Memorandum Mitt

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To: From: Date: Re: Mrs. Renee Pay Spencer Jolley October 21, 2012 Professional Speaker Analysis

I had the opportunity to listen to Mitt Romney, at the Republican National Convention on October 3, 2012. Hes a professional speaker and the Republican nominee for the President of the United States. Organization Mitt Romney is a very professional and organized speaker. He used his speaking ability to persuade the people at the National Republican convention that he had no faith in the Obama Administration. He said he believes hes the person who has the ability to turn around our economy and our nation. Governor Romney laid out a five-step plan for what he will do to change America. The first step was that by 2020 North America will be energy independent by taking control of our energy in the form of gas, coal, and oil. The second step was that he would help Americans with the skills that they need today and the jobs that they will need in the future. The third step was that he would improve trade agreements. The new trade agreements would create new laws and consequences that will be strictly enforced if they are broken. The fourth step was that he will try to lower the national debt and assure the American people that the United States is a good investment. The fifth and final step he gave was that he would to help small businesses by lowering taxes and repealing Obamacare. Mitt Romney mainly used the Problem-Solution Organizational Pattern in his speech. He began his speech by talking about the start of Obamas term of office and the need for a true leader to bring us out of this recession. This was the main problem he identified. He talked about how we began the last four years with Every family in America wanting this to be a time when they could get ahead a little more. He went on to speak about how that hopes of the American people have been unfulfilled by Obamas term in office. He then expressed his distaste with President Obamas changes to our economy when Governor Romney said, In the richest country in the history of the world, this Obama economy has crushed the middle class. Family income has fallen by $4,000, but health insurance premiums are higher, food prices are higher, utility bills are higher, and gasoline prices have do bled. One solution to these problems was through his five step plan. For example, under the first step, Mitt Romney expressed his goal to become energy independent by taking advantage of our natural oil and gas, thus completing the second step of supplying our country with more jobs.

Within his problem-solution organizational pattern he used deductive reasoning. He listed many supporting points, including the fact that President Obama has cut one trillion dollars to our military budget and also $716 billion to Medicare. Mr. Romney then used those facts and more to support his proposal for change. Supporting Material Ethos Ethos is defined as credibility in the speaker. Mitt Romney has Ethos because of his achievements. Examples of his accomplishments include his successful business, Bain Capital, which is a multimillion dollar company he helped found. Mitt Romney was Governor of Michigan which also contributed to his Ethos. In addition, he presented himself in a trustworthy manner by talking about where and when he was born. He had an average upbringing. This helped him establish some credibility by presenting himself as an everyday guy who wants change for the better. I believe Mitt Romney, because he has proven himself in many instances. He has established his reputation as someone who understands funds. For instance, he helped remove the debt that was accumulating during the 2002 Olympics, and he established his own successful company about which he said, We started a new business called Bain Capital. The only problem was, while we believed in ourselves, nobody else did. We were young and had never done this before and we almost didnt get off the ground . In those days, sometimes I wondered if I had made a really big mistake. In the end, his company was a huge success. I believe that someone with his credentials would make a great President of the United States. Pathos Pathos is defined as the ability to persuade by appealing to the audiences emotions. Mitt Romney used Pathos to present himself as an average person. He gave many examples of his typical lifestyle when he described his childhood. Mr. Romney said that his parents gave their kids the greatest gift of all the gift of unconditional love. He continued to talk about the love of his parents and how Mr. Romneys father showed love for his wife by giving her a rose every day; he would set it on her bed side table. He continued by saying, that's how she found out what happened on the day my father died she went looking for him because that morning, there was no rose. The T.V . screen cut to a woman wiping her eyes: her heart was touched by his story. Logos Logos is defined as the speakers ability to persuade by using reasoning or logic. Mitt Romney demonstrated Logos by stating President Obamas stance on political subjects against his own. One example of Mitt Romney demonstrating Logos is demonstrated in the quote, President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet. My promise is to help you and your family. Mitt Romney puts the

people of the United States over foreign and world problems, a point which highlights his ability to persuade using reasoning and logic. Specific examples of Logos in Mitt Romneys convention speech were given in the quote, The President has disappointed America because he hasnt led America in t he right direction. He took office without the basic qualification that most Americans have and one that was essential to his task. He had almost no experience working in a business. Mr. Romney then made his own inferences by saying our economy will continue to fall if Obama is re-elected because of his lack of business experience. Also, he stated that we should be looking to generate new prosperity, not to redistribute todays. He also made remarks about todays food prices going up, gas prices doubling, and a decreasing amount of jobs. Mitt Romney appealed to the people by showing his proficiency and knowledge about business and the economy. Delivery Mitt Romney is a very prepared public speaker. He demonstrated his preparation through the flow of his speech. Mr. Romney moved from subject to subject without disfluencies. He knew what he was going to say throughout his entire speech. He did not pause or use disfluencies like a or um. He knew what he needed to say and he was practiced and professional in the way he said it. There are a number of nonverbal communication examples Mitt Romney used in his speech. Mr. Romney used his overall body language to portray himself as a professional speaker. He was very presidential in his manner and held his shoulders back, walking with purpose and confidence. He stood behind the podium with strength and he held his body importantly and with self-assurance. He also made and held eye contact with the camera and the audience. Governor Romney made sure to look directly at the camera as he spoke important lines such as, Under my administration, our friends will see more loyalty, and Mr. Putin will see a little less flexibility and more backbone. Motivation In my opinion, to believe in ones own words is the key to motivation. Throughout his speech, Mr. Romney showed his belief in his plan for change. He emphasized his belief that, This is when our nation was supposed to start paying down the national debt and rolling back those massive deficits. This was the hope and change America voted for. Its not just what we wanted. Its not just what we expected. Its what Americans deserved. He also stated, That America is the best within each of us. That America we want for our children. Governor Romney shows his belief in America through these statements. He knows Americas potential, and he believes that he can get us there .

Mitt Romney explained to us that he believes in America, but not in Obama and his plan for our country. There were many examples of his disbelief in Obama. For example, His plan to raise taxes on small business won't add jobs, it will eliminate them. Or, His assault on coal and gas and oil will send energy and manufacturing jobs to China. Governor Romney believes in himself and has a plan to get us back on track.

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