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So why all the fuss about BRANDING?

The Sunshine Coast Regional Council understands that branding is more than just developing a smart-looking logo. This new brand will be a visual representation of the core values and distinct differences that make this council so unique. The brand will underpin the social, economic development and environmental strategies of the Sunshine Coast and position our region as the fourth largest local government authority in Australia. The brand will help unify our region while recognising and respecting our diversity. It will celebrate the councils key strengths and innovations, provide a clear point of difference from other councils and offer an appealing visual image to attract investment for business, community or cultural endeavours. The benefits of establishing a strong brand: Build a positive, unified perception of council Create a common vision for the future of council as an organisation and its community Provide a consistent visual representation of the region Enhance the position of council within its local, regional and global communities and; Attract investment to the region, be it from tourists, trade, industry or other levels of government.

What is a brand? "A brand is the most valuable real estate in the world, a corner of the consumer's mind" - Colin Bates. In a world where perception is reality, having a strong brand means you retain control over the perceptions of your business. Developing strong and emotive relationships with your consumers will in turn develop brand loyalty. A brand will effectively communicate the vision and personality of your business through a number of communication tools. Whether this tool is a logo or an advertising sign, most importantly the brand will incorporate the vision of the organisation, the culture of the staff and the relationship it wants to have with its community both now and into the future. Narrowing down a definition of a brand is not an easy task, however there are key elements that make for strong brand development. LOGO While a logo is not the brand alone, it is the symbol that visually captures the brand essence. The logo provides the vehicle to give personality to a business or organisation. As there are always a number of applications for brand, the logo needs to be a versatile design. POSITIONING STATEMENT Through a few select words or catchy phrase you can further support what your Brand stands for. A great example is NIKE Just do it! CORPORATE CULTURE Establishing the brand culture through internal communication strategies which mirror the core strengths and values of the brand. CONSUMER PERCEPTION External marketing and promotional activities promote a wider awareness and reputation for the brand, and thus begins the relationship with the consumer developing their understanding of the product or service. 1|Page

How do you develop a strong brand? To assist in the process of establishing the Councils new brand there are a number of core principles that can be used as a step-by-step guide.

Specialisation A strong brand refines its core strengths and this determines what your point of difference is. What are the key elements or innovations that the council wishes to be recognised for? Leadership What sets this council apart as a market leader? What areas of expertise do we hold and where would others want to follow our lead? Distinctiveness What is it that makes the Sunshine Coast Regional Council stand out from other coastal councils? In what way are we distinctively different to our competition? Visibility - The brand needs to be delivered in highly visible locations that target key markets. With the council, this can be simply translating the brand through rates notices and community information. The key is for the brand to be translated consistently to retain its core values. Unity All stakeholders need to take ownership of the brand and act as champions for its message. That is why community engagement is so important. The moral and behavioural code set down by the brand must mirror that of the public brand. Persistence A strong brand can take up to three years to mature and reach its desired outcome; therefore a strategy needs to be put in place to ensure the brand is delivered consistently and frequently. Goodwill - A brand must be adopted by its consumers and this again highlights the importance of community consultation. Without a brand honestly reflecting the truth of a business you can easily develop negative attributes to your brand. Longevity - A brand cannot be based on current fads or fashions. It must be developed to last the distance.

Why community engagement? As a valued member of our community, we appreciate your input on what will establish the councils collective identity and formulate the vision of the new brand. The Sunshine Coast Regional Council has gone to great lengths to offer this opportunity to Sunshine Coast residents, rate payers, suppliers and business associates, staff and Councillors. Community engagement is vital in this process for the following reasons:

Discovering the innovations and attributes that set this council apart from others. Enabling everyone to take ownership of the new brand and take on the role of Brand Champion. Sharing knowledge on why this process is being undertaken and providing an explanation of the benefits. Providing a sense of unity within the community, the council and its key stakeholders. 2|Page

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