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Gilberto Tolentino Ms.

Schonert LA 9 Per 5 21 November 2012

A yes on prop 34 will replace the death penalty with life in prison with no chance of parole. A no on prop 34 will do no effect on the death penalty, Criminals will still be executed in order to pay for their crimes.I vote NO on prop 34 because the best way convicts, murderers, and rapists could pay their crimes is with their own lives.

This people cant stay in the penitentiary for ever! Jails will eventually get filled and where are they going to go? If we build more jails there is not going to be enough room for the buildings we really need like parks,schools, and libraries. California will be surrounded with jails and penitentiaries if people keep going to jail for their rest of their lives, since california its considered as one of the most dangerous states with such a high crime level according to LA Times.

Also, think about all the money will be wasting on their food if they were to spend their whole lives in prison. Well waste millions of dollars. Money that could be used for a better cause like building better roads, or helping our communities by giving high school students like me the opportunity to go to college and be successful.

Convicts, Rapist, and Murderes deserve to die for the simple fact that they have to pay for the crimes they did. Like Richard Ramirez, who kidnaped, raped, and murdered little 9-year-old Mei Leung, found later dead on his basement. He deserved to die! people like this deserve the death penalty and more.

A lot of people think its more cruel to be in prison for the rest of your life, and prefer to die. If i was to spend life in prison i rather die too! Thats why i vote no on Prop.34 .

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