Phytochemical Screening of Various Extracts of Stem Bark of Bahunia Racemosa Plant

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Publication Ref No.


ISSN 0974 9446


Yadav Shiv Kumar1*, Deepika2, Jalalpure S.S.3, Saini Prem1 B. S. Anangpuria Institute of Pharmacy, Alampur, Faridabad (HRY). India 2 M. M. College of Pharmacy, M. M. University, Mullana (HRY). India 3 K.L.E.Ss College of Pharmacy, Belgaum. Karnataka, India Email:

Yadav Shiv Kumar

ABSTRACT The various extracts of stem bark of Bauhinia racemosa L. (Caesalpiniaceae), were investigated for its physicochemical and phytochemical screening. Ash value (total ash, acid insoluble ash and water soluble ash) and Extractive values were studied dry weight. Ash content analysis was showed total ash, acid insoluble ash and water soluble ash (13.77, 0.073, 4.803 respectively). The moisture content was found to be 9.84 % and at the same time heavy metals was found to be with in the permissible limits. Preliminary phytochemical analysis test showed the presence of steroids, flavonoids, alkaloids, coumarins, triterpenoids, tannins and carbohydrate.

Key Words: Bauhinia racemosa, phytochemical screening, physicochemical screening. INTRODUCTION Phytochemical studies have attracted the attention of plant scientist due to development of new and sophisticated techniques. These techniques played a significant role in giving the solution to systematic problems on the one hand and in the search for additional resources of raw material for pharmaceutical industry on the other hand. Plant synthesizes a wide variety of chemical compounds, which can be sorted by their chemical class, biosynthetic origin and functional groups into primary and secondary metabolites. With the development of natural product chemistry, the potential of chemotaxonomy is now becoming increasingly obvious. The application of chemical data to systematic has received serious attention of a large number of biochemists and botanists during the last three decades1. 1

International Journal of Pharma Research and Development Online

Publication Ref No.: IJPRD/2010/PUB/ARTI/VOV-2/ISSUE-5/JULY/004

ISSN 0974 9446

Bauhinia racemosa L. (Caesalpiniaceae), a small crooked tree with dark scabrous bark, is widely distributed through out India, Ceylon, China and Timor. The bark and leaves of this plant are reported to be medicinally important in the traditional system of medicine and are used extensively for the treatment of inflammation, headache, fever, tumors, skin infection, and disease of blood, dysentery and diarrhoea2. The ethanol extract of leaves of this plant was evaluated for analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antispasmodic activity and was reported to be active3. The fresh flower buds of this plant were screened for antiulcer activity4. Dried entire plant showed antimicrobial activity5. The cytotoxic, hypotensive and hypothermic activity of seeds have also been reported6. There not much more data was fond on physicochemical and phytochemical analysis of stem bark of Bauhinia racemosa L. Hences, In the present study, we have concentrated on physicochemical and phytochemical screening of various extracts of Bauhinia racemosa L. belonging to family Caesalpiniaceae.

plant was authenticated by botanist Dr. S.K.Sharma, Department of Plant Taxonomy & Crude Drug Repository, I.I.I.M, Jammu. An authentic voucher specimen was deposited in IIIM Crude Drug Repository bearing IIIM CDR No.-3514. The authenticated material was dried under shade and powdered by the help of mechanical process. The coarse powder of stem bark was subjected to successive hot continuous extraction with petroleum ether, chloroform, 50% methanol, methanol and finally macerated with chloroform- water. Each time before extracting with next solvent the powdered material will be air dired. After the effective extraction the solvent was distilled off and the extract was concentrated under vacuum. The various concentrated extracts was stored in air tight container for further studies. Physicochemical Analysis: The coarse powder of stem bark of Bauhinia racemosa was subjected to various physicochemical study for determination of ash values, extractive values and determination of heavy metals limit like arsenic, mercury, cadmium and lead as impurity using the method described by Indian Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia7. Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis: Qualitative screening of various extracts of stem bark of Bauhinia racemosa was performed for the identification of various classes of active chemical constituents like alkaloids, carbohydrates, glycosides, proteins, amino acids, steroids etc. using different methods Raman8, Harborne9 and Wagner10. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The results of physicochemical studies were tabulated in Table-1. The result of extractive value shows the 50% methanol and methanol have higher percentage of extract in comparison to other solvent. The moisture content of the powdered drug was found to be 9.84%. It was noticed during the study that

Fig: Bauhinia racemosa MATERIALS AND METHODS The fresh stem bark of Bauhinia racemosa was collected from adjoining area of Jammu city (Dist- Jammu, J&K) in the month of June. The

International Journal of Pharma Research and Development Online

Publication Ref No.: IJPRD/2010/PUB/ARTI/VOV-2/ISSUE-5/JULY/004

ISSN 0974 9446

heavy metal content is with in the permissible limits. (Ref. Table No. 1) The results of preliminary phytochemical study were tabulated in Table-2. The phytochemical study revealed the presence of steroids, flavonoids, alkaloids, coumarins, triterpenoids, tannins and carbohydrate. The preliminary phytochemical tests are helpful in finding chemical constituents in the plant material that may lead to their quantitative estimation and also in locating the source of pharmacologically active chemical compound. (Ref. Table No. 2) References: 1. Santosh MK, Sharanabasappa GK, Shaila D. Phytochemical studies on Bauhinia racemosa Lam. Bauhinia purpurea Linn. and Hardwickia binata Roxb. E-Journal of Chemistry 2007; 4(1): 21-31. 2. Kirtikar KR, Basu BD. Indian Medicinal Plants, Ed I, Vol. II, Bishen MAhendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, India, 1975, 842-844. 3. El-Khatiba AS, Khaleel AE. Evaluation of some pharmacological properties of different extracts of Bauhinia racemosa leaf and Bassia muricata whole plant. Bulletin of

Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University 1995; 33: 59-65. 4. Akhtar AH, Ahmad KU. Anti-ulcerogenic evaluation of the methanol extracts of some indigenous medicinal plants of Pakistan in asprin-ulcerated rats. Journal of Ethanopharmacology; 46: 1-6. 5. Ali MS, Azhar I, Ahmad VU. Antimicrobial screening of some Caesalpiniaceae. Fitoterapia; 70: 299-304. 6. Dhar ML, Dhar MM, Dhawan BN, Ray C. Screening of Indian medicinal plants for biological activity. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology; 6: 232-247. 7. Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India. Ed I, Vol. III, V, Indian system of Medicine & Homeopathy, GOvt. of India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The Controller of Publication Civil Lines, Delhi, 2001: 234. 8. Raman N. Phtochemical Technique. New Indian Publishing Agencies, New Delhi, 2006: 19. 9. Harborne JB. Phytochemical Methods. Springer (India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2005: 17. 10. Wagner H, Bladt S. Drug Analysis. Springer, Newyork, 1996: 3-335.

International Journal of Pharma Research and Development Online

Publication Ref No.: IJPRD/2010/PUB/ARTI/VOV-2/ISSUE-5/JULY/004

ISSN 0974 9446


Table 1: Physical Constants S. No. Parameters I. Physical Tests Nature Color Odour Taste Extractive Value Aqueous 50% Methanol Methanol Chloroform Pet. Ether Loss on Drying Ash values Total ash Acid insoluble ash Water soluble ash Heavy metal Arsenic Mercury Cadmium Lead 13.776% 0.07336% 4.8035% Dark scabrous Dark brown Odourless Sweet and Acrid Observation Stem Bark



8.77% 10.37% 9.83% 1.27% 1.14% 9.84%


BDL BDL 0.04 ppm 0.09 ppm

International Journal of Pharma Research and Development Online

Publication Ref No.: IJPRD/2010/PUB/ARTI/VOV-2/ISSUE-5/JULY/004

ISSN 0974 9446

Table 2: Qualitative Phytochemical Screening S. NO. Chemical Tests Pet ether Extracts Chlorofor Methan m ol 50% Methan ol + + + + + + + + + Aqueo us

Test for Carbohydrates 1 Molishs test Tests for Reducing sugars 1 Fehlings test 2 Benedicts test Test for Monosaccharides 1 Barfoeds test Test for non-reducing polysaccharide 1 Iodine test 2 Tannic acid test for starch Tests for Alkaloids 1 Mayers test 2 Hagers test 3 Wagners test Tests for Volatile Oils 1 Odour 2 Filter paper stain test 3 Solubility test Test for Proteins 1 Biuret Test 2 Xanthoproteic test 3 Precipitation test with: i) Lead acetate solution 5% ii) CuSO4 solution 5% 4 Test for proteins containing sulphur Test for Amino acids 1 Ninhydrin test 2 Test for Tyrosine 3 Test for Tryptophan 4 Test for Cysteine Tests for Fats & Oils 1 Solubility test 2 Filter paper stain test Test for Steroids 1 Salkowaski test 2 Liebermann-Burchard test 3 Liebermanns reaction

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International Journal of Pharma Research and Development Online

Publication Ref No.: IJPRD/2010/PUB/ARTI/VOV-2/ISSUE-5/JULY/004

ISSN 0974 9446

Test for Glycosides Cardiac glycosides 1 a. Keller-Killani test b. Legals test c. Liebermann's test Test for Anthraquinone glycosides 2 a. Borntragers test b. Modified Borntragers test 3 Test for Coumarin + Glycosides Test for saponin glycoside 4 + a. Foam test Tests for Flavonoids + 1 Shinoda test 2 Test with Lead acetate + solution + 3 Alkaline reagent test Test for Tannins and Phenolic compounds + 1 Test with FeCL3 solution + 2 Lead acetate test + 3 Bromine water test

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International Journal of Pharma Research and Development Online

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