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Sultan Qaboos University College of Education Early childhood Education Fall2010 ECED 2100


TO :DR .Ali Tekin By : Fatma AL-shuaili ( 85365)

Introduction: Parents and teachers must know that ,activities are important to a child's language developmental process .It has played an important role in early childhood programs throughout the years. I consider that effective teacher of young children must take care about the observation of the activities and be able to determine what activates are appropriate for each child's depend in learning, development and motivation . The teacher must know that , Preschool students acquire new words every day through various activities. Language development lessons in the preschool classroom enable the students to expand their skills further. Epically hands-on activities expose children to new words and help them develop their thoughts into spoken words. We must know that , language development activities also work well at home to continue the development of child .
,B.(2010). Otto

In this project I will observe several language activates in a preschool setting. AND discussion the activities , also in more details the ways in which the activities were conducted for the types of language competencies enhanced in the activities, discuss the children's verbal and nonverbal behavior .Then after the information about observation I will discuss Ideas for Preschool 2

children to enhanced

Language Development. Finally the

recommendations " the important key points help teacher in this domain .

Normal language development : Teacher should know the normal language development

according to age of child in preschool . This information help teacher to design the activities for child and put her expectancies and assessment level of child's language development . 3 years :uses words to express needs . Uses pronouns as well as nouns and verbs in speech . Identifies the action in a picture. Rapid increase in vocabulary may average 50 new words a month . 4 years : love to talk Verbalizes experiences by putting many sentences together. Recites songs ,poems and stories . Uses words to identify colors ,numbers and letters . Sentences grow longer Likes to make up new words Likes rhyming . 3

5 years : generally has few articulation problems . Talks freely and often interrupts others . Sentences are long ,involving five to six words . Describes artwork Learns plurals Enjoys silly language. ["Activates encourage" .(n.d)]

Observation the Activities : the most important point in the center that , teacher take care about language domain in curriculum from many aspects design ,goals.etc. so first I will take about like

the important of

language domain in curriculum . Language domain in curriculum : The Curriculum is all the organized educational experiences provided for children by the early childhood program . teacher must know that , this domain is very important to child because it help to develop receptive language ,listening skill

,expressive language ,reading and writing . The main propose of this domain : for children to communicate their ideas and feeling and to accurately interpret the

communication they receive. Goals of this domain : 4

1- in listening : * participate in experiences that help children interpret unspoken messages ,including tone of voice ,facial expression ,and body language . * indentify sound in the environment. 2-in speaking : * create sound by singing and music making ,incorporating rhythm ,volume and pitch. * ask and answer questions * increase their expressive vocabulary . 3-in Writing : * understanding that there is a system and organization for print . * expand their writing vocabulary 4-in Reading : * recognize they can get meaning from print . * enjoy shared reading experiences with varied genres of literature ,including classic and contemporary literature . * increase children's receptive and expressive reading

vocabularies.[ Kostelnik,(2007)]

The activates:
1- name of activity :SMALL, MEDIUM ,AND BIG: Name of child : saif . 5

Age of child :four years Date & Time: 1/12/2011 10:30 a Materials :toys in different size small ,medium and big . Analyze the activity: The goal of this activity : categorize the objects according to size ,learning concepts small ,medium and big, learning names of objects, and using comparing form of sentence . the child took the activity to the table . After the child classed objects in three groups : Teacher : what do we call this things ?"she pointed to the group of small objects " Child : small. Teacher :good, ok what do we call this group ? Child : tried to remember the concept by looking to objects and teacher . Teacher : Is it big ,small or medium ? Child :medium . Teacher took the first object "ball" Teacher : what do we call this ? Child: small ball ,. big ball ., medium ball

Teacher : a big ball , a small ball and a medium ball . "she repeated to focus in grammar" and so on for other objects objects . Then teacher asked him to compare between objects ,she took tow object , which is the smallest? Child : this , and pointed . Teacher :this ball is smaller than this ball. And so on for bigger with other objects. She did not teach child the form to compare between three objects , he learn only now to compare between to objects . - In this activity ,the child knew the different between big and small directly , but in some objects he did not recognize the different between big and medium. Also he faced difficult to say comparing form .Teacher use questioning to teach and help child . Then I ask teacher about language competencies of the child : this is the second time for child to do this activity .last time he knew only one concept big, but this time learns three concepts small ,medium and big . Also he learn more names of objects this time , and he can use comparing form of sentences between to 7 .The child knew the names of all

objects but he did not know the comparing between three objects .Also some listing behavior increase this time like ,looking at the speaker and responding to oral cues. Before the activity : he could not recognize the different between big ,small and medium .he could not use comparing form of sentences. He did not communicate with others maybe because of shyness or lack to vocabulary \grammar , sometimes he use telegraphic language in communication . After the activity : he could recognize the different between big ,small and medium in some objects .he could use comparing form of sentences between two objects . In communicate he started to use simple sentences sometimes that are grammatically age-appropriate.

Child's verbal behaviors : He understand the concepts small, medium and big and saying it correctly .Also he saying the names of objects , answer questions about objects and Saying comparing form of sentences with helping from teacher . Child's nonverbal behaviors: classed the objects in three groups according to size . child looked to objects and holding it to

compare between them . child tried to do some movement 8

correlated to object if she did not know the name of objects. Also sometimes he did not see the teacher but look to other children in snake table.

2- name of the activity :consonant letters : Child's Name: Fatma , Yusief Date & Time: 28/11/2011 11:36 am \ 1\12\2011 9 :19 am Materials :In this activity there are some objects and a long card, in this card writing the letters . Analyze the activity: The goal of this activity : This activity enhance oral and written language , teach the child how to pronunciation the consonant letters and learning names of objects . I observed the activity tow times, first with Yusief( 3 .5 years old), I noted that teacher change the activity according to language competencies of the child .Yusief had oral language competencies more level than writing language competencies , so he knew the names of objects ,but he could not correlated the letter to the object. Teacher focused in the first four objects and the sound of four letters .Also sometimes she gave child the name of object

before the sound of letter that help child to recognize the sound of letter . Teacher : look this is the right direction for English ,where is your name tag . Child: this ,and he point to left side . Teacher : yes good this is English side ,so move the toys to left . Teacher :point to the letter first the object. child :point by finger to letter and articulated s . Sun . and so on for other letters and objects ,but he did not know all phoneme of letters and names of objects. If he did not know the phoneme of letter teacher did like this example : teacher :ok what do we call this object ? child :rock teacher : listen to first sound ,rock ,rock( saying slowly so child focused in phoneme of first letter . If the child did not know the teacher gave him the answer . If he did not know the names of objects teacher do like this example : Teacher :It is sun, hours or car ? (gave him three options ) If he did not know teacher gave him the first sound. - Then I ask teacher about language competencies of the child : this is the first time for child to do this activity . He must 10

know the right direction for English that important for writing ,but he did not know. For this activity first he must correlated the letters to the objects ,but he could not correlated it . He knew only three letters ( s, f ,h ) ,but he know more names of objects and that good for first time doing the activity .

Articulating letters is important so this time I focused in only four letters and objects . .Also he has speaking skills like , asking and answering questions and some listing behavior like ,looking at the speaker . In this activity I noted that increasing his expressive vocabulary. Before the activity :the child did not know the English direction. He could not attributes all letters. He responded incorrectly to directions ,perhaps because he understand did not

the English required to do so or perhaps is

unwilling to follow directions . After the activity : he could attributes some letters . He responded to individual direction and may small group directions , but he begins to follow whole class direction because he can understand language more now .


Child's verbal behaviors : He articulated letters . Also he said the names of objects ,and answered questions about objects . Child's nonverbal behaviors: correlated between objects and

letters . child looked to objects holding it and playing. child did some movement by object in air and made sound.

Second observation with Fatma (5 years old ). Her language competencies is more level than Yusief , so teacher asked her

about all objects and letters .first she asked child to say the sound of letter before the name of object , because she want her to learn the pronunciation of letters . - language competencies of the child : this is second time for child to do this activity . she know the right direction for English .Also she correlated the letters to the objects . she knew phoneme of letters and names of objects and that very good for second time doing the activity last time she did not know all names of objects .she could ask and answer

questions and eye contact this time is better .so after the activity I think she will can say the phoneme of letters

correct in sentences. Also before the activity she was not aware the phonetic sounds are attributed to letters ,but after the activity she can attributes phonetic sounds of letters . 12

Child's verbal behaviors :. pronunciation of letters , saying the names of objects , answer questions about objects. Child's nonverbal behaviors: correlated pictures with letters, point to the letter first then object .she was relaxing in sitting .

From two different observations I

learn that teacher must

recognize the age and competencies of the child when checking the activity .


Ideas for Preschool children to enhanced Development :


Expose preschoolers to a variety of activities to expand language development: - Dramatic Play: Dramatic play enables preschool students to process the world around them while developing their language skills. They engage in active play by pretending to be a particular person or play a particular role. Children interact with one another 14

in their given roles using both verbal and nonverbal communication to make sense of the situation. Provide costumes and props for dramatic play. Themed dramatic play kits allow you to change the area and make it relevant to other classroom topics. Let the child lead the dramatic play activities so they can express themselves .

- Story : Reading is one of the easiest ways to improve language development in preschoolers. They hear new words in context, which allows them to better understand what the words mean. Stories also help young children understand the structure of sentences and verbal communication. To encourage children to use their own language skills, ask them to predict what will happen in the story. Stop at certain points in the story and have them make predictions. They must rely on the story's framework and any pictures to construct a logical prediction. They call on their cognitive processes to develop the idea and verbalize it. All of these actions improve their language skills.

- Question of the Day :A question of the day gives children a chance to develop and share an answer. Choose a different openended question each day. The question should allow the preschoolers to create a two- or three-word answer that takes 15

some thought. Examples include what rules they would make if they were in charge, what type of books they like to read or their favorite part about the current season. The students share their answers one at a time to improve their verbal communication skills. To save time, select only a students each day to share their answers, making sure each child gets a turn at least once a week."
["Ideas for Preschool.."(2008), Kostelnik ,(2007)]

Important key points(Recommendations): From my observation and reading I learn that teacher and parents must take care about development : - Repeat what child says indicating that you understand. Build and expand on what was said. "Want juice? I have juice. I have apple juice. Do you want apple juice?". - When the child starts a conversation, give your full attention whenever possible. - Make sure that you have the child's attention before you speak. - Acknowledge, encourage, and praise all attempts to speak. Show that you understand the word or phrase by fulfilling the request, if appropriate. this points to enhance child language


- Continue to build vocabulary. Introduce a new word and offer its definition, or use it in a context that is easily understood. This may be done in an exaggerated, humorous manner. "I think I will drive the car to the store. I am too tired to walk." - Talk about spatial relationships (first, middle, and last; right and left) and opposites (up and down; on and off). - Offer a description or clues, and have your child identify what you are describing: "We use it to sweep the floor" (a broom). "It is cold, sweet, and good for dessert. I like strawberry" (ice cream). - Work on forming and explaining categories. Identify the thing that does not belong in a group of similar objects: "A shoe does not belong with an apple and an orange because you can't eat it; it is not round; it is not a fruit." - Encourage your child to give directions. Follow his or her directions as he or she explains how to build a tower of blocks. - The television also can serve as a valuable tool. Talk about what the child is watching. Have him or her guess what might happen next. Talk about the characters. Are they happy or sad? Ask your child to tell you what has happened in the story. Act out a scene together, and make up a different ending.


- While shopping for groceries, discuss what you will buy, how many you need, and what you will make. Discuss the size (large or small), shape (long, round, square), and weight (heavy or light) of the packages. - Use good speech that is clear and simple for child to model. - Make a scrapbook of favorite or familiar things by cutting out pictures. Group them into categories, such as things to ride on, things to eat, things for dessert, fruits, things to play with. Create silly pictures by mixing and matching pictures. Glue a picture of a dog behind the wheel of a car. Talk about what is wrong with the picture and ways to "fix" it. Count items pictured in the book. - Help child understand and ask questions. Play the yes-no game. Ask questions such as "Are you a boy?" "Are you Marty?" "Can a pig fly?" Encourage your child to make up questions and try to fool you. - Ask questions that require a choice. "Do you want an apple or an orange?" "Do you want to wear your red or blue shirt?"

Sing simple songs and recite nursery rhymes to show the rhythm and pattern of speech., Eliason(2008).]
[Activates encourage . .(n.d)


References : - Eliason ,C.F.(2008).A practical guide to early childhood urriculum (8th ed).Columbus,OH:Merrill. - Kostelnik ,M.J & Soderman,A.K.(2007).Developmentally appropriate curriculum :best practices in early childhood education (4th ed). Columbus,OH:Merrill. - Otto ,B.(2010).language development in early childhood (3rd ed.).Columbus,OH:Merrill. c

Electronic Resource: - - Activates encourage language speech and language development .(n.d) . Retrieved on 28 November 2011 from - Ideas for preschool language development activites .(2008) Retrieved on 28 November 2011 from


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