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Gilberto Tolentino Ms.

Schonert Period 5

Treinta y Cuatro
Before Ms. Espinoza & Ms. Schonert taught us about the way the proposition system works I didn't know nothing about it. The only thing I knew was that they come out on commercials every year when its time to vote. I didn't know about the importance and the changes propositions can bring to California or any other country.

My proposition essay had to be done first, before I made a video about the proposition I chose. I did a lot of research specially in school to find out all the real facts and resources, it took me about 2 weeks or so. I chose proposition prop 34, a yes on prop 34 will replace the death penalty with life in prison with no chance of parole. Most of the information I used was from google. I've never done so much research for an essay before, I've learned that all hard work does pay off & now I know a little more bout propositions and the way they work to make a change in our society.

I learned how to see things in a whole different perspective from my proposition video & the rest of the videos from my classmates. When I made my video it took me some time to finish it but not as much because I already had my research and knew what I was supposed to talk about, and it came out pretty good. I think my video could really convince someone not to vote on prop 34 and make it stay for good. When I shared my video with 2 of my classmates who had the same proposition as me, they were really convinced & would've never thought of how I made up my video. They liked the pictures, music, and the words.

Now I understand why proposition commercials come on every year, a few weeks before you go and vote. Propositions can really bring big changes to any state in the U.S. I'm really happy proposition 34 didn't pass, and I think its because a lot of crime is committed here in California. The best way for murderers, rapist, criminals, and thieves is to pay with their lives. Hopefully god can forgive them, but I don't wish them nothing else...

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