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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Electronic Circuits

Lab #O
Handout S07-010
Spring 2007

The focus of your first tutorial, which wc rcfcr to as Lab #0, will bc the instru~ncntationin tlic 6.002 Lab and its use: good lab practice, and lab safcty. Prior to attending that tutorial, you should read tlic Laboratory Equipnlcnt handout and tlic Lab Practicc and Safcty handout, bc prcparcd to use the Lab equipment to cxaniinc simple networks such as those discussed in class so farl and bc prcparcd to ask questions about the use of tlic cquipnlcnt and lab safcty. Plcasc pay special attention to the EECS Safcty Notice contained in the Laboratory Lab Practicc and Safcty handout. It should bc signed and returned as indicated. It is inlportant for you to do so. If you do not: you will not bc able to purchasc a lab kit and proceed further. Tutorials will bc licld in the Lab, which is within Rooni 38-500. To get to tlic Lab, you should take an elevator to tlic 5th floor of Building 38; note that the closest stairway to tlic Lab is an cnicrgcncy exit only. If you arc unsure as to your schcdulcd tutorial hour, or if you call not attend your first tutorial, plcasc scc your TA innncdiatcly.

Cite as: Anant Agarwal and Jeffrey Lang, course materials for 6.002 Circuits and Electronics, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].

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