Indian Comics Fandom (Vol. 6)

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Namastey! Presenting Indian Comics Fandom (Volume 6).

I would like to thank all the readers and Indian Comic Fans for their continuous support from the first issue of ICF last year. This issue covers *) News articles, updates on independent comic scene. *) Articles, Updates from Manta Ray Comics, Vimanika Comics, Holy Cow Entertainment, Amar Chitra Katha, Yali Dream Creations, Raj Comics, Tricolor Books, Fenil Comics, Comix.India, Yomics, Himalayan Comics. *) Fan Fic : Sukda Abs (Gamraj) by Karan Virk. *) EXCLUSIVE!!! Interview with Mr. Nitin Mishra by Nishant Parashar. *) Memories Section with old comic issues, excerpts from magazines. Cover Pic Mr. Mayank Sharma and Late Jitendra Bedi ji (Raj Comics Janoon Mela, June 2008) - Mohit Sharma (Trendster)

All Rights Reserved, Mohit Sharma and Freelance Talents. Symbols, titles, images used belong to the above mentioned comic publications. Use by ICF is informative and educational

1) - A Comical Ride

(Chencho Sherin Thomas for Indian Express) With legs up on a coconut tree, Cocoman invites the world with this catchy line Lets go coco nutty. And who wouldnt go nutty for this lungi-caped, banyan-clad superhero who uses coconuts as his crime-fighting weapon? The beefed up superheroes in a body suit carrying mean machines are old news. Cocoman is all fresh and spanking new in his whacky avatar. His lean-mean-self comes across as a comical adaptation of a common man in Kerala, who has set about to fight the crime-ridden world. And Cocoman will hit television soon, thanks to three youngsters from Kerala, Sinu Chandrasenan, Kishore Mohan and Roshan K. What happens when two engineers get together and discuss a future together? Inventions? Sure enough, except, Sinu Chandrasenan and Kishore Mohan who met at an IT company seven years ago were never the quintessential engineers. Their heart was in art. This was during the days when their excellent drawing skills were stunning their peers. Kishore and Sinu found a buddy in each other who shared the similar penchant for drawing. Their discussions which varied from colours, dreams and art almost always escalated when it struck their most favourite topic comics. By the time these comic-geeks quit the company; they have had a hard-written plan in their heads. Kishore who knew Roshan from the time he started his animation course in 2005, was quite confident in him. When these three creative heads amassed and brainstormed, the product became Libera Artisti (Free Artists), a company which churns out graphic novels.

Today Libera Artisti is an established company with branches in Bangalore and Thiruvananthapuram. When Libera Artisti handles graphic novels, illustrations and animation pre-production works, a new animation branch Dragon Mill Media deals with everything related to animation. They also have a coffee shop for artists to unwind called Coffee on Canvas and a curio shop has curios from worldwide at Bangalore. Kishore, Roshan and Sinu are the chairmen of 45 employees who work with Libera Artisti and Dragon Mill Media. When Kishore donates the story ideas, Sinu and Roshan do the sketching and colouring for their creations. Me and Roshan started an animation company just after our animation course but since we didnt have a business bone in our body it did not work out as planned. But later, when I met Sinu we discussed the possibilities of a graphic novel in India. Though, today many animation studios come up with the novels of their existing animated characters, it was non-existent then. And telling an original story is what we had in mind, said Kishore. Nonetheless, the first novel of this team did not see the light of day. The publishers thought the content which followed an urban fantasy genre was not something an Indian audience could connect with. Soon, Kishores brain devised an autorickshaw driver, who ends up being the pilot of Yamraj (the god of death). The novel which was named Autopilot was launched at the Indias first Comic Conference, Comic Con, held in New Delhi in 2012. We were planning to release ten volumes of Autopilot but all the copies of the first volume we released at Comic Con sold out within minutes. It was such a huge success and we got an investor as well. But since we have changed our direction to animation w e couldnt release its other volumes. But we are planning to launch a 300-page book of Autopilot containing all the volumes, says Sinu. The trio is in talks with the major cartoon channels in India like Cartoon Network, Pogo and Nickelodeon to release their Cocoman as a series in one of the channels. They hope it will be possible by 2014. As the medium is English the voice-overs are given by Americans. We have tried with Indian voices but somehow it didnt seem right. And as we are planning to release it worldwide it would be better if we use somebody who pronounces English right, says Sinu. Keralas reluctance to accept novel ideas is what makes this group hesitant to introduce their products here. When the world accepts, Kerala will accept. So we are waiting for the world to accept to introduce the novels and animations here, says Kishore. Meanwhile, their Thiruvananthapuram studio is in the process of developing Indian mythical characters in a contemporary manner.

2) - T-shirts, comic books, games join in 'Modi for PM' chorus

(Indian Express)

A former BJP youth wing worker in New Delhi has taken the "Modi for PM" chorus to another level. Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga, convener of the Delhi-based right-wing group Bhagat Singh Kranti Sena (BSKS), has come up with a campaign called "Modi-fying India" which is aimed at projecting Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi as Prime Minister. Since May 1, Bagga has been selling Modi T-shirts priced at Rs 235 through a popular social networking site. The T-shirt has Modi's image superimposed on the national flag, with "India first is my definition of secularism: Modi Mantra" written on it. The T-shirts will be followed by comic books and games on Modi. They will be launched by the BSKS along with a theme song in Hindi, Punjabi and Bhojpuri called Namo Namo, sung by the Delhi-based band Panchtarni, on May 20. "We feel Modi is a good leader who can bring about development and change by becoming the PM. There is a lot of fear over Modi running for the top job and that's why we are coming out to support him with this campaign," says Bagga. The T-shirts, available in four sizes and in black and brown colours, have already made brisk business with orders trickling in not only from Indian cities, but also the US and Germany, claims Bagga.

Panchtarni's Namo Namo will formally flag off the campaign. "It is a fusion song with plenty of metal and folk influences. As the song will be available freely on the Internet, we are sure that it will become popular and we plan to perform it during the official launch of the campaign," says Rahul Tikoo, the lead vocalist of Panchtarni, who has written and arranged the song. Aditya Bakshi, the author and creator of Indian War Comics, will contribute to the campaign with a 40-page graphic book on Modi. "We are digging into a lot of biographies written on Modi and the material available online for inspiration. It would be the first time my team would be profiling a real-life hero as we have previously only profiled Param Vir Chakra awardees and Ashoka award winners who laid down their lives for the country. We will mainly focus on Modi's rags-to-riches story, follow his stint as a BJP party worker to the 'development politics' that he stands for today," says Bakshi.

3) - Comics get Real (DNA)

The world of superheroes in comics has made way for ordinary folk intent on making a difference, with or without special powers, reports Joanna Lobo. The world of superheroes in comics has made way for ordinary folk intent on making a difference, with or without special powers, reports Joanna Lobo. Last October, there was considerable excitement at the publishing house, The Content Company (TCC), because a team brainstorming for new ideas believed it had hit pay dirt a new female character who teams up with an ex-spy (a James Bond meets Dexter character) to fight crime in Gurgaon.

Later that year, the public anger against the Delhi gang rape gave the publishers the feeling that they had captured an idea whose time had come. I t was then that we realised we were on the right track. This is what we wanted to address with our comic. We arent preaching a social message and arent taking a stand. We are telling people how to feel empowered, says Aruna Balkrishna Singh, TCCs MD and CEO. The comic, called Parallax, will be released at the end of June. Singh explains the genesis of the idea. The world we live in needs superheroes every day. And they are not going to come from Krypton, but from one of us. Welcome the rise of the anti-hero in the comic book world! These are ordinary people like you and me, who dont necessarily have super powers, but who want to affect change just like superheroes and manage to pull it off. Modern vigilantes Picture someplace in Mumbai. A formidable looking woman draped in a green sari halts an auto. The driver instantly says, Nahi jayega. The woman turns red, mutters a Marathi expletive, and blows up the auto to smithereens, saying wrong answer. Angry Maushi has her revenge. The character introduced at last years Comic Con has already sold 800 copies and there are a steady number of inquiries for Part 2. Angry Maushi is no superhero. Go to any housing society. If theres a problem within, you will notice it is the women who come out to fight first...they have guts. Angry Maushi is just an exaggerated version of these women, says Abhijeet Kini, a comic illustrator and Angry Maushis creator. As her name suggests, Angry Maushi is fed up with the state of the world. And when she loses it, you better run for cover. In the first comic, she is shown taking on a greedy politician. We all know what happens when someones ego takes over... we swear at someone and sometimes want to shoot them. Through my character, I am giving people a chance to indulge in what theyve always wanted to do but cannot, says Kini. Its not new to have vigilantes influenced by events around them in comics, says Sharad Devarajan, co-founder & CEO, Graphic India. Some of the great superhero stories have for generations reflected larger societal narratives. They have complex and serious stories even when told through the lens of fantasy and action. In the 60s, for example, superheroes were influenced by the Cold War ethos and the age of Man Versus Science. Thus many of them, like Spider-Man, X-Men, Hulk, Fantastic Four, Daredevil derived their powers from mutations or unknown radiation. X-Men dealt with social issues such as racism and the themes of separatism versus inclusion that was reflected in the political dialogue of the Civil Rights Movement in the US at the time. Whats changed now, however, says Kini is that the newer breed of Indian superheroes are

closer to life. Comic artists and writers are playing on peoples fantasies by giving them a superhero who is a little less God-like. Singh says its important for an agent of change to connect with an everyman. We all have become very cynical and that is reflected in our comics. Its no longer fantasy. We are bringing reality into it... we want the characters to be real somewhere, she says.

Heroes begin young In keeping with tradition of the anti-superhero, Liquid Comics (of which Graphic India is the digital platform) recently collaborated with comic legend Stan Lee to launch Chakra The Invincible, the story of young Raju Rai, who wears a hi-tech suit that activates the mystical chakras of his body, giving him super powers.

Its a blend of science and spirituality. As Raju wears the suit, it bonds with him. The story then follows how he learns to master his chakras. Its about self-discipline... if you can control yourself, you can be very powerful, says Devarajan. Along with Parallax, TCC will launch Chronicles Of Laalseb, another new comic, in June. Its hero, the young Vishnu, accompanied by an apple demon Laalseb, must save his village from evil kings and supernatural creatures. Its a fantasy story but it tells children that you can affect change yourself, says Singh. The idea was inspired by meetings with several people who thought they could change the world when they were children but lost that feeling as they grew up, she adds. The character of Laalseb plays on the fact that children have imaginary friends, who give them ideas, and at times, validate what they are doing, much like Hobbes in Calvin and Hobbes, says Kini, Laalsebs creator and writer. The power of ordinary Another anti-superhero is Nepal-based Kripa Joshis Miss Moti, a fat Asian woman with no superpower. She uses the power of her imagination to achieve extraordinary things. That is her superpower, says Joshi, a comic artist. The amply-endowed, brown-skinned character fights against norms of body image and beauty, as well as discrimination and pesky neighbours. Miss Moti was born out of Joshis own struggles with her weight. Miss Moti is already affecting change. At a comic convention that Joshi attended, a woman who had read the Miss Moti books bought one for herself and two more to distribute to her libraries because she felt it was important for people to read about her positive character. Later this year, Miss Moti will be part of an alternative superhero comic in America that will focus on Asian characters. The comic, called Secret Identities An Asian American Superhero Anthology, is trying to challenge the stereotypical images of Asians in superhero comics by making them main characters instead of just side-kicks or villains. In one story Miss Moti rescues Ultra Girl, the typical sexy superhero actress, from danger, and in another she confronts discrimination. She is a hero because she is ordinary, says Joshi.

4) - New Indian superhero has yogic superpowers

After Nagraj, Doga, Super Commando Dhruva, Triranga and Yodda, there's another Indian superhero on the block and his name is 'Chakra-The Invincible'. Like his western counterparts, Superman, Spiderman and Batman, Rai has a body suit with superpowers that can save Mumbai. Born in the city, the teenager, a science prodigy, develops a body suit along with his scientist mentor. What makes Chakra different from the other super heroes? He has yogic powers! The suit helps him activate his yogic chakras which help him get super powers. "Chakra-The Invincible" is created by Stan Lee, former president and chairman of Marvel Comics and also a comic book writer, publisher, media producer, television host, editor, actor and voice actor. He's the man who co-created the X-Man, Iron Man, Thor, The Fantastic Four, Hulk, Spider Man and many other characters. Sharad Devarajan, CEO of Graphic India has worked with Stan Lee to conceptualise the character. The comic was published on May 4.The comic will also be published in Hindi, Tamil and Mayalam. There are plans to animate the character for television series. Preview book available on ISSUU, Readwhere.

5) Vimanika Comics Vimanika Comics teams up with Maya Digital Studio to create Animated TV Series The Sixth: Karna, The Warrior Kid

Maya Digital Studios and Vimanika comics come together to bring India's favourite mythological comic characters into their animated avatars. Maya Digital Studios will be creating an animated TV series and TV Film based on one of Vimanika's best selling comic, The Sixth: The Karna. The project titled 'The Sixth: Karna The Warrior Kid', is a contemporary take on the story of the legendary warrior in a format meant for the kids of today. The story of 'The Sixth: Karna The Warrior Kid' revolves around the adventures of a present day 9 year old boy who happens to be the reincarnation of the great warrior Karna. The TV Film will be a 70 minute long, followed by a series of 104, 11 minute stories that will be created based on this comic series. An exclusive preview of the series will be presented at the Mumbai Comic Con 2012. The film and the show are primarily aimed at kids in the age-group 7-10 and promise an action adventures treat for them, with a subtle connection in the Indian mythology. Internationally, comic books' getting converted into cinematic of televised content is a very popular trend. In the recent past we have also witnessed the Indian market warming up to this trend. And taking the lead in this territory is Maya. Maya Digital Studios is India's leading animation, visual effects & 2D to 3D conversion studio. In the recent past they have created a 3D animated show out of Lotpot comics popular Motu Patlu and converted Amar Chitra Katha's Sons of Ram into stereoscopic 3D. Speaking about the association, Ketan Mehta, Chairman & Managing Director, Maya Digital Studios said, For a child, comics are the first interface with reading & animation with cont ent viewing. Our focus at Maya is to bring in the best possible comic content into an animated form. The Sixth is precisely such a highly contemporary yet traditionally rooted concept, and with our animation, we'll take this already popular brand to an alt ogether new level. Adding further, Suhas Kadav, Head of the Animation Department at Maya & the director of the film & the series said, 'The Sixth: Karna The Warrior Kid' has an extremely engaging and interesting story. Keeping in mind the core TG of 7-10 year olds, we have woven the story around the great Karna, in such a way that today's kids enjoy the action and adventure, and get to know some secrets of the great Indian warrior. Vimanika comics have garnered umpteenth accolades for their various mythological comics. The Sixth Karna is a story a real hero. He had all the attributes and characteristics of a god but flaws like a human. Karna was born to a royal family and yet he led the life of a lower caste. But more than that, the story highlights how he overcame all the abuses and challenges life threw at him. All in all it is a story from which the reader can draw inspiration. The Sixth Karna is a very popular brand both Nationally and Internationally. The comic has a huge cult following which prodded the creators to present the comic via the digital platform. Says Karan Vir Arora, CEO, Vimanika Comics, This is an exciting collaboration. It is definitely a huge leap for us where in we will be able to reach out a wider audience. The film and series will be in tandem with the artwork and story line of the comic. However there will be necessary creative changes as it's a different medium. The Indian mythology has varied layers and our team at Vimanika has always been striving to engage the youth to get affluent and inspired by Indian culture and our rich ancient history.

Vimanika Studios also undertakes works for International Clients Pushpak Vimaan Cover for Arya Babbar

Upcoming Vimanika Title - Shiva Book III (Preorders Started)


Inner Page

6) Holy Cow Entertainment

That Man Solomon and Aghori Book 3 releasing this June 2013 at Bangalore Comic Con

Ravanayan Finale Interior Art

HCE Organized Weekly (for 5 Weeks) Aghori Fan Art Contest

Entry by Aakash Anand

7) - Comix India

Comix India Vol. 6

8) Manta Ray Comics

Mixtape and Twelve titles by Manta Ray Comics are finally in print and shipping started this May by Manta Ray Store.
Today, for the first time, we're shipping out our books, "direct from the Mant a Ray Store"!! Copies of Mixtape and Preludes are going out this evening, and each package has a little goodie from us - a signed print postcard from The Boy on the Burning Deck - just to say "Thank You" to every one of you who's supporting us.

Manta Ray released print editions of their two new comics - Mixtape and Twelve Preludes - at Bangalore's Coffee on Canvas, on the 20 April 2013. The release accompanied by a showcase of the original art and prints from the two books, and you will get a chance to meet most of the creators of these comics.

9) - Yali Dream Creations

Caravan Releasing at Bangaluru Comic Con June 2013

Interior Page from Caravan

10) Raj Comics (Raja Pocket Books) Tricolor Children Books

Tricolor Books brings a wide range of story books, facts with picture books, coloring books and moral stories for kids.

Short stories, poems, inspiring quotes are regularly updated on official website and FB Page

Page from Graphic Novel The Hound of Baskervilles by Kshitish Padhy (Paper Clip Books)

160 Page Mega Issue Negatives Coming Soon, Ad by Mr. Anupam Sinha

Hasya Hindola FB Series

Nagraj Veergati Inner Page

11) Other Publications & News *) - Fenil Comics

Universal Kings is the upcoming first multistar project of Fenil Comics. This follows a series of comics to develop the this multistar universe, roles of superheroes, areas of operations, specific characters to be used in common comics etc.

Kavya Comic Series By Freelance Talents and Fenil Comics continues. Ad Promotion of third Kavya ComicWoh Khush Hai!

*) - Kshitij Dhyanis Nekar House Production enter into its second season with Vivah 2

*) Amar Chitra Katha Organizing a Writing Workshop

ACK LIstings

*) - Yomics launches New Titles on Indian Blockbuster Movies

Yomics World, or 'Yomics' is the comic book division of Yash Raj Films Studios, specializing in creating comic books predominantly based on Yash Raj Films movies and suitable for readers of all ages. These comics are available across the print and digital platforms. It was founded by Uday Chopra in 2012.

*) - Jazyl Homavazirs Beast Legion # 09 Begins

Himalayan Comics announced its 2D animation and Motion Comics Studio for Indipendent Artists as well as established Comic Publications, Animation Houses.

12) - RC Forums Contest Series (2)

Duration : 4 June 2009 to 4 July 2009 Organizers & Judges : Parijat Kushwaha (Parijat) & Mohit Sharma (Trendster) Total Entries : 26 Entries of 12 Authors...... The Haunted House by Amit, Promise Breaking by Amit, INDRA- THE LIGHTNING FORCE by protective_logus, The Arun chronicles by protective_logus, The Pool of Savages by Director00, Nightmares by Director00, In The Vampire's Grasp by Director00, Villain by Soumya, Searchlight by Soumya, Bijuka by Soumya, Suicide Bomber by Karan, Demon In A Bottle by Karan, Colours by Karan, Neech by Sid, Pratham Vivah by Sid, World Heroes...... by Sid, Rahasmayee Duniya by Sid, THE OCTAGON by Kushal, The Raging War-The Fall of Nations by Kushal, The Dark Avenue by Kushal, Lahu ki Dagar by Vishal, ATANKHARTA DHRUV-MISSION ASSAM by kbuster, Mohra by sesshomaru, Doga ka Ant by Rahul (Nogdev), Mrityu RathMaharathi by Rahul (TAKER), Bisaat-Chaal-Gadar by Rahul (TAKER).

Three persons who will recieve their surprise gifts are -Sid Soumya Kushal.. Ultimate Writer Contest ka result aa chuka hai.....Karan, Soumya aur Sid ko Top 3 writers mey aane ki badhai.....kyoki forums kay 'The Ultimate Writer' Karan Canada mey rehte hai isliye unka prize walkover rule kay under entry number 6 "The Raging War-The Fall of Nations" ko jaata hai jo Kushal nay likhi hai.

13) Fan Fiction : Sukda Abs (Gamraj) by Karan Virk

Genre - Comedy Characters - Gamraj Other Character s- Shankalu, Yamunda and Misc. Heroes Aaj, Gamraj ke paas Abs hain!

Gamraj - Kitna, neeche gaya? Shankalu - Guru....10kg aur ghat gaya! Gamraj - Meri, Share Market ki body ka aaj tak profit toh huya nahi..Comics ke abhav

mein wajan 20kg hi reh gaya hai...Papa Jee, isse accha mujhe 'Lijjat Papad' hi bana dijiye..Khud ko khaa toh sakunga! Shankalu - Guru, mujhe ab pata chala Yamunda tumhari taraf itna ghurta kyun hai..Isse accha toh tum apne liye ek, Striped Kaccha maang lo. Socho, Basti mein kabhi kisi ne do Kacchadhari Character nahi dekhe honge. Hum...Kacchadhari Brothers ki dhaak jam jaayegi...Phir, kuch samay ke baad hum Yamunda ko bhi Tambu se ek Kaccha sil denge. Basti, mein 'Kaale Kacchadhari Trio' ki dahshat phail jaayegi...Zara, socho Guru. Gamraj - Nangalu....Ahm! Shankalu yeh sab tab theek tha jub humare General Issues nikalte the. Mujhe, phir se waapis aane ke liye kuch chahiye...Jaise, Doga Artwork mein dabe hokar bhi ab tak ventilator se chal raha hai. Shankalu - Guru, main potty kar ke aaya. Zara, rukna! Shankalu, 1 ghante baad aaya. Shankalu - Guru, maine Bathroom mein jaa kar yeh research kar li hai ki tum mein woh kya nahi hai jo, Dropped Heroes tak mein hai...Yahan, tak ki Shakti mein bhi hai! Gamraj - Copied Character hona? Shankalu - Nahi, Guru...Abs..Ab, dekho jab Tiranga apni Comic ke Climax mein Jabkatre ya Chenchor bane Bhikhari ki chehre se mask utarta hai toh woh log uski Abs, dekh kar hi apni payment latka dete hain...Gurur, isiliye toh Tiranga ab tak chalta raha..Guru, main to kehta hun iss baar Lion Gym se accha tum yahin mere, 'Tuhada Surkhi Laal Kaccha Gym' mein training shuru kar do..Lo, Guru main Doga ki purani Comics ka Narration bhi shuru kar deta hun. Aur, Narration shuru huya. Shankalu - Apni, dincharya permanent rakhne ke liye Doga ne pehli Push-Up maarna shuru kiya. Gamraj, Push-Up position mein aa gaya. Shankalu - Doga, aadhe distance mein hi pahuncha tha ki uske munh se bhayankar awaz nikli, 'HUMF'. Gamraj - HUMRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA............ Shankalu - Arey, nahi Guru tum toh Antakshari khelne lagey.

Gamraj - Bade Vaaman, tu meri peeth par chal raha hai. Shankalu - Sorry, Guru woh Doga ki comic padh kar mere andar ka He-Man jaag jaata hai...Tum, Continue karo...HUMF ko dobara dohrayo. Gamraj - HUMKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA............Yamunda, ne kaat liya! Shankalu - Guru, ghabrayo mat Rabies ke injection nahi lagwane padenge...Woh, kutte jaise Doga ke paas aate hain...Toh, effect dene ke liye Yamunda ko maine hi bola tha..Aahista kaatna tha, Saand! Gamraj - Chele, tu toh mera Raag Peeda - Padi baja raha hai. Yeh, sab mujh se nahi hoga...Aur, dekho mujhe toh paseena bhi aa gaya..Mere, andar ek ajab sa kampan ho raha hai. Shankalu - Guru, woh toh jo tum apni Comic band hone ke baad afeem leni shuru kar di thi. Woh, kampan ussi ke khatam hone ka nateeja hai. Guru, aisa karo phir se apne kapdon mein rui bhar lo. Gamraj - Aur, Abs? Shankalu - Guru, itney kum samay mein Abs toh Spray - Paint kar ke hi mil sakte hain..Picchle hi hafte, Basanti ne taaza - taaza gobar diya tha..Maine, ussi se Spray - Paint bana liya tha. Aur, kaamchuran, kajal, hair blackner jaise aur product bhi. Socha, tha Super Heroes ko bech kar unki Comics ka satyanash karunga. Par, jo Artwork kar raha hai, uske liye hum apna Fresh Gobar kyun barbad karein. Global Warming ko kum karne ke liye, Kurla Basti hi toh sab kuch kar rahi hai. Shankalu ki ghanton ki ba mashakkat ke baad, spray - paint dwara Abs bana diye gaye. Aur, Gamraj ne apne shirt aur pant mein rui bhar kar taiyari kar li. Shankalu - Bhainson aur Purple prajati ke Bhainson...pesh hai..Weighing ina 20.5 Kg..One - Half of The Kacchadhari Brothers Duo...Kurla ke Tabelon ka Rambo..Balra...Gamraj..Please Khur maarein! Tabhi, Yamunda ne Slumdog waala scene kar diya. Shankalu - Lo, Guru tumhari Abs ka Yamunda ne udghatan kar diya. Gamraj - Shankalu, hume meri return ko aur meri Abs development ko highlight karne ke liye ek function rakhna chahiye. Shankalu - Sahi, baat hai Guru!...Main abhi WTS fame Lalit Jee se tumhare Promotional

Artwork ki baat karta hun. Gamraj - Yaar, main toh pehle hi single pasli hun...Lalit Jee ne draw kar diya toh mere toh baal bhi nahi bachenge! Shankalu - Toh, Guru Dhruva ki Comics waale Artist kaise rahenge? Gamraj - Hahahahahahahahaha................Shankalu, tune toh meri Spray - Painted Abs ke bhi ansu nikaal diye. Shankalu - Chalo, Guru Artwork chodo. Hum, event organise karte hain...Par, Doga ko mat bulana Guru, kahin pichli baar ki tarah tumhari rui na nikaal de. Event Organise ho gaya aur sab Super Heroes aane lage. Gamraj aur Shankalu sabhi Heroes ko receive karne khade ho gaye. Shankalu - Guru, Fighter Toads aa gaye! Gamraj - Dafa, ho jaayo yahan se..Kahin, mere Yamraj Papa ko hi apna naya Toad Dev na bana lo...Yahan, par koi bhola - bhola nahi hai..Par, agar na nikle toh meri gazab ki Abs tumhe laat maar kar nikalengi. Fighter Toads - Jaate hain...Hum toh tumhe tumhari Comics ke girte prabhav ke kaaran Adopt karne aaye the...Par, yeh jo 6 naye type ke macchar apni chaati par laga kar ghum rahe ho..Usse zada badhiya macchar, Nagraj ke paas hain. Hunh! Shankalu - Guru, tumhari Abs ko macchar bol gaye...Khush, ho jaayo Guru main toh ek hi jhatke mein sabse badhiya Absartist ban gaya....Chalo, Next! Parirakshak Bhokal - Aa Gu N Gu Bulap Ab Gat Ak Bha.......... Gamraj - Lagta, apney lagataar failure se tumhe shock lag gaya hai. Jaayo, andar langar khaa lena. Shankalu - Guru, aise toh poori raat guzar jaayegi..Phir, Abs kisse dikhaoge..Tum, Punjabi gaana lagwa do...Aane waale Heroes aate rahenge..Hum, apna event shuru kartey hain...Aur, Harpal tu shuru hoja. 'Daaru pini...Murge khaane...Shaunk Awale Ne...Jaatan De Putt Abs ugana...Chahunde kalle ne....Haye...Abs, ugande kallam - kalle ne...Evein kisi di majal joh enhan vall nazar laga je kalle hoye.....Assi, taan Abs de upar bitha ke macchar challe ne...Haye...Oye, sun Doge Oye.....

Shankalu - Present Heroes aur Dropped Heroes, pesh hain mere Guru, Gamraj..Taadiyan. Gamraj ne aa kar apni muscles aur abs ki pardarshani shuru kar di..Gamraj, Flex karta gaya aur Super Heroes Bowled hote gaye. Pandrah minute baad Gamraj ne break li. Shankalu - Toh, kya khyaal hai aap logon ka. Koi, kuch nahi bola! Tiranga sabsey pehle utha aur stage ke upar aa kar Gamraj ke pair chu liye. Tiranga - Bolo, Pappe Gamraj Di......... Heroes - Abs! Tiranga - Aur, zor se! Heroes - Tune, bulaya Abs vaaleya...Main taan Nagraj da sapp gale ch paaleya....Hai, kaun hai Abs da Artist Laaleya....Assi, taan Dhruva da Filter tere charanan ch paa leya...Saanu, tu Abs da daan de Jhuley Vaaleya.....Assi, Doga Da Aritst change karwa leya...Hoye. Shankalu - Aur, zor se...Sab log chadawa bhi daalte jaayo...Yahan, Basanti ke saamne chadawa daal do...Tumhe, manchahi Abs prapat hongi! Tiranga - Pappe Gamraj, main sabhi Dropped Heroes ki taraf se request karta hun ki hume apna Side - Character bana lein! Nagraj - Haan, main bhi Side - Character banunga. Dhruva - Main bhi...Par, ek baar phir se apne Abs Flex kar dijiye. Main, Parmanu ko apney liye notes likhwana bhul gaya tha. Gamraj, ne Abs ki Flex shuru ki. Stage, ke peeche Yamunda ne apni Comics band hone ke baad joh apna System rok kar rakha tha , woh usse Clear karne mein lag gaya. Paanch minute mein hi Yamunda ki Gobar ki sughandh har jagah phail gayi. Nagraj - Arey, Gamraj ke Abs ke paseene ki smell se Dhruva behosh ho gaya. Shankalu - Guru, ruk jaayo! Controversy shuru hone waali hai. Parmanu - Meri, toh naak mein Filter bhi nahi hai. Shakti - Nirbhay ho jaayo! Main apni ushma se........Haing........Mujhe, koi zaroori kaam

yaad aa gaya. Nagraj - Sheetnagkumar, Saudangi, Nagu! Bahar aayo. Sheetnagkumar - Sorry, Nagraj! Main, Constipation waale environment mein bahar nahi aata. Nagu - Mujhe, kyun bula raha hai...Apney, Dangi aur 'Kumar Gaurav' ko hi bula! Waise, bhi tumhe toh Nagfani Sarp samay - samay par shaktiyaan dete rehte hain...Ab, unhi se maangiyo! Parmanu - Anthony, tumhi kuch karo...Iss, Abs ke paseene ki smell se garmi badh rahi hai! Anthony - Thehro! Main apni Thandi Aag se Gamraj ki Abs theek karta hun. Anthony, ne apni zulfon ko hata kar ek bada hi sateek waar kiya. Shankalu - Guru, utho tumhari Abs waala Spray - Paint toh utar gaya! Tiranga - Hain! Lagta hai Pappe Gamraj ki Abs ko Peeliya ho gaya hai...Suna hai, yeh chune se phailta hai...Sab, apni Abs bachao...Agar, yeh kisi ki Abs ko lag gaya toh sab Comics mein zadatar time bathroom mein hi bitate nazar aayoge. Anthony - Chal, aa Prince! Humari kabr mein toh Bathroom bhi nahi hai...Hum, apni Abs, bachayein! Nagraj - Isiliye, Gamraj apni Abs chupane ke liye peeli shirt pehenta hai...Bhaago, sab! 5 minute mein poora function khaali ho gaya. Shankalu - Guru utho! Ab, Abs toh nahi ban paaye...Abhi, bhi Kacchadhari Brothers waal idea hai. Gamraj ka munh band ho gaya.

Interview with Mr. Nitin Mishra (Writer-Artist, Raj Comics) Humare khaas samvaddata Nishant Parashar Shri Nitin Mishra se baatcheet ke kuchh ansh.

Nishant Parashar Aapki Life mai Comics ne dustak kis tarah di. Aapki zindgi mai comics se judi kuchh aisi baatein jo aap hamko batana chahein.. Jaise Aapka bachpan, kis tarah yaad karte hain aap un dino ko ? Nitin Mishra Ji mere jeevan me comics tabse hai jabse maine hosh sambhaala, mere papa bhi comics ke bahut bade fan rahe hain, us samay vo indrajaal comics laya karte the. Betaal, Mandrek, Flash Gordon aadi sabse mera parichay tab hua jab main padhna bhi nahin jaanta tha bas unke manmohak chehre meri aakhon se hote hue mere dil me hamesha ke liye bas gaye. Nishant Parashar Unhi manmohak chehro ki wajah se aaj kai chehro par muskan hai. Aapne jo pehli comics padhi ya bachpan ki aisi comics jo abhi tak aapke dil mai ho, uske baare mai kuchh ? kyuki har kisi comics fan ki zindgi mai kam se kam ek comics to aisi hoti hi hai jo sadaa ke liye dil main bas jati hai.

Nitin Mishra Meri pehli comics (joki main chhota hone ke kaaran padh nahin pata tha, sirf artwork dekhta tha aur papa uske dialogue padh kar sunaate the) indrajaal me published betaal ki ek comics thi Tempany ka nagaadavaadak jisme Phantom pahli baar ek nagaadevaadak ke nagaade ki dhunon ke aage bebas ho jaata hai aur mantrmughd hokar naachta hai, par apni haar se na darte hue vo dobara vaapas laut.ta hai aur us nagaadevaadak ko maat deta hai. Yah kahaani mujhe jeevan me har mod par prerit karti aayi hai hamesha naakamiyon ka saamna himmat se kar unhe paraast karne ki seekh deti aayi hai. aaj bhi mere paas vo rare indrajaal comics surakshit hai, jab bhi kisi pareshaani se hataash hota hoon, use zaroor padhta hoon...himmat milti hai. Nishant Parashar Ye comics har peedhi ke readers ko bhi prerit karti hai, wo samay comics ka swarnim yug tha. har comics apne aap mai kuchh na kuchh samete hue thi. Khair us samay aap kis sahar mai the, jis sahar mai aapka bachpan beeta, aur aapne apni padhai kis tarah puri ki. Nitin Mishra Ji us samay main apne hometown Varanasi me tha, meri schooling Varanasi ke hi reputed convent school W.H. Smith memorial me hui. English aur hindi dono hi literature me bachpan se dilchaspi thi. Plays me bhi bachpan se hi participate karta tha. School ke baad maine fine arts (illustration n vizualization) me graduation and post graduation benaras hindu university se kiya. Nishant Parashar BHU se MFA puri karne ke baad aapko pehli JOB ki talash kaha jake samapt hui ? Nitin Mishra Maine BFA final year ke baad MFA ka entrance diya tha aur result aane ka wait kar rha tha, us dauraan maine apni final year project ke kuch works orkut par upload kiye the jinhe mere online friend Rahul Shashank ne dekha aur mujhe RC me try karne ko kha, bas ji fir kya main to bachpan se hi RC join karne ke sapne dekh raha tha aur mujhe zindgi me pahla mauka mila bhi to apne us sapne ko saakaar karne ka...bhala mujhe aur kya chaahiye tha. Nishant Parashar Bachpan se comics ki jindgi jeene wale fan ko agar comics company mai kaam karne ka mauka mil jata hai to us anubhooti ko koi bhi shabdo mai bayaan nahi kar sakta. Wo kaun sa saal/mahina tha jab aap pehli baar Raj Comics se jude, aur kya kya hua us pehle din, jab aap Sanjay ji se mile.

Nitin Mishra May 2007 me main pahli baar RC studio pahuncha, isse pahle aksar socha karta tha ki kaisa lagta hoga saare diggaj creatives jahaan ek hi chhat ke neeche kaam karte honge. Subah ki gaadi se 8 baje delhi pahuncha aur 9:30 par RC studio me haazir ho gya. Chaaron or apne favourite superheroes ke posters dekh kar mann balliyon uchhlne lga tha....jis samay main pahuncha tha us waqt studio me sirf ek hi Shakhseeyat maujood thi 'The Baap' of all Superheroes.... 'The Sanjay Gupta' sach kahoon to ye sirf Sanjay sir ki Azeem shakhsiyat unki personality aur unke saagar jitne bade dil ka hi jaadu hai ki main aaj is industry se juda hua hoon. Khair, Sanjay Sir ne dekhte hi bola, 'aa gaya bete...thoda thanda-vanda pee thoda fruitshruit kha fir baat karte hain' Mujhe mere pahle Super hero character Yoddha ke liye new look design karne ko kaha gya main aek separate bane cabin me baith kar 2-3 ghante tak look finaL karta raha. Jab apni ore se best look final kar ke main Snajay Sir ke cabin me pahuncha to dekhta hoon unke saamne waali chair pe 'The master of Fantasy' Anupam Sinha Sir baithe hain.....kasam se school me exams dete waqt kabhi utna nervous nahin hua tha jitna us waqt tha. Anupam Sir aur Sanjay Sir ne mere design kiye characters ki kamiyaan mujhe samjhaayin jo ki is field me mera pahla guru mantra tha....main pichhle designs ko dustbin me daal kar fir se yoddha ka new look design karne me jut gya. Nishant Parashar he he Kafi rochak ghatnayein samne aa rahi hain. Khairr aapne RC ke liye jo first comics draw ki uske bare mai kuchh ankahe pehlu.. Nitin Mishra Maine RC ke liye sabse pahli comics Yoddha series ki Aarambh draw ki thi, us samay main BHU se apna MFA complete kar rha tha. Maine artwork shuru hi kiya tha ki mere father ki tabiyat achaanak kaafi critical ho gayi, deadlines paas thi, final terms ke exams the aur papa bhi hospital me the...kaafi mushkil din the wo. VMaine in sabke beech hi Aarambh ka artwork complete kiya, issue publish hua aur artwork ki koti-koti bhartsna hui, mujhe yaad hai RC forum par kuch fans ne to artist ko Ban karne ki bhi maang ki thi. Kalakaar chahe vo Actor ho, Singer ho, Musician ho, Painter ho ya koi Sportsman hi kyon na ho...vo kin paristhitiyon me perform kar rha hai yah duniya ke liye koi maayne nahin rakhta, maayne rakhta hai to sirf uska performance.........Apne pahle hi kaam me asafal hokar manobal kahin na kahin zaroor toota tha par jo nahi toota tha vo tha mere parivaar aur Sanjay Sir ka mujh par vishwaas. Nishant Parashar Is tarah ki bhartsna ka karan kya tha ye to mujhe nahi pata, na us bare mai kuchh keh sakta hu. lekin itna jarur keh sakta hu ki pitaji ka swasthya sahi na hone ke bawjood aapne apna kaam samay par pura kiya ye baat khud sarahniy hai. Nitin Mishra -

Nishant Parashar Jaisa ki abhi tak pata hai aapne RC mai apni shuruaat ek artist ke taur par ki, fir achanak se ek artist ka writer ban jana, ye kis tarah sambhav hua ? Nitin Mishra Kahaniyaan likhne aur unpar artwork karke comics bnaane ka shauk bhi bachpan se hi tha. ek din Sanjay Sir ne mera aisa hi ek artwork dekhkar poochha 'iski kahani kisne likhi hai' ? Maine kaha 'maine likhi hai' unhone fauran kaha 'kuch hamaare liye bhi likho' bas ji maine fatafat 3 kahaaniyaan suna di, is tarah shuru hui meri pahli teen scripts 'Gadadhaari Baankelal', 'Sone ki leedh' aur 'Doodh ghaas'. Nishant Parashar Doodh Ghaas ne to mujhe bahut hasaya tha, maine aur bhi bankelal ki kahaniya padhi thi Bedi ji ke jane ke baad, unmai sabse jyada yahi pasand aayi thi mujhe. Nitin Mishra hehehe dhanywaad Ji... Nishant Parashar Bankelal ke baad aapne RC ke liye sabse pehle kis superhero ke liye story likhi ? Nitin Mishra Baankelal ke baad maine sabse pahli script NNN ke liye likhi thi, 'Infected' aur 'Mrityujeevi' iske alaava doga ki pahli online comics 8:36 likhi. Nishant Parashar Yani ye kafi pehle hi likhi ja chuki thi, iske likhne aur publish hone ke beech aapki likhi aur bhi comics dekhne mili thi, jaise doga ki MatrBhoomi aur Ham Honge Kamyab aur bhi jinka mai naam bhool raha hu. Nitin Mishra Ji, Infected aur Mrityujeevi sabse pahle likhi gayi thi. 8:36, Mtrabhoomi, HHK, I-spy, CC2C ye sab baad me likhi gayi thi. Nishant Parashar

Ji aur RajComics ke liye aapke aagami project kya-kya hain sir ? Nitin Mishra Mera abtak ka sabse bada project...mera dream project jahan main poore RC universe ko aek saath la sakoon...Sarvanayak........ Nishant Parashar ji bilkul. sarvnayak kafi charcha mai hai shuru se hi, fans aapse bahut ummeed lagaye hain is project se. sarvnayak ka vichar aapke man mai kaise aaya, kyuki indian comics industry ka apni tarah ka ye pehla project hai, aur kya kya khaas baat hai ismai. Nitin Mishra Main hamesha se hi multi-starrers ka bahut bada fan raha hoon. Kohraam khareedne ke liye main release date ke 1 hafta pahle se hi din raat book stall par hi samay bitaya karta tha ki set aate hi sabse pahli copy mujhe mile.... Main kaafi time se plan kar rha tha ki ek aisa multi-starrer likha jaaye joki in true sense entire RC universe ko ek universe ke roop me define kare. Sarvanayak me koshish yahi hai ki puraatan kaal ke sanrakshakon aur new generation ke super heroes ke beech vo invisible link saamne aaye jo unhe aek-doosre se jodta hai... Nishant Parashar ji, promos dekhne ke baad lagta hai 'Past vs PresenT' hone wala hai, aur shayad 'vs Future' bhi ho sakta hai, kisi bhi sambhavna se inkaar nahi kiya ja sakta. Khair sarvnayak se aapka koi favorite dialogue, jo aap batana chahein. Nitin Mishra Aap shayad padh chuke honge....Sanjay Sir ne post kiya tha, Yeh samajh lo Mr Dhruv ki sampoorn samaychakr yugam ka personal computer hai, jis se yugam jab chahe tab kisi bhi samay kaal ki file par permanent shift delete ka button daba sakta hai !!' Nishant Parashar JI haan ye sanjay sir post kar chuke hai. Achha ye batayiye sir ki aapke indian comics se favorite superhero/characters kon kon hain, aur favorite kyu hai ? Nitin Mishra Mere sabse pasandeeda superhero Bhokaal, Nagraj(aatankharta) aur Doga hain.....teeno hi bahut intense characters hain... Bhokal har lihaaz se aek aadarsh character hai, Nagraj ultimate

superhero (in my opinion best super hero ever created) and doga is Doga ...Doga ki taareef me shabd kam padenge. aaj hamari society ko vaakai ek Doga aur ek Aatankharta Nagraj ki hi zaroorat hai. Nishant Parashar Superheroes to ho gaye, ab kuchh creatives ke bare mai bhi batayiye, jinka naam aap sirf comics mai padhte aaye the unke saath kaam karte hue kaisa laga aapko, ye to pakka hai ki achha hi laga hoga, par kuchh khas pal jo aapke jehan mai samayein ho unke saath kaam karne ke dauran Nitin Mishra Sabhi creatives jitne shaandaar apne kaam me hain utne hi zabardast actual me bhi hain. Sanjay Sir se mulakaat se bhi pahle main Dilip chaubey Sir se mil chuka tha jab vo BHU aaye the uske baad Delhi me bhi unse mulakaat hui bahut hi inspiring aur zinda dil insaan hain....unka positive attitude aur hamesha pahle se behtar karne ki instinct kaabil-e-taareef hai. Sanjay Sir creatives me hamesha mere aadarsh rahe hain aur hamesha rahenge.....main jo kuch bhi hoon bas unhi ki seekh ke kaaran hoon, aaj bhi unse seekh rha hoon. Aisa koi sawaal nahin jiska Sanjay Sir ke paas jawaab nahin. Sanjay Sir ke saath Sundays ko poore din bhar ke brain storming sessions hote the...sirf main aur Sanjay Sir. Nagraj ki world War series, 10 deadliest, Don ye sab unhi brain storming sessions ka nateeja hain... Nishant Parashar he he ummeed karte hai nikat bhavisya mai aise brain storming sessions aur bhi hote rahenge, taki aur bhi achhi achhi series milti rahein. ek baat aur mujhe lagta hai ki fans ko pata chalna chahiye, wo ye ki last year aayi comics 'samudri lutere' ka 2nd part, Belmunda ka Khazana ka jaldi na aane ka jo nanha munha kaaran hai, uske baare mai kuchh bata dijiye. Nitin Mishra hahaha......nanha munna bahut hi zyada sharaarti hai.....1 minute bhi shaant nahi rahta, na hi kisi ko rehne deta hai....Stuti ji poori koshish me hain ki chaaron Toads, Naagraaj, Dhruv aur nanhe-munne sabhi ko equal time de saken......... Nishant Parashar He he kaafi kuhh bataya aapne comics aur apne bare main, ye bhi batayiye sir ki raj comics mai aisi kon si cheej hai jise aap change karna chahte ho, par kar nahi pa rahe. kya hai koi aise cheej. Nitin Mishra

Raj comics apne aap me paripoorn hai-sampoorn hai, samay ke saath chalti hai....main ise sdaa aise hi dekhna chaahoonga....... Nishant Parashar Chaturta se bhara hua jawab,, he he,, aakhir mai ham fans se kya kehna chahenge sir. Koi sandesh, koi salaah.. Koi maargdarshan. Nitin Mishra Fans se yahi kahna chaahoonga ki jaise hamesha aap logon ne RC par apna pyaar aur vishwaas banaye rakha hai vaise hi aage bhi banaye rakhiyega, aab sabhi RC ki shakti hain...hamesha comics padhte rahiye aur piracy se door rahiye.... Nishant Parashar apne amoolya samay mai se kuchh samay dene ke liye aapka koti koti dhanywaad sir.

*) Memories
The first ever issue of Dolton Comics (Hindi), which would mean the first ever appearance of Batman & Superman in India...quite the landmark Indian comic book. Link to a quick read : Courtesy : Anupam from The Indian Comics Encyclopedia Project

, , , - - ACK 127 (Thanks to Sanjay Singh)

*) Target Magazine

August 1990 cover - illustrated by Tapas Guha. Remember him? He also illustrated Tegrat, the Super Sleuth comic!

Suddhasattwa Basu, aka Suddha, was one of Target's best illustrators (were you also convinced, like we other south Indians were, that he was really a 'she' called Sudha, who just spelt her name strangely?). Last night, he shared on this page one of his favourite stories from Target Advia by Sigrun Srivastava, author of some of Target's most memorable stories.

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