Globalization Mainly Impact On Industries Employers Employees

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Globalization mainly impact on Industries Employers employees


Democratization and pressure for more labor rights in country where such right has been restricted More liberalization and deregulation Competition for investment Increase economic independence of nation Increase capital,information,technology flow

Internationalization of enterprises and creation of mergers and alliances Customer driven not product driven Competitiveness increasingly based on knowledge ,inovation,skills andproductivity Success of global company is to alarge extent depend on their ability to organise across national boundaries information,money,people and other resource


Moving production overseas to reduce cost and facilitate operation Contracting out and out sourcing It is important on one hand company concentrate on its competencies other hand service become more productive

More part time and temporary work especially among women and student Greater employee involvement in design and execution of work Shifting the focus of collective bargaining from nation level to enterprise level Pushing for more deregulation and flexible market Employer have reduced employment through concession bargaining when firm have been in financial difficulties

Increase in a) Involvement of worker b) Execution and control of work c) Greatly focus on work place relation and policies d) Motivation e) Performance f) Information sharing and two way communication g) More investment in skills and training

Increasing in number of people who will not working in organization though they will work for organization ex outsourcing Decreasing number of people working under permanent contract and proliferation of other type of work arrangement such as part time temporary homework and contract work Thus traditional HRMhas been challenged Due to that deferent type of employment contract and pay system to reward performance and skills

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