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Psychogenic polydipsia/polyuria Habitual drinking Word Definition

Psychogenic-means there is not an underlying physical problem Polydipsia- drinking excessively Polyuria- weeing excessively Patients either drink a lot because they are weeing a lot or Patients wee a lot because they are drinking a lot. In the first instance this is one of two types of diabetes Mellitus Insipidus In the second instance there is no underlying cause and it is habit. Habitual drinking is relatively common throughout childhood but particularly between 3 and 5.(it is much more common than diabetes) Clues from the history that it is a habit: - will not just drink water - like to use a bottle or beaker - do not wake up at night to drink - otherwise well The diagnosis may need to be confirmed in hospital by a water deprivation test. This should only be done under medical supervision. Wee samples are taken while the child is not allowed to drink. The staff also keep an eye on the weight as if they have either of the diabetes they will lose excessive water. The staff are looking for the wee to concentrate. Once a diagnosis of habitual drinking is made then the treatment is easy to say but harder to do. Fluid intake needs to decrease. 1-if over a year throw out any bottles and give drinks from a beaker or cup 2-start decreasing fluid volumes over a week or two 3-can have juice but when you consider a reasonable amount taken should be offered water 4-make sure that drinking never inhibits meals especially if it is milk. Written aug07 Review aug09 Author Dr J Robertson

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