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Chicken Lasagne: (serves 3 for dinner) Ingredients: 250g Lenards (premium) Chicken Mince 375g chopped mushrooms 2 Latina

Latina Fresh Lasagne Sheets 518g (3/4 bottle) Coles Italian Pasta Sauce 3/4 cup (75g) Perfect Italiano Light Mozzarella cheese Oregano, cracked pepper, minced garlic & chilli (to taste) Olive Oil spray

(optional additional tomato paste/puree if you wish) Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 200C. Spray a square casserole dish or 3 individual (large) ramekins with olive oil spray. 2. In a large non-stick saucepan, cook mushrooms, oregano, garlic, mince, pepper. 3. Add chicken mince (brown). 4. Add sauce & cook for 10 mins. Break down chicken mince pieces. 5. Spoon a small amount of liquid into the base of the dishes. Place 1/3 of a lasagne sheet into each ramekin, or whole lasagne sheet into casserole dish. 6. Split of the cheese across all 3 dishes. 7. Repeat with lasagne, sauce & finally the remaining cheese on top. 8. Bake for 30 mins. (note: you may wish to place individual ramekins on a baking tray as they will be hot). 9. Serve hot with salad or vegetables.

Nutrition Panel Serves 3 (dinner) KJ 1,315.67 Protein 36.1 Fat 7.2 Sat Fat 3.3 Carbs 28.6 JC 1 grain, 3 meat, 1 veg &1 fat

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