Obesity Project 1

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Factors Contributing to Obesity

Created By: Jose Pulido, JOseline Menjivar, Martin Salcedo, christopher Manterola

Depression Can Affect Your Weight

Does Depression Cause Weight Gain or Weight Loss? By: Matt McMillen

Depression is linked to a change in body weight for many sufferers. Some people lose weight when faced with severe depressive symptoms, while others gain weight. Depressed people often report cravings of carbohydrates and urges to eat compulsively. Some of this eating is due to attempts by the depressed person to distract himself from painful feelings.


Depressed people tend to be inactive due to their low energy levels and lack of interest in life in general. Inactivity means less fat burned and more stored Depressed people tend to eat poorly. Poor nutrition can result in compulsive eating. Reaching for poor quality, but easily accessible food, results in continued urges and mindless eating

Lack of of obesity people working

People that are obesity usually don't bother to work on their health education. Sources say that 70 % of obesity people give up on their fitness and have high chance of having a heart attack. They also have more stress because of their work job they get tired easily and give up. People usually ending up fired.

Lack of obesity people working 2

people usually will will EAt more when they are made fun of for being too fat obesity people will try to work out but the pain is worse for them because they are t0 heave many people hire a trainer but end up quitting very quickly. It is the person's responsibility to be able to chose either he or she will push themselves to losses weight.

Unhealthy Diet

A lot of people around the world do unhealthy diet, when they should know that, that really affects their body. They start to get sick. Their blood system starts to work different. they're probably going to have problems with their weight.

Unhealthy diet....

Kate says "

An unhealthy diet fails to provide your body with the correct amounts and types of nutrients for maximum health. The average American diet contains too many calories and not enough fruits and vegetables. In addition, certain types of foods are more likely to cause medical problems than others. Know what makes up an unhealthy diet and avoid those nutrition pitfalls."

Lack Of Exercise
Lack of exercise really affects the body, even if you don't know it's killing you from the inside slowly. Why? It affects your blood pressure because you start to get fat, and lose control of your weight. It also affects the most important part of your body which is YOUR heart, because if they're a lot grease in the body that there is really no space for your heart, each time the gets pressure as you gain more weight if the person if obese.

Lack of Exercise...

Brian says Exercise is helpful in weight-loss programs because it burns calories, which can help reduce your weight. However, you may be tempted to stop exercising once you have reached your goal weight, but this lack of exercise may lead you to regain the weight you've lost. According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, exercising is "most helpful in the prevention of weight regain." http://www.livestrong.com/article/366595-side-effects-of-lackof-exercise/#ixzz2Ai7mdOmQ

Importance of access to recreational and park facilities

National Center for Biotechnology Information

A number of factors cause people to become obese. A successful fitness program addresses all the issues surrounding an individual's obesity. They encourage people who live close to where they want to go walk or suggest that they walk there and become healthier. Having a recreational center increases the adult physical activity level.


Having the access of the facilities decreases the percentage of obesity or overweight in the neighborhood. Also it will make more adults active then they would normally be. They try to make it as affordable as it can be so they can be active. There is special trainers to help you to make a schedule or tell you what you need to do. It encourages the community to get the activity that an adult needs. They show the importance of exercising. The park facilities are trying to put one in every community. They are trying to encourage everyone be active.

Teen Obesity: Is Lack Of Education The Real Cause

the cause of teen obesity is usually because of stress in school . some stress is because of bullies making fun of them for being fat. Also because of him or her sucking at sports or in school work. they start to stop trying in their school work because they are scared of being messed around with him or us him or her as a joke.

Teen Obesity: Is Lack Of Education The Real Cause

they try to lose weight to stop bullying against him/her. 76 % of obese teens have said that they are trying to lose weight but their actions show that they don't try. studies have shown that about how to make healthy decisions that will result in weight loss.


Culture is religion, cultures, and traditions. Culture is also ideas, language, morals, and laws. Culture is also style, attitude, and race or ethnicity. African Americans have the highest obesity rates
compared to whites, hispanics, and non-hispanics.


The culture you come from depends whether you're going to be obese or not. Two professors studied if culture had an effect on obesity and it did. if your parents, grandparents, and grandparents eat greasy and unhealthy food then you're going to be eating the same as them this is why culture and the food you're exposed to matters in obesity.


Income is the money that comes in every month, week, or year. Families prefer to buy fast food because its much cheaper than healthy food. Poverty has the limit access to healthy and affordable food. 1 out 7 low income kids are obese. If kids are obese theres a higher possibility that they are bullied at school.


obesity rates had increased over the last two years because of income. people can't afford to but healthy and nutritious food People don't exercise because the places they live aren't safe they are dangerous to go out and exercise. California has the lowest income and highest poverty.

RABIN, RONI CARYN. "Exploring the Links Between Depression and Weight Gain."Well. New York Times, 16 June 2010. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. <http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/16/exploring-the-links-between-depression-and-weight-gain/>. Baxt, Jennifer, Dr. "Does Depression Affect Your Weight? - By Dr. Jennifer Baxt, DMFT, NCC, DCC." Does Depression Affect Your Weight? by Dr. Jennifer Baxt, DMFT, NCC, DCC. Complete Counseling Solution, 2012. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. <http://www.completecounselingsolutions.com/articles/168/-Does-depression-affect-your-weight%3F>.\

Rodriguez, Lavinia. "How Depression Can Affect Weight." Suite101.com. Weight Loss @ Suite101, 21 Sept. 2009. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. <http://suite101.com/article/how-depression-can-affect-weight-a141631>.

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"Being a Skinny Is Much More Unhealthy than Being Fat New Study The Register."Being a Skinny Is Much More Unhealthy than Being Fat New Study The Register. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2012. <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/07/10/yet_another_obesity_study/>.

"What Is Being Unhealthy?" Taylor and Francis. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2012. <http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01463376309385310>.
Kirkman, Sue M. "Diabetes Care." Influence of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture on Childhood Obesity: Implications for Prevention and Treatment. R E v I E W S / C O M M E N T a R I E S / A D A S T a T E M E N T S, Nov. 2008. Web. 28 Sept. 2012.

"Side Effects of Lack of Exercise." LIVESTRONG.COM. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2012. ,m.8<http://www.livestrong.com/article/366595-side-effects-of-lack-of-exercise/>. "Effects of Lack of Exercise." Fitness. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct12<http://fitness.ygoy.com/2008/11/27/effects-of-lack-ofexercise/>. Wagner, Holly. "Lack of Exercise Causes Psychological as Well as Physical Setbacks."Medical News Today. MediLexicon International, 15 Apr. 2004. Web. 13 Oct. 20 <http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/7286.php>.

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