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Julia Merron 7 History 4/3/13 Hinduism Input Chart

Beliefs Hinduism does not have a founder like other religions. Indians call it Sanatana Dharma Faith with no beginning or end. Some basic Hindu beliefs include Karma, Dharma, and Samsara. Karma is the sum of all good and evil in your life. The universe remembers every act we commit. Dharma is means you must do your duty and follow the law. It is the right way to live. Samsara is the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Death is only the beginning of our reincarnation. If we followed our dharma and our karma was full of good actions, our soul will be reborn to a higher level.

Scripture Much of the information we have today comes from the ancient Vedas (Sanskrit for Knowledge). The Rig-Veda is a series of hymns and poems that were first memorized and recited by Brahmans or priests. Another famous story is the Ramayana. The epic tells the story of Rama and his battle with Ravana (a demon). Even today, Hindus celebrate Divali (row of lamps) to honor Ramas triumph over evil and the beginning of the new year.

Gods and Goddesses Hindus are polytheistic worshiping over 330 million gods/goddesses. There are 3 you should know: Brahma- the creator, Shiva (pictured) the destroyer, and Vishnu- the preserver. Hindus have the right to choose which god to worship because they believe there are many paths to righteousness. A famous quote from the Bhagavadgita says All gods lead to God as rivers lead to the sea.

Julia Merron 7 History 4/3/13 Hinduism Input Chart

Use the previous page and the videos to complete the following. Write complete sentences with specific details from the texts. DO NOT PLAGARIZE. PARAPHRASE USING YOUR OWN VOCABULARY. Be thorough in your answers. Input Charts are the primary source for Unit Exams (30% HISTORY category), use as study guide. PROMPT 1.) What is Karma? 2.) EXTEND -- How does Karma influence how someone lives their life under Hindusim? YOUR ANSWER Karma is the sum of all good and evil in your life. People living under Hinduism would need to be pure. The goal for them is to have a good life full of kind deeds so they will be reborn into a higher level. The universe will have remembered all of your deeds whether they are good or bad, so nothing is missed. Dharma means you must follow the law and do your duty. If someone lived their life under Hinduism with Dharma would mean that they had to respect anybody of a higher class than them and do what they were told. Samsara is the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Hindus come to pray and bathe in the Ganges River to purify their soul. Krishna is a significant figure because he was once shown in human form. He is also handsome and plays the flute. Many Hindus express their love for him in dances. Hindu children greet their parents in the morning by touching their feet, as a sign of respect. Most Hindus are vegetarians because they dont want to kill animals. Hindu families live with their grandparents. Most families also have a shrine dedicated to their favorite god.

3.) What is Dharma? 4.) EXTEND -- How does Dharma influence how someone lives their life under Hindusim? 5.) What is Samsara? 6.) EXTEND -- How does Samsara influence how someone lives their life under Hindusim? 7.) According to the video Hindu Beliefs, why do millions of Hindus go to Varanasi on the River Ganges each year? 8.) According to the video Hindu Gods, explain how Krishna is a significant figure in Hinduism? 9.) According to the video Family Life, provide key aspects of Hindu family life.

Julia Merron 7 History 4/3/13 Hinduism Input Chart

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