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MS Excel Assignment

Mail Merge
Mail merge is an option in excel used to send letters or mails to different people with their corresponding names. eg, if we want to send a selection letter to selected candidates and we want that each letter should have their corresponding names on them then mail merge is the required tool. it will send them the selection letter with their names.

Why it is used
Mail Merge is a useful option in case when we need to send a same invitation to many people. We dont want to send them general invitation letter without their names on it. By using mail merge we can send letters to every single person with their names on it.

How it is used
First we want to make list of those persons, to whom we want to send a message on MS Excel along with their address and anything else we want to write on letter. And then we save the excel file. Then we open MS Word and go to tab Mailings and select Start Mail Merge. It gives a number of options as given below

Used to write letters.

Email Messages
Used to Email and many other options.

Make a list of persons name and city on Excel. After that, we select Letters. And then we click Select Recepients Then click Use Existing List , the list we made on excel. After that, Select Mail Merge Fields to enter name, address, city or anything else and write the content of letter.

MS Excel Assignment After writing content of letter click preview result and it will show you the letter with first persons name, address, city and anything else you want. In case we want to add personal information to a specific letter. To take a print of current recepients letter. To Email a specific letter to the corresponding person.

On various occasions we need to send letters to a group and mail merge can be really helpful in sending personalized invitations with minimal work and make the most effective use of our time which as we all know is quite precious. Mail merge is also an excellent example of the integration of different constituents of MS Office with each other.

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