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The People The Characters ---Simon Dale Tyler-79-Ret. Doctor (Simon) ---Anne Margaret Ray-Tyler-77-Ret.

Teacher (Annie) ---Jefferson Thomas Donovan-75-Rancher (Jeff) ---Trevor Anthony Michaels-75-Rancher (Big T) ---Megan Allison Mitchell-Donovan-73-Teacher (Meg) ---Andrea Morgan Travis-Michaels-73-Ranchers wife (Andie) ---Louis Fredrick Hartford-57-Businessman (Uncle Lou) ---Jackson Alan Donovan-53-Sheriff (Jack) ---Trevor Anthony Michaels-53-Rancher (Junior) ---Ezra Patrick Prescott-53-Businessman (Ezra) ---Jessica Juliet Johnson-Donovan-51-caf owner (Jessie) ---Elaine Simone Tyler-Prescott-Michaels-49-Teacher (Lanie) ---Diana Louise Richards-Prescott-45-Publicist (Di) ---James Thomas Donovan-32-Lawyer (JT) ---Jefferson Jesse Donovan-32-Accountant (JJ) ---Keenan Theodore Reagan-Hartford -32-Detective (KT) ---Trevor Anthony Michaels-30-Doctor (Trey) ---Travis Jefferson Michaels-30-Rancher (TJ) ---Mitchell Donovan Michaels-30-Firefighter (Mitch) ---Jonathan Mitchell Donovan-30-Contractor (Jon) ---Alana Michelle Turner-Donovan-29-Doctor (Al) ---Elijah Theodore Prescott-28-Vet (Eli) ---Tyler Dale Prescott-28-Cop (Ty) ---Jason Alan Donovan-28-Cop (Jace) ---Kenneth Elias Hartford -28-Accountant (Kenny) ---Sophia Jane Cormick-Donovan-28-Nurse (Sophie) ---Kelly Denise Browning-Hartford-28-Bookstore owner (Kel) ---Caitlyn Rene Trenton-Michaels-28-Vet (Cait) ---Shelby Lynn Roberts-Michaels-27-Nurse (Shel) ---Grace Faith Bradley-Donovan-26-Teacher (Grace) ---Sarah Leanne Downy-Michaels-26-Vet Assistant (Leanne) ---Miranda Charlotte Newman-Hartford-25-Event Planner (Randi) ---Kyle Regan Hartford-24- Reporter (Ky) ---Carolina Rose Evens-Prescott-24-Publicist (Caro) ---Isabella Ashby Parker-Prescott-24-Fashion Designer (Izzie) ---Keaton Patrick Hartford -22-Doctor (KP) ---Margaret May Prescott-Hartford-22-Reporter (Maggie May) ---Elizabeth Ray Prescott-Donovan-22-Lawyer (Ellie Ray) ---Bronwyn Holly Wainwright-Hartford-20-Photographer (Wyn) ---Andrew Tyler Michaels-16-twin (Drew) ---Anthony Simon Michaels-16-twin (Tony)

The People The Story Jefferson Thomas Donovan married Megan Allison Mitchell, they had two children: Jackson Alan and Allison Tessa. Jackson married Jessica Juliet Johnson, they had four children: James Thomas, Jefferson Jesse, Jonathan Mitchell, and Jason Alan. Allison married Trevor Anthony Michaels; son of Trevor Anthony and Andrea Morgan TravisMichaels; they had triplet sons: Trevor Anthony, Travis Jefferson, and Mitchell Donovan; Allison tragically died in a car accident. Trevor Michaels later remarried Elaine Simone Tyler-Prescott-Michaels and had twin sons: Andrew Tyler and Anthony Simon. Elliot Theodore Prescott married Moria Elizabeth Kilpatrick, they had twin sons: Ezra Patrick and Elias Theodore. Ezra married Katrina Marie Hilton, they had no children. Elias had an affair with Bianca Kylie Reagan and had one child: Keenan Theodore Reagan. Bianca Reagan later married Louis Fredrick Hartford, they had one son: Kyle Regan Hartford; Louis adopted Keenan Theodore Reagan. Elias married Elaine Simone Tyler; daughter of Simon Dale and Anne Margaret Ray-Tyler; they had twin sons: Elijah Theodore and Tyler Dale While still married to Elaine; Elias had an affair with Bianca, they had one son: Kenneth Elias Hartford; Elias also had an affair with his sister-in-law Katrina, they had two sons: Carter Eli and Samuel Theo; Elias also had an affair with Biancas sister and Katrinas sister-in-law, Zoe Lillian Reagan-Hilton, they had one son: Dallas Logan Hilton. Zoe was married to Logan Dane Hilton, Katrinas brother, at the time of the affair. Elias once again had an affair with Bianca, they had one son: Keaton Patrick Hartford. Elias and Elaine then had twin daughters: Margaret May and Elizabeth Ray. After the birth of their daughters; Elias and Elaine divorced. Elaine got to keep the boys and Margaret; Elias got Elizabeth. Three years later Elaine Simone Tyler-Prescott married Trevor Anthony Michaels, they had twin sons: Andrew and Anthony; Elaine also adopted Trevors three sons from his previous marriage: Trevor, Travis, and Mitchell. Elias however went on to have an affair once again with his sister-in-law Katrina, they had two sons: Michael Rick and Carson Ezra. Ezra found out about the affair and divorced Katrina; he kept the children. Elias then had another affair with Zoe, they had two sons: Austin Regan and Houston Rogan. Elias then murdered Katrina, Zoe, and Logan Hilton. He was not caught. Elias then got custody of his and Zoes three sons: Dallas, Austin, and Houston. Elias then went to jail for money laundering. Five years later he was released. Two years after being released from jail, Elias married Alice Roberta James-Teagan, divorced mother of two sons: Robert James and William Jackson Teagan; they had three sons together: Elvis Jeremiah, Alvin Jayden, and Patrick James. A year after the birth of Patrick, Alice murdered her exhusband Jackson William Teagan. Three months later Elias had an affair with Emily Jane Richards-DeWitt, they had one son: Richard Elias Prescott. Emily was married to Donald Franklin DeWitt during her affair with Elias. After the birth of Richard, Elias murdered Donald and Emily DeWitt. He was not caught;

The People he was also given custody of Richard. Several months later Elias murdered Elliott, Moria, and Alice Prescott and Bianca Hartford. He committed suicide afterwards. Ezra later remarried Diana Louise Richards, mother of Emily DeWitt, grandmother of Richard Elias Prescott. Ezra and Diana adopted Eliass under aged children. In the end Elias Theodore had sixteen sons, two daughters, and two step-sons. In order from oldest to youngest: Keenan Theodore Reagan Hartford, Elijah Theodore Prescott, Tyler Dale Prescott, Kenneth Elias Hartford, Carter Eli Prescott, Samuel Theo Prescott, Dallas Logan Hilton Prescott, Keaton Patrick Hartford, Margaret May Prescott-Hartford, Elizabeth Ray PrescottDonovan, Michael Rick Prescott, Carson Ezra Prescott, Austin Regan Hilton Prescott, Houston Rogan Hilton Prescott, Robert James Teagan Prescott, William Jackson Teagan Prescott, Elvis Jeremiah Prescott, Alvin Jayden Prescott, Patrick James Prescott, and Richard Elias Prescott.

The Couples ---Simon Dale Tyler-79---Anne Margaret Ray-Tyler-77 ---Jefferson Thomas Donovan-75---Megan Allison Mitchell-Donovan-73 ---Trevor Anthony Michaels-75---Andrea Morgan Travis-Michaels-73 ---Jackson Alan Donovan-53 ---Jessica Juliet Johnson-Donovan-51 ---Trevor Anthony Michaels-53---Elaine Simone Tyler-Prescott-Michaels-49 ---James Thomas Donovan-32---Sophia Jane Cormick-Donovan-28 ---Jefferson Jesse Donovan-32---Grace Faith Bradley-Donovan-26 ---Keenan Theodore Reagan-Hartford -32---Kelly Denise Browning-Hartford-28 ---Trevor Anthony Michaels-30---Caitlyn Rene Trenton-Michaels-28 ---Travis Jefferson Michaels-30---Sarah Leanne Downy-Michaels-26 ---Mitchell Donovan Michaels-30---Shelby Lynn Roberts-Michaels-27 ---Jonathan Mitchell Donovan-30---Alana Michelle Turner-Donovan-29 ---Elijah Theodore Prescott-28---Carolina Rose Evens-Prescott-24 ---Tyler Dale Prescott-28---Isabella Ashby Parker-Prescott-24 ---Jason Alan Donovan-28---Elizabeth Ray Prescott-Donovan-22 ---Kenneth Elias Hartford-28---Miranda Charlotte Newman-Hartford-25 ---Kyle Regan Hartford-24---Margaret May Prescott-Hartford-22 ---Keaton Patrick Hartford-22---Bronwyn Holly Wainwright-Hartford-20 ---Margaret May Prescott-Hartford-22---Kyle Regan Hartford-24 ---Elizabeth Ray Prescott-Donovan-22---Jason Alan Donovan-28 The Donovans Jefferson Thomas Donovan (75) Megan Allison Mitchell-Donovan (73) -Jackson Alan Donovan (53) Jessica Juliet Johnson-Donovan (51) ---James Thomas and Jefferson Jesse Donovan (32) ---Jonathan Mitchell Donovan (30) ---Jason Alan Donovan (28) -Allison Tessa Donovan (51) (Deceased)

The People The Michaels Trevor Anthony Michaels (75) Andrea Morgan Travis-Michaels (73) -Trevor Anthony Michaels (53) Allison Tessa Donovan-Michaels (51) (Deceased) ---Trevor Anthony, Travis Jefferson, and Mitchell Donovan Michaels (30) Elaine Simone Tyler-Prescott-Michaels (49) ---Andrew Tyler and Anthony Simon Michaels (16) The Prescotts Elliott Theodore Prescott-77 (Deceased) (E.T.)-murdered by Elias---Businessman Moria Elizabeth Kilpatrick-Prescott-75 (Deceased)-murdered by Elias---Society Wife -Ezra Patrick Prescott-53 (Uncle Ezzie) ---Businessman Katrina Marie Hilton-Prescott-49 (Deceased) (Kat)-murdered by Elias Children with Elias while married to Ezra Carter Eli Prescott-25 Samuel Theo Prescott-23 Michael Rick Prescott-21 Carson Ezra Prescott-19 Diana Louise Richards-Prescott-45---Publicist -Elias Theodore Prescott-53 (Deceased) ---Businessman Bianca Kylie Reagan-Hartford-51 (Deceased)-murdered by Elias Louis Fredrick Hartford-57 (Uncle Lou) ---Businessman Keenan Theodore Reagan-Hartford-32 (Keen) ---Detective Kenneth Elias Hartford-28 (Kenny) ---Accountant Kyle Regan Hartford-24 ---Reporter---Louis son Keaton Patrick Hartford-22 (K.P.) ---Doctor Zoe Lillian Reagan-Hilton-45 (Deceased)-murdered by Elias Logan Dane Hilton-49 (Deceased)-murdered by Elias Dallas Logan Hilton-Prescott-23 Austin Regan Hilton-Prescott-19 Houston Rogan Hilton-Prescott-17 Emily Jane Richards-DeWitt-27 (Deceased)-murdered by Elias Richard Elias Prescott-6 (Ricky) Elaine Simone Tyler-Prescott-Michaels (49) ---Elijah Theodore and Tyler Dale Prescott (28) ---Margaret May and Elizabeth Ray Prescott (22) Alice Roberta James-Teagan-Prescott-33 (Deceased)-murdered by Elias Jackson William Teagan-37 (Deceased)-murdered by Alice --Robert James Teagan-Prescott (14) --William Jackson Teagan-Prescott (12) ---Elvis Jeremiah and Alvin Jayden Prescott (9) ---Patrick James Prescott (7)

The People Elizabeth Ray Prescott-Donovans Family Grandparents: ---Simon Dale (79) and Anne Margaret Ray-Tyler (77) ---Elliott Theodore (77) and Moria Elizabeth Kilpatrick-Prescott (75) (Both Deceased) Step-Grandparents: ---Trevor Anthony (75) and Andrea Morgan Travis-Michaels (73) Grandparents-In-Laws: --- Jefferson Thomas (75) and Megan Allison Mitchell-Donovan (73) Parents: ---Elias Theodore Prescott (53) (Deceased) ---Elaine Simone Tyler-Prescott-Michaels (49) Step-Parents: ---Trevor Anthony Michaels (53) ---Alice Roberta James-Teagan-Prescott (33) (Deceased) Parents-In-Laws: ---Jackson Alan (53) and Jessica Juliet Johnson-Donovan (51) Siblings: ---Elijah Theodore and Tyler Dale Prescott (28) ---Margaret May Prescott-Hartford (22) Step-Siblings: ---Trevor Anthony, Travis Jefferson, and Mitchell Donovan Michaels (30)-Junior ---Robert James (14) and William Jackson (12) Teagan Prescott-Alice Half-Siblings: ---Keenan Theodore Reagan (32), Kenneth Elias (28) and Keaton Patrick Hartford (22) ---Carter Eli (25), Samuel Theo (23), Dallas Logan Hilton (23), Michael Rick (21), Carson Ezra (19), Austin Regan Hilton (19), Houston Rogan Hilton (17), Elvis Jeremiah (9), Alvin Jayden (9), Patrick James (7), and Richard Elias (6) Prescott ---Andrew Tyler and Anthony Simon Michaels (16) Brothers-In-Laws: ---James Thomas, Jefferson Jesse (32), and Jonathan Mitchell (30) Donovan ---Kyle Regan Hartford (24) Sisters-In-Laws: ---Alana Michelle Turner-Donovan (29) ---Kelly Denise Browning-Hartford (28) ---Caitlyn Rene Trenton-Michaels (28) ---Sophia Jane Cormick-Donovan (28) ---Shelby Lynn Roberts-Michaels (27) ---Grace Faith Bradley-Donovan (26) ---Sarah Leanne Downy-Michaels (26) ---Miranda Charlotte Newman-Hartford (25 ---Carolina Rose Evens-Prescott (24) ---Isabella Ashby Parker-Prescott (24) ---Bronwyn Holly Wainwright-Hartford (20)

The People ---Simon Dale Tyler-79-Ret. Doctor (Simon) ---Elliott Theodore Prescott-77-Businessman (Deceased) (E.T.) ---Anne Margaret Ray-Tyler-77-Ret. Teacher (Annie) ---Jefferson Thomas Donovan-75-Rancher (Jeff) ---Moria Elizabeth Kilpatrick-Prescott-75-Society Wife (Deceased) (Moria) ---Trevor Anthony Michaels-75-Rancher (Big T) ---Megan Allison Mitchell-Donovan-73-Teacher (Meg) ---Andrea Morgan Travis-Michaels-73-Ranchers wife (Andie) ---Louis Fredrick Hartford-57-Businessman (Uncle Lou) ---Jackson Alan Donovan-53-Sheriff (Jack) ---Trevor Anthony Michaels-53-Rancher (Junior) ---Ezra Patrick Prescott-53-Businessman (Ezra) ---Elias Theodore Prescott-53 (Deceased)-Businessman (Eli) ---Bianca Kylie Reagan-Hartford-51 (Deceased) (Kylie) ---Jessica Juliet Johnson-Donovan-51-caf owner (Jessie) ---Allison Tessa Donovan-Michaels-51 (Deceased) (Allie) ---Elaine Simone Tyler-Prescott-Michaels-49-Teacher (Lanie) ---Katrina Marie Hilton-Prescott-49 (Deceased) (Kat) ---Diana Louise Richards-Prescott-45-Publicist (Di) ---Zoe Lillian Reagan-Hilton-45 (Deceased) (Zoe) ---Alice Roberta James-Teagan-Prescott-33 (Deceased) (Alice) ---James Thomas Donovan-32-Lawyer (JT) ---Jefferson Jesse Donovan-32-Accountant (JJ) ---Keenan Theodore Reagan-Hartford -32-Detective (KT) ---Trevor Anthony Michaels-30-Doctor (Trey) ---Travis Jefferson Michaels-30-Rancher (TJ) ---Mitchell Donovan Michaels-30-Firefighter (Mitch) ---Jonathan Mitchell Donovan-30-Contractor (Jon) ---Alana Michelle Turner-Donovan-29-Doctor (Al) ---Elijah Theodore Prescott-28-Vet (Eli) ---Tyler Dale Prescott-28-Cop (Ty) ---Jason Alan Donovan-28-Cop (Jace) ---Kenneth Elias Hartford -28-Accountant (Kenny) ---Sophia Jane Cormick-Donovan-28-Nurse (Sophie) ---Kelly Denise Browning-Hartford-28-Bookstore owner (Kel) ---Caitlyn Rene Trenton-Michaels-28-Vet (Cait) ---Shelby Lynn Roberts-Michaels-27-Nurse (Shel) ---Emily Jane Richards-DeWitt-27 (Deceased) (Em) ---Grace Faith Bradley-Donovan-26-Teacher (Grace) ---Sarah Leanne Downy-Michaels-26-Vet Assistant (Leanne) ---Miranda Charlotte Newman-Hartford-25-Event Planner (Randi) ---Carter Eli Prescott-25 (Carter) ---Kyle Regan Hartford-24- Reporter (Ky) ---Carolina Rose Evens-Prescott-24-Publicist (Caro) ---Isabella Ashby Parker-Prescott-24-Fashion Designer (Izzie) ---Samuel Theo Prescott-23 (Sam)

The People ---Dallas Logan Hilton-Prescott-23 (Logan) ---Keaton Patrick Hartford -22-Doctor (KP) ---Margaret May Prescott-Hartford-22-Reporter (Maggie May) ---Elizabeth Ray Prescott-Donovan-22-Lawyer (Ellie Ray) ---Michael Rick Prescott-21 (Mike) ---Bronwyn Holly Wainwright-Hartford-20-Photographer (Wyn) ---Carson Ezra Prescott-19 (Sonny) ---Austin Regan Hilton-Prescott-19 (Aussie) ---Houston Rogan Hilton-Prescott-17 (Hugh) ---Andrew Tyler Michaels-16-twin (Drew) ---Anthony Simon Michaels-16-twin (Tony) ---Robert James Teagan-Prescott-14 (Bobby) ---William Jackson Teagan-Prescott-12 (Billy) ---Elvis Jeremiah Prescott-9 (E.J.) ---Alvin Jayden Prescott-9 (A.J.) ---Patrick James Prescott-7 (P.J.) ---Richard Elias Prescott-6 (Ricky)

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