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Pirate Expeditions on Brazil

The Museum Maritime National opens next month its newest exhibition Pirate Expeditions on Brazil with a complete exposition covering all the documented pirate invasions on Brazilian Coast from 1550 to 1790. A complete collection of historic treasures! Letters, paintings, the daily routine of a pirate, clothes, objects, shipwrecks and more! Also a replica of a Portuguese patrol ship from the XVII Century!

Permanent Exhibitions Diving classes Brazilian Navy ships Museum Maritime National
Ph 3126 -6784 Fx 234 - 567 - 132 438 Ocean Avenue Santos, Brazil, 16789-678
Brazilian Navy: From fish ships to nuclear submarines Shipwrecks in our Coasts A day on Brazilian Navy Great Navigations Caf, souvenir shop, cinema, hostel Scheduled school visits Wed/Sun 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m Next to Port of Santos


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