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4 15. (a) Prove that the zeros a 1 , a 2 , ....... a n and h o l e s b 1, b 2, . . . . . . , b n o f a n e l l i p t i c function satisfy a 1 + a 2 + ..... + a n b 1 + b 2 + ... + b n ( modM).

. (b) Prove that a discrete module consists either of zero alone, of the integral multiples nw of a single complex number 0 0, or of all linear combinations n 1w 1 + n 2 w 2 with integral co-efficients of two numbers 1, 2 with normal ratio 1. 2

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210. COMPLEX ANALYSIS ( Including Lateral Entry ) [ Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 100 Marks SECTION - A ( 8 5 = 40 )

May ]

Answer any EIGHT questions. ALL questions carry equal marks. 1. State and prove Lucas theorem. 2. Prove that the sequence { f n (x) } converges uniformly on E if and only if, to every t > 0 there exists n 0 such that | f m(x) f n(x) | for n n 0 and for all x in E. Turn Over

2 3. State and prove Liovilles theorem. 4. State and prove Rouches theorem. 5. Define the conjugate differential *du of du in a region . if u 1 and u 2 are harmonic in a region , then prove that x u1 * du2 u2*, du1 = 0

3 9. Define elliptic function with an example. Prove that a non constant elliptic function has equally any holes as it has zeros. 10. Prove that any two bases of the same module are connected by a unimodular transformation. SECTION - B ( 3 20 = 60)

for every cycle which is homologues to zero in . 6. If the functions f m(z) are analytic and 0 in a region , and if f n (z) converges to f(z), uniformly on every compact subset of , then prove that f(z) is either identically zero or never equal to zero in . 7. Prove that a necessary and absolute sufficient condition for the absolute convergence of the product (1 + a n ) if the convergence of the 1 series |a n | . 1 8. Define the equicontinuous and normal family of functions. State Arzeta- Ascolis theorem.

Answer any THREE questions. ALL questions carry equal marks. 11. (a) State and prove Abels liaint theorm. (b) Prove that the cross ratio ( z 1 , z 2 , z 3 , z 4 ) is real if and only if the four points lie on a circle or on a straight line. 12. St a t e a n d p r o v e C a u c h y s t h e o r e m i n a circular disk. 13. State and prove Schwarzs theorem. 14. Prove that the genus and the order of an entire function satisfy the double inequality h l h +1.

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