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TafeSA- IT Studies


Exercise 2 NFS & FTP

4LNX2 Exercise 2 NFS Practical

Share the following directories from your NFS server /var/music /tmp/junk /var/music Read and write for host read only for ALL other hosts /usr/local/finance read and write only for host allow root ownership on this share no other host access allowed

Configure your local machine to mount the following NFS share, with the correct options share /var/tafe host mount point /mnt/nfs options soft mount not at boot time allow normal users to mount and unmount allow share mount to be interrupted

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TafeSA- IT Studies


Exercise 2 NFS & FTP

VSFTPD Practical
SERVER Anonymous Access

Enable anonymous access to your ftp server Enable anonymous uploads Disable anonymous directory creation ensure anonymous users are chrooted to /var/ftp/


Local Access

add fred, bob and <yourname> as Linux users Enable local access to your ftp server allow only 3 concurrent connections at a time to your ftp server Use a local chroot list to jail user bob only in his home directory deny user fred any access via ftp before a password is submitted edit the banner to contain the message welcome to <yourname> ftp server Display a message in the anonymous public folder stating for all public use

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