Design Context: Where Is Design?

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Design Context: Where is Design?

Typographical and layout driven, with an interest in printed outcomes, education, event and small business branding with an understanding of web design. My Statement of Intent I catagoried my design influences: Publications, Small Business and Events Branding and Image used within Design.Through my dissertation and further research I realised that my interest lies in Geographical location, asking the question: Where Is The Design I Love?

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Have You Got A Minute?

These are screenprinted booklets (two varing colours), that ask 6 questions relating to their individual practices and their opinion on globalisation.

Below is a list of Studios & freelance designer I mailed the physical versions to, the ones in red are the ones I got replies from: Hello Me - Berlin | Hyperkit - London | Marque - Glasgow | Forma & Co -Barcelona | A Friend of Mine - Melbourne | Bond - Helsinki | Clase BCN - Barcelona | Heydays - Norway | Lundgren + Lindqvist - Sweden | Akatre - France | Manifesto Futura - Mexico | The Chase - Manchester | Raw - Manchester | May Ninth - Manchester | ESKIMO - Manchester | Build - London | A - Side Studio - Falmouth I recieved one response from Mexico, so these questions and answers do not appear in my publication.

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Each design studio appears in order of distance from my Leeds address. I wanted to show my influences highlighting their geographical locations, I felt using co-ordinates was a much more interesting way than stating the country. I like how the audience doesnt know which country the studio is in, unless mentioned in the body copy. Using a 9pt grid and margins: top & bottom 18mm, inside & outside 15mm. 5 columns with a gutter of 6mm. I choose Neutraface and Avenir typefaces because geometric sans-serifs are used a lot in the design I aspire towards. The positioning of the headers alternates from top aligned to bottom aligned so it is obvious when one studio starts and another ends.

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Terrestrial Spreads
A selection of photographs of spreads from the finished copticbound publication.

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