter Ketu Jupiter

Moon Saturn Jupiter

Mars Sun Venus Ketu

21. Uttirasadha

Mars Saturn Venus

Mercury Sun Saturn Ketu Rahu

22. Sravana

Mars Rahu Saturn Mars Venus

Mercury Sun Saturn

Saturn Ketu Rahu Sun

23. Dhanistha

Mercury Sun Saturn

Saturn Ketu Rahu

Jupiter Mercury Sun

Rahu Mars Mars

24. Shadabisha

Saturn Sun Rahu

Jupiter Ketu Sun

Rahu Mercury Mars

Ketu Mars Ketu

25. Poorva-






Saturn Ketu Rahu Mercury Jupiter Moon Sun Jupiter Sun Mercury Sun Mars Sun Jupiter Mars Jupiter

Sun Sun

Ketu Mars

Mercury Ketu

Mars Moon

26. Uttarabadrapada

Rahu Ketu Mars Jupiter Ketu Ketu Ketu Venus

ketu Mercury Ketu

Venus Mars Moon

Sun Ketu

27. Revathi

Venus Mercury Moon

Sun Mars Mercury

Moon Ketu

Your Birth Star

7 12 43 48 79 84 Saturn Sun Moon Saturn Rahu Jupiter Jupiter Moon Ketu Saturn Mars Mercury

The Year of Your Age 8 9 10 44 80 45 81 46 82

11 47 83

1. Ashwini

Jupiter Ketu Sun

Rahu Venus Mars

Ketu Rahu Ketu

Venus Ketu Moon

2. Bharani

Rahu Venus Sun Ketu Jupiter

Ketu Rahu Moon

Venus Ketu Mercury


3. Krithika

Rahu Mars Venus Ketu Mars Jupiter Ketu Mars Venus Ketu Ketu Saturn Venus Mercury Venus Ketu Moon Rahu Sun Jupiter Rahu Mercury Mercury Sun Moon Jupiter Rahu Mercury Jupiter Mars Mars Ketu Rahu Mercury

Ketu Rahu Ketu Venus Venus Rahu Moon

Venus Ketu Moon

Sun Saturn Mercury

Moon Sun

4. Rohini

Sun Ketu Mercury

Mercury Rahu Jupiter

Sun Mars Venus

5. Mrigasrisha

Sun Mars Rahu Mercury

Moon Ketu Jupiter

Mars Mars Venus Sun Mars

6. Aridhra

Moon Ketu Jupiter

Mars Mars Venus

Mercury Sun Saturn

Mars Ketu Rahu

7. Punarvasu

Mercury Rahu Ketu Venus

Mercury Mars Mars

Mars Sun Rahu Ketu Sun

8. Pushya

Mercury Ketu

Mars Mars

Jupiter Saturn

Rahu Ketu

Venus Rahu 9. Ashlesha Mercury Venus Ketu Mercury Saturn Moon Saturn Sun Saturn Ketu Rahu Mercury Jupiter Moon Saturn Ketu Rahu Jupiter Rahu Mars Saturh Ketu Mercury Jupiter Ketu Mercury Sun Jupiter Ketu Saturn Venus Mercury





Mars Mars Mars Rahu

Jupiter Sun Sun

Rahu Ketu Mars



10. Makha

Jupiter Sun Sun

Rahu Ketu Mars

Ketu Mercury Ketu

Venus Mars Moon

11. Pubba

Rahu Sun Mars

Ketu Ketu Ketu

Venus Mercury Moon

Sun Mars Mars

12. Uttara

Ketu Sun Ketu Venus Venus Ketu Moon Rahu Sun Saturn

Venus Ketu Moon

Sun Mercury Mercury

Moon Mars

13. Hastha

Sun Mercury Mercury

Moon Mars Jupiter

Mars Ketu

14. Chitta



Sun Jupiter Moon Saturn 15. Swathi Sun Saturn Sun Jupiter Mercury Sun Moon Jupiter Ketu Jupiter Jupiter Mars Mars Ketu Mercury Ketu Venus Ketu Mercury Venus Mercury Ketu Saturn Moon Saturn Saturn Mercury Ketu Rahu Mercury

Ketu Mercury Rahu Moon Jupiter Ketu Jupiter

Mercury Jupiter

Mars Venus


Moon Mercury Venus

Mercury Mars Saturn Ketu Rahu

16. Visaka

Mars Rahu Mercury Moon Venus

Mercury Mars Saturn

Saturn Ketu Rahu Sun

17. Anuradha

Mercury Mars Saturn

Saturh Mars Rahu

Jupiter Jupiter Sun

Rahu Moon Mars

18. Jyestha

Saturn Mars Saturn

Jupiter Ketu Sun

Rahu Jupiter Mars

Ketu Moon Ketu

19. Moola

Jupiter Mars Sun

Rahu Ketu Ketu

Ketu Jupiter Ketu

Venus Mars Moon

20. Poorvasadha

Jupiter Moon Mars Venus Sun Mercury Rahu Mars Mars Venus Mars Jupiter Ketu Mercury Ketu Rahu Ketu Saturn Venus Mercury Jupiter Ketu Moon Saturn Sun Saturn Jupiter Ketu Mercury Sun Moon Jupiter Jupiter Ketu

Rahu Ketu Mars Saturn Ketu Ketu Ketu Venus Venus Jupiter Venus

Ketu Jupiter Ketu

Venus Moon Moon

Sun Ketu

21. Uttarasadha

Venus Jupiter Moon

Sun Moon Mercury

Moon Ketu

22. Sravana

Sun Moon Moon

Moon Ketu Jupiter

Mars Venus Venus

23. Dhanistha

Sun Saturn Moon Mercury Rahu Moon Jupiter Moon Jupiter

Moon Ketu Jupiter

Mars Venus Saturn Rahu

24. Shadabisha

Mars Venus Saturn

Mercury Venus Saturn Rahu Rahu

25. Poorvabadrapada

Mars Rahu Moon

Mercury Ketu

Saturn Venus Rahu

Jupiter Mars 26. Uttarabadrapada Mars Ketu Moon Saturn Venus Ketu Mercury Venus Moon Saturn Saturh Moon





Mercury Ketu Saturn

Saturn Venus Rahu

Jupiter Rahu Sun

Rahu Ketu Mars

27. Revathi

Saturn Ketu Rahu

Jupiter Venus Sun

Rahu Rahu Mars

Ketu Ketu Ketu

Your Birth Star

13 18 49 54 85 90 Moon Jupiter Mars Jupiter Rahu Saturn Mars Ketu Ketu Jupiter Venus Ketu

The Year of Your Age 14 15 16 50 86 51 87 52 88

17 53 89

1. Ashwini

Mars Rahu Ketu Sun

Jupiter Jupiter Mars

Mars Sun Jupiter Ketu Venus

2. Bharani

Mercury Mercury Moon Saturn

Saturn Ketu Rahu

Venus Ketu Sun



3. Krithika

Mercury Venus Mercury Ketu Saturn Moon Saturn Rahu Mercury Ketu Rahu Mercury Jupiter Moon Mercury Ketu Sun Mercury Rahu Mercury Mars Venus Mars Jupiter Ketu Mercury Mars Venus Ketu Mars Venus Mercury Mars Venus

Saturh Mercury Rahu

Jupiter Ketu Sun

Rahu Jupiter Mars

Ketu Moon Ketu

4. Rohini

Jupiter Mars Sun

Rahu Ketu Mars

Ketu Jupiter Ketu

Venus Moon Sun

5. Mrigasrisha

Rahu Mars Mars Jupiter Ketu Ketu Ketu Venus Venus Ketu Moon

Ketu Ketu Ketu

Venus Jupiter Moon

Sun Moon

6. Aridhra

Venus Jupiter Moon

Rahu Moon Mercury

Moon Ketu

7. Punarvasu

Sun Jupiter Mars

Moon Moon Jupiter

Mars Ketu Venus

8. Pushya

Sun Mercury Ketu

Moon Jupiter

Mars Moon Ketu

Moon Rahu 9. Ashlesha Sun Saturn Ketu Rahu Mercury Sun Moon Jupiter Jupiter Ketu Jupiter Mars Mars Ketu Jupiter Ketu Venus Ketu Mercury Venus Jupiter Ketu Saturn Moon Saturn Sun Moon Saturn Sun Mercury Jupiter Mars





Moon Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Mars Rahu Moon Venus

Mars Moon Venus Mercury Ketu Saturn

Mercury Ketu Mars Saturn Venus Rahu Rahu Sun Venus Rahu

10. Makha

11. Pubba

Mercury Moon Saturn

Saturn Ketu Rahu

Jupiter Venus Sun

Rahu Rahu Mars

12. Uttara

Saturn Moon Rahu

Jupiter Ketu Sun

Rahu Venus Mars

Ketu Rahu Ketu

13. Hastha

Jupiter Ketu Mars

Rahu Venus Mars

Ketu Rahu Ketu

Venus Ketu Moon

14. Chitta





Moon Saturn Sun Mercury 15. Swathi Rahu Mars Moon Saturn Mars Jupiter Ketu Mercury Ketu Saturn Ketu Saturn Venus Mercury Venus Ketu Moon Saturn Sun Saturn Venus Ketu Moon Saturn Sun Jupiter Venus Ketu Mercury Mars

Ketu Mars Jupiter Ketu Ketu Ketu Venus Venus Venus Sun Moon

Venus Ketu

Rahu Moon


Venus Venus Moon

Saturn Rahu Mercury

Moon Ketu

16. Visaka

Sun Rahu Mercury

Mars Ketu Jupiter



17. Anuradha

Sun Saturn Rahu Mercury Rahu Moon Jupiter Rahu Jupiterq Rahu Mars Rahu Rahu Venus

Moon Ketu Jupiter

Mars Saturn Venus Sun

18. Jyestha

Mars Ketu Jupiter

Mercury Saturn Venus Sun

19. Moola

Mercury Ketu Saturn

Saturn Saturn Rahu Sun Sun

20. Poorva-

Mars Ketu Rahu Mercury Venus Ketu Mercury Venus Rahu Mercury Saturn Moon Saturn Sun Ketu Mercury Rahu Mars Jupiter Moon Saturn Ketu Sun Mercury Rahu Mars Saturn Ketu Mars Juptier Ketu Mercury Saturn Ketu

Mercury Ketu Saturn

Mars Mars Rahu

Jupiter Sun Sun

Rahu Ketu Mars

21. Uttarabadrapada

Saturn Ketu Rahu

Jupiter Saturn Sun

Rahu Saturn Mars

Ketu Ketu Ketu

22. Sravana

Jupiter Saturn Mars Sun

Rahu Sun Mars

Ketu Ketu Ketu



23. Dhanistha

Rahu Sun Mars Jupiter Ketu Sun Ketu Venus Venus Sun

Ketu Ketu Ketu

Venus Mercury Moon

Sun Mars

24. Shadabisha

Venus Ketu Moon

Sun Mercury Mercury

Moon Mars

25. Poorvabadrapada

Sun Ketu

Sun Mercury

Mars Mars

Ketu Saturn 26. Uttarabadrapada Venus Mercury Sun Jupiter Moon Saturn Sun Saturn Sun Jupiter Mercury Sun





Sun Saturn Ketu Mercury Rahu Moon Jupiter Ketu Jupiter

Moon Mercury Jupiter

Mars Mars Venus Ketu

27. Revathi

Mars Mercury Venus

Mercury Mars Saturn Ketu Rahu

Your Birth Star


2. Bharani

19 24 55 60 91 96 Ketu Mercury Moon Saturn Ketu Saturn Venus Mercury Ketu Saturn Moon Saturn

The Year of Your Age 20 21 22 56 92 Venus Ketu Moon Sun Saturn Venus Sun Mercury Rahu 57 93 Sun Venus Mercury Moon Rahu Jupiter 58 94 Moon Rahu Jupiter Mars Ketu Venus

23 59 95 Mars Ketu Venus

3. Krithika

Sun Saturn Venus Ketu Mercury Sun Moon Jupiter Venus Ketu Jupiter Mars Mars Ketu Venus Ketu Venus Ketu Mercury Venus Rahu Mercury Saturn Moon Saturn Sun Rahu Mercury Rahu Mercury Jupiter Moon Rahu Mercury

Moon Jupiter Rahu Jupiter

Mars Ketu Venus

Mercury Saturn Saturn Sun Rahu

4. Rohini

Mars Rahu Rahu Venus

Mercury Ketu Saturn

Saturn Saturn Rahu Sun Sun

5. Mrigasrisha

Mercury Rahu Saturn

Saturn Ketu Rahu

Jupiter Saturn Sun

Rahu Sun Mars

6. Aridhra

Saturn Ketu Rahu

Jupiter Saturn Sun

Rahu Sun Mars

Ketu Ketu Ketu

7. Punarvasu

Jupiter Ketu Sun

Rahu Saturn Mars

Ketu Sun Ketu

Venus Ketu Moon

8. Pushya

Rahu Ketu

Ketu Saturn

Venus Sun

Sun Ketu

Sun Mercury 9. Ashlesha Rahu Mars Ketu Mercury Mars Jupiter Ketu Mercury Saturn Ketu Ketu Saturn Venus Mercury Saturn Ketu Mercury Saturn Sun Saturn Saturn Ketu Mercury Sun Moon Mercury Sun Jupier Venus Mars Moon Ketu

Mars Jupiter Ketu Saturn Mars Ketu Venus Venus Sun Moon



Venus Sun Moon

Sun Ketu Mercury


10. Makha

Sun Ketu Mercury

Moon Mercury Jupiter

Mars Mars Venus

11. Pubba

Sun Saturn Sun Jupiter Rahu Moon Jupiter Sun Jupiter

Moon Ketu Venus

Mars Mercury Saturn Mars

12. Uttara

Mars Ketu Venus

Mercury Mercury Saturn Mars Rahu

13. Hastha

Mars Rahu Ketu Saturn

Mercury Mercury Rahu

Saturn Saturn Sun Ketu Mars

14. Chitta





Sun Jupiter Saturn Ketu 15.Swathi Mercury Venus Sun Jupiter Satun Moon Saturn Sun Ketu Jupiter Rahu Mercury Jupiter Moon Mercury Ketu Sun Mercury Rahu Mars Mercury Ketu Mars Jupiter Ketu Mercury Mercury Ketu Moon Saturn

Ketu Rahu

Mercury Sun

Mars Mars

Ketu Ketu

Saturn Ketu Rahu

Jupiter Mercury Sun

Rahu Mars Mars

Ketu Ketu Ketu

16. Visaka

Jupiter Mercury Moon Sun

Rahu Mars Mars

Ketu Ketu Ketu



17. Anuradha

Rahu Mars Mars Jupiter Ketu Mars Ketu Venus Venus Mars Moon

Ketu Ketu Ketu

Venus Jupiter Moon

Sun Moon

18. Jyestha

Venus Ketu Moon

Sun Jupiter Mercury

Moon Moon

19. Moola

Sun Ketu Mercury

Moon Jupiter Jupter

Mars Moon Venus

20. Poorvasadha

Venus Mercury Mars Venus Moon Saturn Sun Saturn Mars Venus Mercury Sun Moon Jupiter Ketu Rahu Jupiter Mars Mars Ketu Jupiter Saturn Venus Ketu Mercury Venus Jupiter Ketu Saturn Moon Saturn Sun Jupiter Ketu

Sun Saturn Ketu Mercury Rahu Moon Jupiter Ketu Jupiter

Moon Jupiter Jupiter

Mars Moon Venus Ketu

21. Uttarasada

Mars Jupiter Venus

Mercury Moon Saturn Ketu Rahu

22. Sravana

Mars Rahu Jupiter Venus

Mercury Moon Saturn

Saturn Ketu Rahu Venus Sun

23. Dhanistha

Mercury Moon Ketu Saturn

Saturn Ketu Rahu

Jupiter Venus Sun



24. Sadabisha

Saturn Moon Rahu

Jupiter Ketu Sun

Rahu Venus Mars

Rahu Rahu Ketu

25. Poorvabadrapada

Jupiter Moon

Rahu Ketu

Ketu Venus

Venus Rahu

Rahu Mercury 26. Uttarabadrapada Jupiter Moon Moon Saturn Sun Mercury Rahu Mars Moon Saturn Sun Jupiter





Rahu Ketu Mars Jupiter Ketu Ketu Mars Jupiter

Ketu Venus Ketu

Venus Rahu Moon

Sun Ketu

27. Revathi

Venus Venus Ketu

Sun Rahu Moon

Moon Ketu

Your Birth Star

25 30 61 66 97 102 Saturn Sun Sun Jupiter Rahu Mercury

The Year of Your Age 26 27 28 62 98 63 99 64 100

29 65 101

1. Ashwini

Jupiter Ketu Sun

Rahu Mercury Mars

Ketu Mars Moon

Venus Ketu Moon

2. Bharani

Jupiter Moon Ketu Moon Sun Mercury Rahu Mars Mercury Ketu Mars Saturn Ketu Mercury Jupiter Ketu Ketu Saturn Venus Mercury Mercury Ketu Moon Rahu Saturn Saturn Mars Venus Mercury Sun Moon Jupiter Mars Venus

Rahu Mercury Mars Jupiter Ketu Mars Ketu

Ketu Mars Ketu

Venus Ketu Moon

Sun Sun

3. Krithika

Venus Ketu Moon

Sun Jupiter Mercury

Moon Moon Venus

4. Rohini

Venus Mars Moon

Venus Ketu Mercury

Moon Jupiter Jupiter

Mars Moon Venus

5. Mrigasrisa

Sun Mars Mars Mercury

Moon Ketu Jupiter

Mars Jupiter Venus Moon Mars

6. Aridhra

Moon Jupiter Ketu Jupiter

Mars Jupiter Venus

Mercury Moon Mars Ketu Rahu

7. Punarvasu

Mars Rahu Ketu

Mercury Jupiter

Mars Moon Ketu

Jupiter Mars 8. Pushya Mars Ketu Mars Venus Venus Ketu Mercury Venus Ketu Rahu Mars Moon Saturn Jupiter Rahu Jupiter Jupiter Sun Rahu Jupiter Mars Ketu Moon Ketu Venus Moon Moon Sun Moon Mercury





Mercury Ketu Mars

Mars Jupiter Rahu

Jupiter Moon Sun

Rahu Ketu Mars

9. Ashlesha

Mars Jupiter Rahu Mercury Moon Sun Rahu Moon Mars Ketu Moon Ketu Venus Ketu Moon Sun Ketu Mercury Moon Ketu Jupiter

Jupiter Moon Sun Rahu Ketu Mars Ketu Ketu Ketu Venus Ketu Moon Sun Venus Mercury Moon Venus Jupiter Mars Venus Venus

Rahu Ketu Mars Ketu Venus Ketu Venus Venus Moon Sun Venus Mercury Moon Rahu Jupiter Mars Rahu Venus Mercury Rahu Saturn

Ketu Venus Ketu

10. Makha

11. Pubba

12. Uttara

13. Hastha

14. Chitta

15. Swathi

16. Visaka

Moon Ketu Jupiter Mars Venus Venus Mercury Venus Saturn

Mars Venus Venus Mercury Rahu Saturn Saturn Rahu Rahu

Merucry Rahu Saturn Saturn Ketu Rahu Jupiter Ketu Sun

Saturn Ketu Rahu Jupiter Saturn Sun Rahu Saturn Mars

17. Anuradha

18. Jyestha

Yours Birth Star

31 36 67 72 103 107 Moon Jupiter Moon Saturn Jupiter Mars Mars Ketu Ketu Saturn Venus Saturn Mercury Venus

The Year of Your Age 32 33 34 68 104 69 104 70 105

35 71 106

1. Ashwini

Mars Rahu Ketu Venus

Mercury Venus Saturn

Saturn Rahu Rahu Ketu Sun

2. Bharani

Mercury Venus Sun Saturn

Saturn Sun Rahu

Jupiter Ketu Sun



3. Krithika





Venus Ketu Rahu Moon 4. Rohini Mars Sun Venus Ketu Rahu Mercury Jupiter Moon Venus Ketu Sun Mercury Rahu Mars Rahu Mercury Mars Jupiter Ketu Jupiter Rahu Mercury Ketu Mars Venus Mercury Rahu Mercury Moon Rahu

Rahu Sun

Ketu Mars

Saturn Mars

Sun Ketu

Jupiter Rahu Sun

Rahu Ketu Mars

Ketu Saturn Ketu

Venus Rahu Moon

5. Mrigasrisha

Rahu Rahu Mars Jupiter Ketu Ketu Ketu Venus Venus Ketu Moon

Ketu Ketu Ketu

Venus Mars Moon

Sun Sun

6. Aridhra

Venus Mars Moon

Sun Sun Mercury

Moon Ketu

7. Punarvasu

Sun Mars Mercury

Moon Sun Jupiter

Mars Ketu Venus

8. Pushya

Sun Mars Ketu Mercury

Moon Mars Jupiter

Mars Sun Venus Ketu Mars

9. Ashlesha

Sun Mars Mars Mercury Jupiter Ketu Moon Sun Ketu Mercury Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Mars Sun SARVATO BHADRA CHAKRA



SARVATO BHADRA CHAKRA is term used for predicting transit of planet in a more precise way. The vedhas pronounced as auspicious in the charka bring happiness but those declared as evil produce only miseries and calamities. While considering the effect of transit of a planet, the charka should also be used. Refer to the diagram of SARVATO BHADRA CHAKRS (Fig). The details of varga number and their constituents are as follows. These all pertains to the brigh constituents are as follows. These all pertains to the brigh constituents of the native, whose transit results are to be considered. The main constituents are as follows: Varga Numbers 1. Stars 2. Signs 3. Lunar Tithies 4. Weekdays 5. Vowels 57 & 61. 6. Consonants

: 2 to 8, 10 to 16, 18 to 24 & 26 to 32 : 58 to 60, 62 to 64 : 74, 76, 78, 80 and 81 : 74, 76, 78, 80 and 81 : 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 39, 65, 69,. 73, 75, 45, 51,77, 79, : 34 to 38, 40 to 44, 46 to 50, 52 to 56

Methodology After understanding the nature and characteristics of planets, the next step is to determine their Vedha aspect on the five important components of the individuals. These are as under: Star (Nakshatra) at birth occupied by Moon Sing (Rasi) at birth occupied by Moon Lunar Tithi at birth and birthday Consonant First word of the natives name Vowel swara of the natives name

All these can be determined from the birth chart. In case the birth chart is not available, decide on the basis of most popular latest name of the individual. To know the star of the person from the first letter of these name, when we do not know through birthday star, please refer to the table given below:

Stars Padas & consonants: Star Pada1 Pada 2 Pada 3 Pada Varga Consonant Consonant Consonant Consonant number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Ashwini Bharani Kritika Rohini Mrigasira Ardra Punarvasu Pusya Aslesha Magha P.Phalguni U.Phalguni Hasta Chitra Savti Visaka Anuradha Jyestha Mula P.Sadha U.Sadha Abhijit Sravana Dhanistha Satabhisaj Chu Le Aa O Vay KU Kay Hu De Ma Mo Tay Pu Pay Ru Thi Na No Yay Bu Bhe Ja Khi Ga Go Chay Lu Ee Va Vo Gha Ko Hay Du Me Ta To Sha Po Ray Thu Ni Ya Yo Dha Bho Jay Khu Gi Sa Cho Lay U Vi Ka Na Ha Ho Day Mu Ti Pa Na Ra Ro Thay Nu Ye Ba Pha Ja Jo Khe Gu Si La Lo A Ve Ki Chha Hi Da Do May Tu Pi Tha Ri Tha Tho Nay Yu Bi Da Ji Gha Kho Gay Su 31 32 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27

26. P.Bhadrapada Say 27. U.Bhadrapada Du 28. Revati De

So Tha Do

Do Jha Cha

Di Na Chi

28 29 30

Before judging the results you should note the following: 1. Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are malefic planets. Mercury associated with malefics is also malefics. Waning Moon is also malefic. 2. Jupiter, Venus and Moon are benefic.

Vedha With inter-play of transit of planets through stars, the effect, produced in certain stars by they aspect in any of the three aspects front, left and right which is called Vedha. The vedha produced by suba (benefic planets) grahas give good results. If produced by ashubha grahas (malefic planet gives bad results). All the nine planete have three types of vedha aspect as under: In Sarvato Bhadra Chakra, speed of a planet is of vital importance because of types of Vedha aspects depend on speed. Usually the planets, have following types of speed. Motion speed - Direct motion Normal speed - Direct motion High speed - Retrograde motion Backward Vedha - Aspect Front Left Right

Direct motion : When a planet moves direct in clockwise direction, without stopping, it is known as direct motion, e.g. planet moving from Aries to Taurus. Its Vedha aspect is called front vedha. The anti-clockwise movement of the planet is called retrograde. Types of Vedha aspect In Sarvato Bhadra Chakra, aspect of planets, is considered most important, because Vedha depends on aspect, which may be direct, right to left, depending on the speed of a planet. This aspect is front when in normal speed, left when in high speed, and right vedha when retrograde. The 9 planets have three types of Vedha aspect as under:

Sun, Moon, Rahu and Ketu can aspect in all the 3 directions. Retrograde planet can aspect only on the right direction. Fast planet can aspect only on the left direction. Planet with normal speed can aspect in front direction only. Front Vedha of a planet can only cause Vedha of star & pada in opposite direction. Right side Vedha aspect by a retrograde planet can cause Vedha of all the five components. Left side Vedha will also cause Vedha of all the five components. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, have Vedha aspect in one direction only depending on their speed. As regards fromt Vedha by a planet some Sages suggested that this Vedha should also cover the other 4 components. Right and left Vedha aspects is always angular at 45 degrees and causes Vedha of all components occupying vargas in that direction. Special Vedha Aspect Planet in 4th pada of Bharani causes Vedha of 1st pada of Krittika and A vowel (by left aspect). Planet in 4th pada of Aslesha causes Vedha of 1st pada of Anuradha and E vowel (by left aspect). Planet in 4th pada of Sravan causes Vedha of 1st pada of Dhanistha and EE vowel (by left aspect). Planet afflicting Aridra Star, the ku, gha, na, Chha consonants are also afflicted. Planet afflicting Hasta Star, the pu, sha, na tha, consonants are also afflicted. Planet affliction Purvashada Star, the Bu, dha, pha and da consonants are also afflicted.

These consonants are not provided in SBC. Hence their Vedha may be examined in this way. These (words) consonants belong to different pada of stars. Similarly planets occupying 4th pada of Bharani, Ashlesa, Visaka and Sravan cause Vedha of 5, 10, 15, 30 Lunar Tithies and Saturday which is not possible in normal course. Benefic planets : Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus cause benefic vedha aspect only. They are 100% benefic. Malefic Planets : Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu, will cause malefic Vedha aspect only, although they may be in their own signs or even exaltation signs. They are 100% malefic. Moon is benefic when it is waxing. Mercury is benefic when it is alone, specially without any malefic planet. Vedha aspect of a planet of 2 types. Macro-when a planet aspects a particular sign. Micro-when a planet aspect a particular pada of a Star. This type of Vedha is less effective as compared to pada Vedha aspect. Vedha by 2/3 planets in the same pada, the impact of victorious planet will prevail. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn have only one aspect at a time depending on their speed. Malefic planet, if retrograde becomes highly malefic 200% Benefic planet, if retrograde becomes highly benefic 200%. Malefic planet when it leaves the Vedha Star and shifts to another Star, it cannot give malefic results. Vedha of Lunar Tithi in Bright half (Shukla Paksha) is 100%, whereas Vedha in Dark half is only 50%.

Each Tithi has its own consonant. So when Tithi has Vedha aspect, the consonant is also having Vedha automatically. Similarly, sign of a Tithi is also having Vedha. When a planet is causing Vedha of a particular sign, its vowel consonant & Tithis are also having Vedha automatically. Retrograde planet on first pada of Krittika, 4th pada of Magha, 1st pada of Anuradha, 1st pada of Dhanistha causes Vedha of 4 vowels 5, 10, 15, 30 & Saturday. Special Note on Vedha. Vedha means a special relationship between the planet in motion and other celestial bodies, which are fixed in the SBC of the native. Aspect by planet play important role in influencing human life, nations, commerce, trade, influencing agricultural products, market fluctuations. The benefic or malefic nature, its motion (speed), its conjunction with other planets when 2 planet occupying same longitude in a star or its pada, or aspect by 2 planets occupying 2 different signs but planets opposite each other at a distance of 180 degree eg Sun 10 degree in Aries and Saturn 10 degree in Libra. This aspect is most dangerous. In addition to the above, when birth star is not known, the vedhas aspect should be considered by the first letter of the individual name either vowel of consonant. Simple way of onterpreting Sarvatho Bhadra Chakra by Vedha of malefic planets, very bad results occu if one the other hand is effect by vedha aspect of benefic planets will be benefic. Total effect of Vedha aspect of subha and sibha planets are to be considered and the greater side will give good or bad results as may be indicated. Now Simple Example 1. Let us consider that retrograde Saturn is passing through the star Rohini. Hence the Saturn causes vedha through right side aspect affecting U Vowel and Ashwini star. Hence the transit is bad for people having first name starting with U vowel and also those born under Ashwini fear.

If in the place of Saturn, Vedha is passing through the star Rohini, then the results will be very good. 2. If in the above case, if the planet is speedy in transit namely Athichari then Saturn will see to the Left side and the letter Va, Mithuna Rashi and will also affect the letter AA the people having names starting with VA and RA, Mithuna Rashi people as well as well as people having their name starting with O and also Swathi born people will have malefic results. Now let us take that Saturn is in ordinary transit, it aspects front side. It will affect the people born in Abhijit nakshatra. The result are as under for the front aspect. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Front aspect of Sun causes worries Front aspect of Mars results in loss of money. Sanu similarly causes affliction of health and longevity. Rahu or Ketu similarly causes impediments and obstruction. Waning Moon causes difficulties and full Moon causes benefic results (comforts, etc). 6. Venus in similar position gives dress, jewels, vahana yoga and new vehicles. 7. Mercury in the similar Vedha gives keen intellect, progress, especially through writing and publication of books. 8. If Jupiter is causing vedha all benefic results, including comfort, enjoying luxuries, money, marriage, children, etc will be enjoyed. Second Example Suppose Sun is placed in Aridra Star its aspect will be front aspect, this will affect Poorvasadha nakshatra born people. In the same position, if waxing Moon is transiting it will also cause vedha to Poorvasadha people and will give them full good results. Similarly, the results of vedha caused by other planets should be considered. The result of planet occupying the 27 stars and how they cause vedha is given below:- page table IFA on page 11a HB

1. Ashwini, the planet posited in the star aspects the letter Cha, Meena Rashi, the vowel A by right side aspect. It aspect the letter U, the star Rohini by left side and aspect also Poorva Phalguni by front side. 2. The planet posited in Bharani aspects the letter La Aries Rashi, Riktha and Jaya Tithis, it aspects the letter Na and Scorpio Rashi by right side aspect, it aspects star Kritthika. 3. The planet posited in Kritthika creates vedha with Bharani star, Taurus Rashi, the star Visaka and Shravan. Out of these it aspects Bharani star by right side, it aspect the letter A Taurus Rashi, Nanda and Nanda and Badra Tithis, Thula Rashi by side aspect and creates vedha with shravana star by front aspect. 4. The planet posited in Rohini Creates vedha with letter AV, Kanya Rashi the consonant RA and the star Swathi by left side aspect and creates vedha with the letter VU, the star Ashwini with right side aspect and aspects the star Abhijit with front aspect. 5. The planet posited in Mrugaseera creates vedhas by aspecting Karaka and Simha Rashis, the consonant PA the stat Chitra by left aspect. It creates vedha by aspecting the vowel A the consonant LA, and star Revathi by right aspect, and the star uttarashada by front aspect. 6. The planet posited in the Star ardhra creates vedha by aspecting the consonant ha, the vowel LU the consonant TA and the star Hastha with left aspect. It creates vedha with the consonants VA, Cha, and the vowel Lu and the star Utharashadha by right side aspect and the star Moola by front side aspect. 7. The planet in the star punarvasu creates vedha by aspecting consonant Da, Ma, the star Uthara by left aspect. It creates vedha by aspecting consonant Ka, Rishaba Rashi, the consonant Dha, the star Poorvabahdrapadha by right side aspect and aspects Moola star by front aspect and causes vedha with it. 8. A planet posited in Pushya star produces vedha by aspecting the vowel Voo and the star poorvaphalguni by left aspect, by aspecting the consonant Ha, vowel oo, consonant Sa, Mithuna Rashi, Meena

Rashi and star Sathabisha by right aspect, and produces vedha by aspecting the star Jyestha by front aspect. 9. A planet posited in the star Ashlesha produces vedha by aspecting star by left aspect, the consonant Da, Ga, Cancer Rashi Nanda and Riktha Tithis, the star Dhanistha, as well as Kumba Rashi by right aspect and creates vedha with the star Anuradha by front aspect. 10.A planet posited in Maha produce vedha by aspecting Simha Rashi, consonant Ma, Bhadra and Haya Tithis, the Makara Rashi the consonant Kha, and the star Shravana by left aspect. The star Ashlesha by right side aspect and aspects the star Bharani in front aspect. 11.A planet posited in Poorvaphalguni produces vedha with consonant Ta, Kanya Rashi,m vowel AM, Dhanus Rashi, the consonant JA and the star Abhijit by left aspect with vowel Voo, star Pushya by right side aspect and star Aswini by front aspect respectively. 12.A planet posited in Hastha Nakshatra produces vedha with consonant RA, YA vowel EAA and star Poorvashada by left aspect with the consonant TA, HA, vowel Lu and star Aridra by right aspect and the star Utharabadrapadha by front aspect. 13.A planet posited in star Utharaphalguni prodices vedha with consonant PA, Thula Rashi, Scorpio, later Bha and star utharashada by left aspect, it produce vedha with consonant MA, DA the star Punarvasu by right aspect and with star Revathi front aspect. 14.A planet posited in Chitra star produces vedha with consonant Tha, Nha and star Moola by left aspect with consonant PA, KA and Kataka Rashi by right side aspect with the star Poorvabadrapadha by front aspect. 15.A planer posited in Swathi star produces vedha with vowel Rew star Jyestha by left aspect with the consonant Ra, vowel ouv, the Mithuna Rashi by right sode aspect and the star Sathabisha by front aspect, respectively.

16.A planet posited in Vishaka star produces vedha with the star Anuradha by left aspect with the consonant Tha, Thula Rashi, Rishaba Rashi, Badra, Nandha Tithis, the vowel and the star Krithika by right side aspect and with star Dhanistha by front side aspect. 17.A planet posited in Anuradha star produces vedha with Vishaka star by right side aspect with the consonant Na, La, Scorpio and Aries Rashi, Bharani star and Jaya and Riktha tithes by left aspect and with star Ashlesha by front aspect. 18.A planet posited in Jyestha star produces vedha by aspecting consonant Ya, Dhanuse Rashi, vowel AM, Meena Rashi, consonant Cha and star Aswini by left aspect with star Swathi, vowel Ruo, by right side aspect and produces vedha with the star Pushya by front aspect. 19.A planet placed in star Moola produces vedha with the consonant Bha, Makara Rashi, Kumba Rashi, the consonant Dha, Revathi star by left side aspect with the consonant Na, Tha, the star Chitra by right side aspect and with the star Punarvasu by front side aspect. 20.A planet posited in the star Poorvashadha produces vedha with consonant JA, SA, vowel I Utharabadrapadha star by left side aspect with consonant YA, vowel EAA, consonant RA, the star Hastha by right side aspect and the star Aridra by front aspect. 21.A planet posited in the star Utharasadha produces vedha with consonant Kha, Ga, and the star Poorvasadha by left aspect, the consonants BHA, PA, rashi Scorpio, Thula and the star Uttaraphalguni by aspect with the star Mrugaseera by front aspect. 22.A planet posited in the star Abhijit produces vedha with vowel, Ruu, the star Shathabisha by left aspect with the consonant JA, TA, the vowel Amby the star aspect, the star Poorvaphalguni by right side aspect and the star Rohini by front aspect. 23.A planet posited in Shravana produces vedha with star Dhanistha left side aspect with the consonants KHA, MAA with the Tithis Jaya and Bhadra, Capricorn and Simha Rashis and the star Makha by right side aspect and Krittika by front aspect.

24.A planet posited in Dhanishta produces vedha with consonants GA, DA, Riktha and Nandha Tithis, Kumba and Kataka Rashis, the star Ashlesha by left aspect, the star Shravana by right side aspect and the star Vishaka by front side aspect. 25.A planet posited in Sathabisha Nakshatra produces vedha with the consonants SA, HA, and Mithuna Rashis, the star Pushya by left aspect with the vowel RU and the star Abhijit by right side aspect and with the star Swathi by front aspect. 26.A planet posited in Poorvabadrapadha star prodices vedha with consonants DHA, KA with Mesha and Rishaba Rashis, and with star Utharashada by right side aspect and with the star Chitra by front aspect. 27.A planet posited in the star Uttarabadrapadha produces vedha with the consonants CHA, LU, VA, the star Aridra by left aspect with the consonants SA, JA the vowel I, star Poorvashada by right side aspect and with the star Hastha by front aspect. 28.A planet posited in Revathi star produces vedha with consonants DHA, BHA with Kumbh Rashis and the star Moola by right aspect with the consonant LA, the vowel A, the star Mrigsira by left aspect to with the star Uttara Phalguni the by front side aspect. Examples We have already given some examples in the beginning. Now we will look into some more. Though we can work out actual examples for transit of all planet for the present we will consider only Jupiter and Saturn. As on date (22-12-2000) Jupiter is transiting Krittika 4th padha retrograde gets direct motion on 25-01-2001 and passes to the star Rohini only on 1302-2001. In this case, the planet is retrograde. Hence his aspect will be towards right in creating vedha. 1. According to the standard texts in this case the Jupiter create vedha to people born in Bharani star people with the first letter of this first

name in the vowel AA people born in Rishaba Rashi, people with the first letter of their name in the consonant THA as well as people born in Vishaka star by right side aspect. These people will have good results due to the vedha created. It should be not benefic planet (Jupiter in this case) give good results when they cause vedha to stars. When they are retrograde, it gives immense good results (double benefic results and the reverse in the case of malefic). Now let us take the case of an individual whose birth star is Bharani. This man should get good results now creating vedha to third star by right side asepect due to Jupiter being in 2nd. Now Jupiter being retrograde, will give immense good results (and the conventional if Jupiter should give bad results in the conventional dictum, the reverse results namely very good results should happen. This is the uniqueness of Sarvatho Bhadra Chakra. 2. Now take the case of Saturn. Saturn is malefic planet who gives malefic results only to the constituents with which he produces vedha. Now he is retrograde in Krittika star. He becomes direct only on 2501-2001, after which his malefic results will be somewhat reduced. Saturn for that matter any planet in Krittika star produces vedha with same instances of constituent star given above for Jupiter. Now letus take the case of some man who is born in Bharani star. Saturn creates vedha to Bharani star with right side aspect. For Bharani people Saturn will be in second house from their Rashi Krittika will be the Sampath Thara from their birth star. Though this is last 2.5 years of Sadesathi beginning in Sampath Thara, he may minimize the bad results. But since he produces vedha with Bharani, these will be malefic only, be retrograde in vedha, it gives malefic results in Double Quantum (Sadesathi will be too bad for him) As explained above Jupiter producing Vedha to Bharani people being he also in retrograde. He will give good results only being retrograde and also benefic. Unfortunately since both these varsha grahas peculiarly enough are in the same star and also retrogrades and those good and bad results get cancelled. However we can conclude that as long as Jupiter will be in

the star Krittika, Saturns bad result as Sadesathi will not affect the native. This is a rare consideration only. Along with this, the effects produced by vedha caused by the planets by aspects over the Tithis, the Rashis etc of birth of the native can also be assessed and the nature of collective good and bad effects can also be judged. However the prominent consideration is only of Vedas produced on rashis and birth stars. Similarly, Sarvatho Badra Chakra result should be judged for the transit results of other planets.

JUDGEMENT OF HOROSCOPES ( Western Method) HOROSCOPE reading is essentially a synthetic process, the different components of which we have explained in some detail in the previous chapters. All one has to do in judging a horoscope is to collect all the relevant information revealed by planetary positions, house positions, aspects, etc., and syhthesize them with a little imagination, remembering always the environment of the native. The first thing that demands our attention in a horoscope, especially when it belongs to a new-born child, is whether the native will live long or not. For that we must consider the nature of the rising sign, its Lord, the nature of the planets rising, the condition of Moon and Sun and the lord of the eighth house. If the Sun, Moon and Lord of the 8th house are strong predict a long life. The opposite will be the result when: 1. Saturn, Uranus or Mars is near the rising degree and afflicted by the ruler of the 8th house without benefic aspects from Jupiter or Venus. 2. The greater Sun, Moon and lord of the ascendant are afflicted, the shorter will be the life.

3. Children born during the course of an eclipse.

For the physical description of a person, look for the rising sign, the ruler of the ascendant, planets aspecting the ascendant, along with the signs they occupy. The effects have been individually described in the earlier chapters. There will be bodily defects in the following combinations: 1. Sun and Moon afflicted in Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces. 2. Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces rising and malefics afflicting the rising degree. 3. Defects in those parts of the body (represented by the house) where a malefic is situated and badly aspected. 4. The native will be deaf when:(a) Mercury is in the 12th house or is lord of the 12th house afflicted by Mars, Saturn, Sun or Uranus, (b) The house corresponding to the ear and its lord are afflicted. 5. If Uranus occupies the sixth house and Mercury is afflicted, the native will be subject to an ailment which will defy doctors and be possibly incurable. 6. (a) If Sun or Moon is in Aquarius and is afflicted by Saturn or Mars by opposition or conjunction the native will be blind; only in the case of Moon, there is hope of remedy. (b) Defect of the eye is indicated also when Mercury or Venus is combust, i.e., very near the Sun. SPECIAL POINTS If any of Pisces, Linra, Aquarius happen to be the 2nd house and Mercury or Venus be there without affliction, the native will be marked for eloquence. If, however, Mercury afflicted by Saturn occupied either Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces he will stammer.

For purposes of finance we look for the Moon and planets in the 2nd house and 10th house in the case of men and Sun instead of moon in the case of women. The place of Fortuna also has great influence on ones wealth. Mars in the 2nd house badly aspected by Venus leads to financial losses caused by luxury. Saturn in the same, well aspected, makes for wise economy; badly aspected, for parsimony and avarice. For problems relating to love, children, speculation, etc., we look for the 5th house. Venus in that house badly aspected in women indicated strong love life. If Uranus or Neptune be there or rule the house, and afflicted it indicates perversion. If the planet in the 5th house rules the 2nd house, and/or the planet in the 2nd house rules the 5th house it denotes great lcuk in gambling or lotteries. Moon badly aspected in the 7th house denotes changes; if it is badly aspected by Mars it denotes separation; afflicted by Jupiter in connection with the 7th house denotes divorce. An angle between the Mars of a male horoscope and the Venus of a female horoscope makes for strong physical attraction, reciprocity of luminaries in the 1st and 7th houses between two horoscopes denotes strong affinity between two people. The cusp of the 6th house and the cusp of the 8th house are the headlights of accident. Affliction there of Mars or Uranus by another planet or for that matter any planet occupying the ascendant afflicted denotes accident. If Sun and Moon connected with the above danger spots are afflicted the accident will be serious. The part of the body liable to injury can be guessed by reference to the sign from which the malefic influence proceeds. Sun in the 9th house is male horoscope and Moon in female horoscopes denote philosophical or religious inclination. If the house, its occupant or ruler is badly aspected, permanent residence in foreign countries is not advisable. Although the 10th house is generally considered as the house of occupation, yet the root of occupation lies with the 1st house. Saturn in 10th house denotes rise in the latter half of natives life; Mars for rise through ones

own energy; Jupiter indicated occupation in connection with law or officialdom; Uranus in the 10th house indicated rise by revolution, machines, electricity, invention, etc. Successful businessmen need strong 2nd house and well-placed, wellaspected Mercury. Strong connection between Venus and other planets is required for becoming successful artists. Strong Mars or Uranus in a horoscope indicates an engineer to technician, while strong Jupiter indicates a politician. A bad Mercury-Neptune combination is indicative of the criminal; Mars in bad aspect with Saturn or Neptune points to the murder suspect; if the 5th house is also involved, murder by a sexual cause is indicated. GENERAL It may be said, in fact, that the more the planets in a horoscope are angular the more is the subject of the horoscope impressed with the peculiarities and potencies of such planets, making in effect a personality strong enough to force itself into public notice whether for good or evil. Thus, while it gives an apparent independence of character, because of marked individuality, it also brings them under greater compulsion and in a sense into greater servitude. For those to attain to positions of great eminence hold them only by continual effort, untiring watchfulness and constant anxiety. They cynosure for wandering eyes, they must play their elected part without recess, or sink into oblivion. Those on the other hand in whose horoscopes the planets are in succedent positions owe their measure of success not so much to prominence before the world or to the compulsion of circumstances but rather to steadfast endurance and application; being by nature plodders than pioneers. But when the majority of planets are cadent there is seen to be a degree of indifference to the common ambitions of life and a peculiar inconsequence of temperament. Sepharial. JUDGEMENT OF HOROSCOPE (Indian Method) the principles of judgment according to the Indian system are pretty much the same as those of the Western system. The rule of thumb method will be to take the houses one by one and examine them in all their aspects. The effects held out by each house will depend upon (1) The nature of the house

(2) the nature of its lord (3) nature of its dispositor (4) influence of other planets upon it and (5) the state of the particular Karaka planets. KARAKAS According to both the systems, certain planets are always responsible for certain aspects of human life, irrespective of the lagans or other changing factors in a horoscope. Below is given a list of the karakas and their charge. Sun Karaka for father, if birth is during daytime, soul, gold, fame, government. Moon for Mother during night, body, mind, cold, silver, milk. Mars Younger brother, husband, accidents, weapons, bravery. Mercury Maternal-uncle, nephew, education, trade, eloquence, writing. Jupiter Children, elder brother, honours, priesthood, gnana. Venus Wife, romance, art, jewels, trade, mother, during day. Saturn Poverty, dishonour, longevity, livelihood, unpleasantness, father during night. Rahu Paternal grandfather, spiritual gnana, poison, pilgrimage. Ketu Maternal grandfather, moksha, leprosy. We can add from our experience that Uranus be taken as karaka for electricity, Neptune for psychology and Pluto for ideologies.

GENERAL A number of planets occupying exaltations, own houses, trines or angles and strong Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will suggest a prosperous life.

A well-placed, well-aspected Moon will also suggest the same. Benefic, planets in Kendra, panapara and apokliha houses will indicate a happy tume during childhood, middle age and late in life respectively. Also good yogas. Misery should be predicted when malefics are placed in a similar manner. Look for the 9th house lord. If he is exalted or strong, or occupies 1, 3 or 9th house, say that this will be glorious life. It is always advisable to consider bhavas with reference to (1) Lagna (2) the Moon and (3) karaka. This process will go a great way in clearing doubts. Lords of the 5th and 9th houses will do good whereas those of 3rd, 6th and 11th houses will not. Malefics, if lords of Kendra houses or trines will do good whereas benefics as Kendra lords will not; Jupiter and Venus specially so. Lords of 2nd and 12th houses will be greatly influenced by company and aspects by other planets. Lord of the 8th house (Sun and Moon excepted) will be unfavorable except when he is lord of lagna when he is bound to do good. The association of the lords of Kendra and trikona is capable of doing immense good, even though they may, independently, be harmful to the native. An analysis of the different possible dispensations of the planets with reference to each of the twelve bhavas is worth attempting. The result will be found to be tabulated on a later page under the title Table of Yogakarakas.

BHAVAS IN DETAIL In order to have a complete picture of a horoscope, each of the twelve houses or bhavas should be situated in all its bearings and then a synthetic version should be put out. The principles governing the examination of the different bhavas is simple. Each bhava or house should be treated as lagna and tested for strength or weakness and their sum-total would apply to the horoscope as a whole. Those bhavas which contain the benefics Venus, Mercury or Jupiter; or are aspected by them without being vitiated by the company or aspects of other planets will yield favorable results. This is true of lagna as of the remaining eleven bhavas. At the same time if the lords of bhavas be similarly aspected or joined by the said benefics, unaspected and unaccompanied by others, the bhavas become doubly strong. Those bhavas which contain neecha planets lords of 8th or 12th houses, will be considerably weakened. Bhavas occupied by own, uchcha, or friendly planets will thrive. Bhava lords occupying 6th, 8th or12th houses or unfavorable planets occupying bhavas are detrimental to the bhavas. But if they are aspected by benefics, the effects will be reversed. Bhava lords occupying Kendra or trikons positions, and aspected by benefics, or their occupying uchcha, own or friendly positions will strengthen the bhavas. All kinds of prosperity should be predicted for those bhavas whose trines and angles are occupied by benefics and not occupied or aspected by malefics, nor containing the lords of 6th, 8th and 12th houses. A reverse position will mean the opposite result. If mixed, mixed results will follow. Complete destruction of bhava should be predicted when the Sun occupied the 8th from it, lord of bhava be combust, and no benefic lord of the 8th keeps company.

Lords of bhavas bracketed with 8th house lord indicate the destruction of the bhavas. If the lord of a bhava occupies 6th, 8th or 12th house position or be neecha or in enemys house, then the planet occupying the bhava, however good, is incapable of lifting it from the morass. A similar disability in the navamsha chart, too, will indicate the same result and vice-versa.. Although ill-placed in the lagna kundali, if lords of bhavas occupy uchcha, own or friendly houses in the navamsha chart, or be aspected by benefics in the navamsha chart, those bhavas are progressively productive of good result. It will become evident from the last two rules how important is the navamsha chart. It may totally change the face of a horoscope. Hence it is necessary to erect the correct navamsha kundali in each case and predictions should not be given without reference to it. A very important consideration in the evaluation of the strength of bhavas is this. Suppose a bhava lord is strong by position, say in a friends house, whether in the lagna kundali or the navamsha kundali. Then if that friend happens to be weak by neecha or similar disability, then the whole bottom is knocked out of you contention that the original bhava is strong. It follows that when the dispositors are strong by positions like uchcha, friends or own placed, then the original bhavas even when weak, become strong. A bhava is said to be strong when friends of its lord, his uchcha lord, that planet to which that bhava is uchcha, occupy 11th, 2nd or 3rd places. But these planets should not be neecha, combust, or be enemies to the houses. The strength of a bhava is proportionate to its navamsha. Predominance of malefic influences on bhavas will destroy them. The destruction of a bhava will also take place during the pendency of the dasa or bhukti of the planet which happens to be the lord of the 2nd or 7th from that bhava or posited there.

Here are some special points to be remembered in this connection; a good aspect of the lord of the lagana to a particular bhave will ensure its success. But it a malefic planet happens to be the lord of bhava and aspects the same, then success is doubtful. One must predict the nature of a house indication from the nature of the influence that house receives. Suppose we are considering the first house: an aspect to this house from the lord of the 6th house will cause trouble through enemies; aspects of 8th house lord will cause danger to life; aspect of 12th house lord will cause penury. House indications will be enlivened when the significators pass through sympathetic planets in the horoscope, by transit or during their dasas and bhuktis vide infra. Two opposite indications of two different planets will not destroy each other. Each will be felt at its own time as explained above. One planet may have two conflicting effects to bestow with reference to a single bhava, because some planets have double house rulership. In that case, whichever is the stronger of the two will prevail. The question of direction (East, West, etc.) with reference to a bhava will be decided by one of these:(1) lord of Bhava (2) planet occupying it (3) the planet aspecting it (4) the navamsha of the bhava lord (5) the navamsha of the bhavakaraka. A bhava fructifies when (1) the lord of the lagna or (2) lord of the bhava or (3) karaka planet or (4) Jupiter transits one of these: the bhava, the houses occupied by the bhava lord either in the rasi kundali or in the amsa chart or their trines. When the eighth house lord transits any of the above places, defect to the bhava should be anticipated. Whenever a planet, crosses the lagna or the place occupied by the lord of lagna by transit, you must expect at that time such effects as are indicated in the original horoscope as being due to that planet.

The same will be the effect when the lord of the lagna behaves in a similar manner with reference to any planet. LONGEVITY We have indicated in a previous chapter certain factors that are detrimental to the life of the new-born child. We now continue to examine what other factors contribute to balarishta. 1 Adverse planets on both sides of the lagna and the house which the Moon occupies. 2 Moon either in the 6th or 8th house aspected by adverse planets. 3 Weak Moon in the 8th house and adverse planets in angles and trines. 4 Moon in lagna along with Saturn or Rahu or Mars occupying the eighth house. In all the above cases it is assumed that the planets receive no beneficial rays from Jupiter and that the essential planets are not strong. Otherwise the afflictions would be considerably mitigated. The following combinations indicate long life:(1) Lord of lagna strong, lord of 8th house a little less strong, the dispositor of langa-dhipa strong, Moon strong, Moons dispositor strong, lords of lagna, eighth house and Sun on friendly terms, absence of affliction to Saturn (karaka for longevity); the same for lagna, 8th house and 10th house. (2) Benefics in Kendra and malefics in upchaya, (3) Lord of lagna in exaltation and aspected by Jupiter, at the same time lord of 8th house strong. MARRIAGE

The 7th house indicated marriage; hence this house must be free from affliction for a happy marriage. Also its lord, and the lord of the house it occupies and Venus (karaka for wife) or Mars (karaka for husband) must be strong and free from affliction. Affliction of wife is indicated if 1. Sun occupied the 7th houses in the Rasi kundali and the house of Mars in the Navamsa kundali. 2. Lords of second, seventh houses or Venus in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house and/or also otherwise afflicted. 3. Venus hemmed in between two malefics or malefics situated in the second, fourth or eighth house from that of Venus. The number of wives a man will marry is determined, inter alia, by the number of planets in the 7th house, the malefics denoting death. Venus or Lord of 7th house occupying even navamshas indicate more than one wife. If the Lord of the 7th house along with anyone of Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars occupies the sixth, eighth or the twelfth house, the native will not enjoy married life in full measure. The lagna of the girl whom a man will marry will be one of these: 1. Either the 5th or 9th, from the house occupied by the lord of that mans lagna or his 7th house. 2. The houses of exaltation of the lords of the 1st or the 7th house in the mans horoscope. The direction of the locality in which the girl is born is determined as follows: Of the lord of the 7th house, the occupant of the 7th house and Venus ascertain which is the most powerful. The direction denoted by the house owned by that planet will be the required direction.

The time of marriage can also be found by the following methods: 1. When either Venus or the lord of the 7th house transits the house occupied by the lord of the first house either in the rasi chart or navamsha chart of their trines. 2. According to the dasa system, marriage will take place in the dasa of either the lord of the 7th house or the planet powerfully aspecting it especially when the time is propitious by Gochara (described later) also. 3. When Jupiter transits the house occupied by the lord of the 7th house either in the rasi or navamsha chart.

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