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GAUHATI UNIVERSITY A Training Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of the

Masters of Business Administration (Industry Integrated), Gauhati University on MARKET SURVEY OF KNOWLARITY COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCT For Knowlarity Communications,Gurgaon

Under Organization Guidance Of: Mr. Tarun K Das Sales Manager Knowlarity Communications

Under Institutional Guidance Of: Mr.Sushil Mehra Faculty Guide NDIMS,New Delhi

Prepared And Submitted By Tripta Narwara G.U. Registration No. 1001-0123 of 2010-2012

STUDENTS DECLARATION I hereby declare that the Training Report conducted at Knowlarity Communications, Gurgaon Under the guidance of Mr. Sushil Mehra

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of


(Industry Integrated)

Is my original work and same has not been submitted for the award of any other Degree/ diploma/ fellowship or other similar titles or prizes.

Place: New Delhi


TRIPTA NARWARA Reg. No. 1001-0123 of 2010-12


I am thankful to our Director of NDIMS Mr. R K PUSHKARNA as he provided me the opportunity for doing Summer Internship Programme and its only because of him that I got to know about the real corporate world with the help of the company Knowlarity Communications. My Faculty Guide Mr. SUSHIL MEHRA helped me a lot to prepare my project and provided the important guidelines throughout the project. My training Incharge Mr. TARUN K DAS provided me information about the company and he is the only guy who guided and prepared me for my field work and taught me about the marketing skills. I end this note by taking sole responsibility for any of the mistakes.


CONTENTS: CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 General introduction about the sector. 1.2 Industry profile. a. Origin and development of the industry. b. Growth and present status of the industry. c. Future of the industry. CHAPTER 2. PROFILE OF THE ORGANIZATION 2.1 Origin of the Organization. 2.2 Growth and development of Organization. 2.3 Present status of the Organization. 2.4 Functional Departments of the Organization. 2.5 Organization structure 2.6 Product and Service profile of the Organization Competitors. 2.7 Market profile of the Organization. CHAPTER 3. DISCUSSIONS ON TRAINING 3.1 Work profile (Roles and responsibilities), tools and techniques used. 3.2 Key learnings. CHAPTER 4. STUDY OF SELECTED RESEARCH PROBLEM 4.1 Statement of research problem. 4.2 Statement of research objectives. 4.3 Research design and methodology. CHAPTER 5. ANALYSIS 5.1 Analysis of data. 5.2 Summary of finding. CHAPTER 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Summary of learning experience. 6.2 Conclusion and recommendations.





TELECOMMUNICATION SECTOR The telecom services have been recognized the world-over as an important tool for socio-economic development for a nation. It is one of the prime support services needed for rapid growth and modernization of various sectors of the economy. Indian telecommunication sector has undergone a major process of transformation through significant policy reforms, particularly beginning with the announcement of NTP 1994 and was subsequently re-emphasized and carried forward under NTP 1999. Driven by various policy initiatives, the Indian telecom sector witnessed a complete transformation in the last decade. It has achieved a phenomenal growth during the last few years and is poised to take a big leap in the future also. The Indian Telecommunications network with 621 million connections (as on March 2010) is the third largest in the world. The sector is growing at a speed of 45% during the recent years. This rapid growth is possible due to various proactive and positive decisions of the Government and contribution of both by the public and the private sectors. The rapid strides in the telecom sector have been facilitated by liberal policies of the Government that provides easy market access for telecom equipment and a fair regulatory framework for offering telecom services to the Indian consumers at affordable prices. Presently, all the telecom services have been opened for private participation.



a) ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE INDUSTRY Telecom equipment manufacturing was delicensed in 1991 and value added services were declared open to the private sector in 1992, following which radio paging, cellular mobile and other value added services were opened gradually to the private sector. This has resulted in large number of manufacturing units been set up in the country. As a result most of the equipment used in telecom area is being manufactured within the country. A major breakthrough was the clear enunciation of the government intention of liberalizing the telecom sector in the National Telecom Policy resolution of 13th May 1994. National Telecom Policy 1994 In 1994, the Government announced the National Telecom Policy which defined certain important objectives, including availability of telephone on demand, provision of world class services at reasonable prices, improving India competitiveness in global market and promoting exports, attractive FDI and stimulating domestic investment, ensuring India emergence as major manufacturing / export base of telecom equipment and universal availability of basic telecom services to all villages. It also announced a series of specific targets to be achieved by 1997. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) The entry of private service providers brought with it the inevitable need for independent regulation. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) was, thus, established with effect from 20th February 1997 by an Act of Parliament, called the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997, to regulate telecom

services, including fixation/revision of tariffs for telecom services which were earlier vested in the Central Government. TRAI mission is to create and nurture conditions for growth of telecommunications in the country in manner and at a pace, which will enable India to play a leading role in emerging global information society. One of the main objectives of TRAI is to provide a fair and transparent policy environment, which promotes a level playing field and facilitates fair competition. In pursuance of above objective TRAI has issued from time to time a large number of regulations, orders and directives to deal with issues coming before it and provided the required direction to the evolution of Indian telecom market from a Government owned monopoly to a multi operator multi service open competitive market. The directions, orders and regulations issued cover a wide range of subjects including tariff, interconnection and quality of service as well as governance of the Authority. The TRAI Act was amended by an ordinance, effective from 24 January 2000, establishing a Telecommunications Dispute Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) to take over the adjudicatory and disputes functions from TRAI. TDSAT was set up to adjudicate any dispute between a licensor and a licensee, between two or more service providers, between a service provider and a group of consumers, and to hear and dispose of appeals against any direction, decision or order of TRAI. New Telecom Policy 1999 The most important milestone and instrument of telecom reforms in India is the New Telecom Policy 1999 (NTP 99). The New Telecom Policy, 1999 (NTP-99) was approved on 26th March 1999, to become effective from 1st April 1999. NTP99 laid down a clear roadmap for future reforms, contemplating the opening up of all the segments of the telecom sector for private sector participation. It clearly recognized the need for strengthening the regulatory regime as well as restructuring the departmental telecom services to that of a public sector corporation so as to separate the licensing and policy functions of the Government from that of being an operator. It also recognized the need for resolving the prevailing problems faced by the operators so as to restore their confidence and improve the investment climate. Key features of the NTP 99 include: Strengthening of Regulator. National long distance services opened to private operators.

International Long Distance Services opened to private sectors. Private telecom operators licensed on a revenue sharing basis, plus a one-time entry fee. Resolution of problems of existing operators envisaged. Direct interconnectivity and sharing of network with other telecom operators within the service area was permitted. Department of Telecommunication Services (DTS) corporatised in 2000. Spectrum Management made transparent and more efficient.

All the commitments made under NTP 99 have been fulfilled; each one of them, in letter and spirit, some even ahead of schedule, and the reform process is now complete with all the sectors in telecommunications opened for private competition. National Long Distance National Long Distance opened for private participation. The Government announced on 13.08.2000 the guidelines for entry of private sector in National Long Distance Services without any restriction on the number of operators. The DOT guidelines of license for the National Long Distance operations were also issued. Highlights - NLD Guidelines Unlimited entry for carrying both inter-circle and intra-circle calls. Total foreign equity (including equity of NRIs and international funding agencies) must not exceed 74%. Promoters must have a combined net worth of Rs.25 million. Private operators will have to enter into an arrangement with fixedservice providers within a circle for traffic between long-distance and shortdistance charging centres. Seven years time frame set for rollout of network, spread over four phases. Any shortfall in network coverage would result in encashment and forfeiture of bank guarantee of that phase.

Private operators to pay one-time entry fee of Rs.25 million plus a Financial Bank Guarantee (FBG) of Rs.200 million. The revenue sharing agreement would be to the extent of 6%. Private operators allowed to set up landing facilities that access submarine cables and use excess bandwidth available. Licence period would be for 20 years and extendable by 10 years.

International Long Distance In the field of international telephony, India had agreed under the GATS to review its opening up in 2004. However, open competition in this sector was allowed with effect from April 2002 itself. There is now no limit on the number of service providers in this sector. The licence for ILD service is issued initially for a period of 20 years, with automatic extension of the licence by a period of 5 years. The applicant company pays one-time non-refundable entry fee of Rs.25 million plus a bank guarantee of Rs.250 million, which will be released on fulfillment of the roll out obligations. The annual licence fee including USO contribution is @ 6% of the Adjusted Gross Revenue and the fee/royalty for the use of spectrum and possession of wireless telegraphy equipment are payable separately. At present 24 ILD service providers (22 Private and 2 Public Sector Undertaking) are there. As per current roll out obligations under ILD license, the licensee undertakes to fulfill the minimum network roll out obligations for installing at least one Gateway Switch having appropriate interconnections with at least one National Long Distance service licensee. There is no bar in setting up of Point of Presence (PoP) or Gateway switches in remaining location of Level I TaxPreferably, these PoPs should conform to Open Network Architecture (ONA) i.e. should be based on internationally accepted standards to ensure seamless working with other Carrier Network. Universal Service Obligation Fund Another major step was to set up the Universal Service Obligation Fund with effect from April 1, 2002. An administrator was appointed for this purpose. Subsequently, the Indian Telegraph (Amendment) Act, 2003 giving statutory status to the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) was passed by both Houses of Parliament in December 2003. The Fund is to be utilized exclusively for meeting the Universal Service Obligation and the balance to the credit of the Fund will not lapse at the end of the financial year. Credits to the Fund shall be through

Parliamentary approvals. The Rules for administration of the Fund known as Indian Telegraph (Amendment) Rules, 2004 were notified on 26.03.2004. The resources for implementation of USO are raised through a Universal Service Levy (USL) which has presently been fixed at 5% of the Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) of all Telecom Service Providers except the pure value added service providers like Internet, Voice Mail, E-Mail service providers etc. In addition, the Central Govt. may also give grants and loans. An Ordinance was promulgated on 30.10.2006 as the Indian Telegraph (Amendment) Ordinance 2006 to amend the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 in order to enable support for mobile services, broadband connectivity, general infrastructure and pilot project for new technological developments in rural and remote areas of the country. Subsequently, an Act has been passed on 29.12.2006 as the Indian Telegraph (Amendment) Act 2006 to amend the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885. USFO has initiated action to bring mobile services within the ambit of Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) activities. Under this initiative, 7387 mobile infrastructure sites are being rolled out, in the first phase, across 500 districts and 27 states of India. This scheme will provide mobile services to approximately 0.2 million villages which where hitherto deprived of the same. As on 30th June 2010, 7183 shared towers have been set up under the First Phase of the scheme. The USOFof DOT has proposed to set up about 10,128 additional towers in order to extend the mobile coverage in other uncovered areas under the Second Phase of the Scheme. Unified Access Services Unified access license regime was introduced in November 2003. Unified Access Services operators are free to provide, within their area of operation, services, which cover collection, carriage, transmission and delivery of voice and/or nonvoice messages over Licensee network by deploying circuit, and/or packet switched equipment. Further, the Licensee can also provide Voice Mail, Audiotex services, Video Conferencing, Videotex, E-Mail, Closed User Group (CUG) as Value Added Services over its network to the subscribers falling within its service area on non-discriminatory basis. The country is divided into 23 Service Areas consisting of 19 Telecom Circle and 4 Metro Service Areas for providing Unified Access Services (UAS). The licence for Unified Access Services is issued on non-exclusive basis, for a period of 20 years, extendable by 10 years at one time within the territorial jurisdiction of a licensed Service Area. The licence Fee is 10%, 8% & 6% of Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) for Metro and Category `A,

Category `B and Category `C Service Areas, respectively. Revenue and the fee/royalty for the use of spectrum and possession of wireless telegraphy equipment are payable separately. The frequencies are assigned by WPC wing of the Department of Telecommunications from the frequency bands earmarked in the applicable National Frequency Allocation Plan and in coordination with various users subject to availability of scarce spectrum. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) Internet service was opened for private participation in 1998 with a view to encourage growth of Internet and increase its penetration. The sector has seen tremendous technological advancement for a period of time and has necessitated taking steps to facilitate technological ingenuity and provision of various services. The Government in the public interest in general, and consumer interest in particular, and for proper conduct of telegraph and telecom services has decided to issue the new guidelines grant of licence of Internet services on non-exclusive basis. Any Indian company with a maximum foreign equity of 74% is eligible for grant of licence. Broadband Policy 2004 Recognizing the potential of ubiquitous Broadband service in growth of GDP and enhancement in quality of life through societal applications including teleeducation, tele-medicine, e-governance, entertainment as well as employment generation by way of high-speed access to information and web based communication; Government has announced Broadband Policy in October 2004. The main emphasis is on the creation of infrastructure through various technologies that can contribute to the growth of broadband services. These technologies include optical fibre, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Lines (ADSL), cable TV network; DTH etc. Broadband connectivity has been defined as Always On with the minimum speed of 256 kbps. It is estimated that the number of broadband subscribers would be 20 million by 2010. With a view to encourage Broadband Connectivity, both outdoor and indoor usage of low power Wi-Fi and Wi-Max systems in 2.4 GHz-2.4835 GHz band has been delicensed. The use of low power indoor systems in 5.15-5.35 GHz and 5.725-5.875 GHz bands has also been delicensed in January 05. The SACFA/WPC clearance has been simplified. The setting up of National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) would enable bringing down the international bandwidth cost substantially, thus making the broadband connectivity more affordable.

The prime consideration guiding the Policy includes affordability and reliability of Broadband services, incentives for creation of additional infrastructure, employment opportunities, induction of latest technologies, national security and brings in competitive environment so as to reduce regulatory interventions. By this new policy, the Government intends to make available transponder capacity for VSAT services at competitive rates after taking into consideration the security requirements. The service providers permitted to enter into franchisee agreement with cable TV network operators. However, the Licensee shall be responsible for compliance of the terms and conditions of the licence. Further in the case of DTH services, the service providers permitted to provide ReceiveOnly-Internet Service. The role of other facilitators such as electricity authorities, Departments of ITs of various State Governments, Departments of Local Self Governments, Panchayats, Departments of Health and Family Welfare, Departments of Education is very important to carry the advantage of broadband services to the users particularly in rural areas. Target has been set for 20 million broadband connections by 2010 and providing Broadband connectivity to all secondary and higher secondary schools, public health institutions and panchayats by 2010. In rural areas, connectivity of 512 KBPS with ADSL 2 plus technology (on wire) will be provided from about 20,000 existing exchanges in rural areas having optical fibre connectivity. Community Service Centres, secondary schools, banks, health centres, Panchayats, police stations etc. can be provided with this connectivity in the vicinity of above-mentioned 20,000 exchanges in rural areas. DOT will be subsidizing the infrastructure cost of Broadband network through support from USO Fund to ensure that Broadband services are available to users at affordable tariffs. Tariff Changes The Indian Telecom Sector has witnessed major changes in the tariff structure. The Telecommunication Tariff Order (TTO) 1999, issued by regulator (TRAI), had begun the process of tariff balancing with a view to bring them closer to the costs. This supplemented by Calling Party Pay (CPP), reduction in ADC and the increased competition, has resulted in a dramatic fall in the tariffs. ADC has been abolished for all calls w.e.f. 1st October 2008.


The peak National Long Distance tariff for above 1000 Kms. in 2000 has come down from US$ 0.67 per minute to US$ 0.02 per minute in 2009. The International Long Distance tariff from US$ 1.36 per minute in 2000 to US$ 0.16 per minute in 2009 for USA, Canada & UK. The mobile tariff for local calls has reduced from US$0.36 per minute in 1999 to US$ 0.009 - US$ 0.04 per minute in 2009. The Average Revenue Per User of mobile is between US$ 5.06 - US$ 7.82 per month Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) In Basic, Cellular Mobile, Paging and Value Added Service, and Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite, Composite FDI permitted is 74% (49% under automatic route) subject to grant of license from Department of Telecommunications subject to security and license conditions. (para 5.38.1 to 5.38.4 of consolidate FDI Policy circular 1/2010 of DIPP) FDI upto 74% (49% under automatic route) is also permitted for the following: . Radio Paging Service Internet Service Providers (ISP's)

FDI upto 100% permitted in respect of the following telecom services: Infrastructure Providers providing dark fibre (IP Category I); Electronic Mail; and Voice Mail

Subject to the conditions that such companies would divest 26% of their equity in favor of Indian public in 5 years, if these companies were listed in other parts of the world.


In telecom manufacturing sector 100% FDI is permitted under automatic route. The Government has modified method of calculation of Direct and Indirect Foreign Investment in sector with caps (para 4.1 of consolidate FDI Policy circular 1/2010 of DIPP) and have also issued guidelines on downstream investment by Indian Companies. (para 4.6 of consolidate FDI Policy circular 1/2010 of DIPP)

Guidelines for transfer of ownership or control of Indian companies in sectors with caps from resident Indian citizens to non-resident entities have been issued (para 4.2.3 of consolidate FDI Policy circular 1/2010 of DIPP)

b) GROWTH AND PRESENT STATUS OF INDUSTRY Investment Opportunities and Incentives An attractive trade and investment policy and lucrative incentives for foreign collaborations have made India one of the world most attractive markets for the telecom equipment suppliers and service providers. No industrial license required for setting up manufacturing units for telecom equipment. 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is allowed through automatic route for manufacturing of telecom equipments. Payments for royalty, lumpsum fee for transfer of technology and payments for use of trademark/brand name on the automatic route. Foreign equity of 74% (49 % under automatic route) permitted for telecom services - basic, cellular mobile, paging, value added services, NLD, ILD, ISPs - and global mobile personal communications by satellite.

Full repatriability of dividend income and capital invested in the telecom sector.

Network Expansion The telecom sector has shown robust growth during the past few years. It has also undergone a substantial change in terms of mobile versus fixed phones and public versus private participation. The number of telephones has increased from 54.63 million as on 31.03.2003 to 621.28 million as on 31.03.2010. Wireless subscribers increased from 13.3 million as on 31.03.2003 to 584.32 million as on 31.03.2010. Whereas, the fixed line subscribers decreased from 41.33 million in 31.03.2003 to 36.95 million in 31.03.2010. The broadband subscribers grew from a meager 0.18 million to 8.76 million as on 31.03.2010. Trend in Tele-density Tele-density in the country increased from 5.11% in 2003 to 52.74 % in March 2010. In the rural area teledensity increased from 1.49% in Mar 2003 to 24.31% in March 2010 and in the urban areas it is increased from 14.32% in Mar 2003 to119.45% in March 2010.This indicates a rising trend of Indian telecom subscribers. Rural Telephony Apart from the 200.77million fixed and WLL connections on March 2010 provided in the rural areas, 570000 uncovered VPTs have been provided as on March 2010. Thus, 96% of the villages in India have been covered by the VPTs. More than 3 lakh PCOs are also providing community access in the rural areas. Further, Mobile Gramin Sanchar Sewak Scheme (GSS) a mobile Public Call Office (PCO) service is provided at the doorstep of villagers. At present, 2772 GSSs are covering 12043 villages. Also, to provide Internet service, Sanchar Dhabas (Internet Kiosks) have been provided in more than 3500 Block Headquarters out of the total 6337 Blocks in the country. The target of 80 million rural connections by 2010 have already met during year 2008 itself. USOF subsidy support scheme is also being utilized for sharing wireless infrastructure in rural areas with about 19,000 towers by 2010.


Performance of telecom equipment manufacturing sector As a result of Government policy, progress has been achieved in the manufacturing of telecom equipment in the country. There is a significant telecom equipmentmanufacturing base in the country and there has been steady growth of the manufacturing sector during the past few years. The figures for production and export of telecom equipment are shown in table given below: ( crore) Year 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Production 14400 14000 16090 17833 23656 41270 48800 50000 Export 402 250 400 1500 1898 8131 11000 13500 @

(projected @(projected 18%) 25%)

Rising demand for a wide range of telecom equipment, particularly in the area of mobile telecommunication, has provided excellent opportunities to domestic and foreign investors in the manufacturing sector. The last two years saw many renowned telecom companies setting up their manufacturing base in India. Ericsson set up GSM Radio Base Station Manufacturing facility in Jaipur. Elcoteq set up handset manufacturing facilities in Bangalore. Nokia and Nokia Siemens Networks have set up their manufacturing plant in Chennai. LG Electronics set up plant of manufacturing GSM mobile phones near Pune. Ericsson launched their R&D Centre in Chennai. Flextronics set up an SEZ in Chennai. Other major companies like Foxconn, Aspcom, Solectron etc have decided to set up their manufacturing bases in India. The Government has already set up Telecom Equipment and Services Export Promotion Council and Telecom Testing and Security Certification Centre .



Opportunities India offers an unprecedented opportunity for telecom service operators, infrastructure vendors, manufacturers and associated services companies. A host of factors are contributing to enlarged opportunities for growth and investment in telecom sector: An expanding Indian economy with increased focus on the services sector Population mix moving favorably towards a younger age profile Urbanization with increasing incomes

Investors can look to capture the gains of the Indian telecom boom and diversify their operations outside developed economies that are marked by saturated telecom markets and lower GDP growth rates. Inflow of FDI into India telecom sector during April 2000 to Feb. 2010 was about Rs 405,460 million. Also, more than 8 per cent of the approved FDI in the country is related to the telecom sector.


Research & Development India has proven its dominance as a technology solution provider. Efforts are being continuously made to develop affordable technology for masses, as also comprehensive security infrastructure for telecom network. Research is on for the preparation of tested infrastructure for enabling interoperability in Next Generation Network. It is expected that the telecom equipment R & D shall be doubled by 2010 from present level of 15%. Modern technologies inductions are being promoted. Pilot projects on the existing and emerging technologies have been undertaken including WiMax, 3G etc. Emphasis is being given to technologies having potential to improve rural connectivity. Also to beef up R&D infrastructure in the telecom sector and bridge the digital divide, cellular operators, top academic institutes and the Government of India together set up the Telecom Centres of Excellence (COEs). The main objectives of the COEs are as follows: Achieve Telecom Vision 2010 that stipulates a definite growth model and take it beyond. Secure Information Infrastructure that is vital for country security. Capacity Building through Knowledge for a sustained growth. Support Planned Predictive Growth for stability. Reduce Rural Urban Digital Divide to reach out to masses. Utilize available talent pool and create environment for innovation. Management of National Information Infrastructure (NII) during Disaster Cater the requirement of South East Asia as Regional Telecom Leader

To achieve these objectives seven Centre of Excellences in various field of Telecom have been set up with the support of Government and the participation of private/public telecom operators as sponsors, at the selected academic institutions of India. The details of COEs are enumerated below: -


TCOEs Centres

Sr. Associate No. Institute 1


Work Assigned

5 6 7

Next Generation Vodafone Essar IIT Network (NGN) & Texas Kharagpur & Network Instruments Technology Telecom IIT Delhi Bharti Airtel Technology & Management IISC Information (Indian Security & Aircel & Texas Institute of Disaster instrument Science), Management of Bangalore Infrastructure Technology Integration, BSNL & IIT Kanpur Multimedia & Alphion Computational Mathematics Telecom IIT Reliance Infrastructure & Chennai Communication Energy IIT Tata Rural Mumbai Teleservices Applications Policy, IIM Idea Cellular Regulation, Ahmedabad Governanc


Targets Set By the Government 1. Network expansion 800 million connections by the year 2012.

2. Rural telephony . 200 million rural subscribers by 2012 Reduce urban-rural digital divide from present 25:1 to 5:1 by 2010.

3. Broadband . . 20 million Broadband connections by 2010 Broadband with minimum speed of 1 mbps. Broadband coverage for all secondary & higher secondary schools and public health care centres by the end of year 2010. Broadband coverage for all Grampanchayats by the year 2010 Broadband on demand is every village by 2012

4. Manufacturing Making India a hub for telecom manufacturing by facilitating more and more telecom specific SEZs. Quadrupling production in 2010. Achieving exports of 10 billion during 11th Five year plan.

5. Research & Development Pre-eminence of India as a technology solution provider. Comprehensive security infrastructure for telecom network. Tested infrastructure for enabling interoperability in Next Generation Network.


2.1 Origin of the organization. Knowlarity was conceptualized in July 2007 by Ambarish Gupta and Pallav Pandey ,graduates from the renowned Indian Institute of Technology, for the development of large scale telephony call processing platform. They cruised through their courses, and easily landed lush jobs in the silicon valley with big names. Yet, their ambition was elsewhere. In 2003, they left the valley, sold everything they had, returning back to India to explore the rising elephant Opportunities were everywhere, yet, basic information infrastructure was largely missing. Their first few attempts met unexpected road-blocks - from a failed startup in real-estate domain, to early struggles in making an idea cash-worthy.One day, when the initial grassroot lessons were learnt, they hit upon an opportunity to create a simple easy way to reach out to the masses. So, Knowlarity was born, with a product named Supercall, that allows easy volume calling. Yet, it was when they started on building their first product, did they realize the true potential of what they had breached - thinking of telephony as a platform on which numerous vertical applications can be conceived. Then followed two more vertical products within the same year, quickly turning the company revenue positive, and dazzling the early investors with their growth. With their drive and ambition to create the most streamlined of telephony products in the country and abroad, Knowlarity's journey has just begun. In the coming years, it may well be called the first true Google-scale startup out of India. Ambarish Gupta Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder Ambarish has global work experience in business strategy, marketing, technology and organizational effectiveness. Ambarish developed Go-to-market strategies for Fortune 10 Technology and insurance companies of the world while working for McKinsey & Company in US. Earlier he worked at Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Germany as researcher in the area of Artificial Intelligence and as a Systems developer in US. He is passionate about the strategic application of technology as a tool for total business transformation.Ambarish graduated from

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur with degree in Computer Science in 2000. He received his MBA from Carnegie Mellon University, USA in 2007. Pallav Pandey Chief Operating Officer, Co-Founder Pallav is a serial entrepreneur and a technocrat. Pallav came back from US in 2003 with an idea to apply cutting-edge Customer Relationship Management practices to help Indian politicians better connect with rural voters and thus increase their chances of re-election. Pallav founded one of Indias first and very successful Political Consulting Company that has received wide media acclaim including CNN and Wall Street Journal. He combines his experience as a technocrat working in US and his understanding of Indian villages to come up with scalable technology solutions that work in India.Pallav graduated from Indian Institute of Technology with a degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2000.

Bipul Parua Chief Technology Officer Bipul has extensive experience in the design and development of technology solutions. At Knowlarity, Bipul is responsible for the overall archeticture and implementation of the cloud telephony platform called "knowlus". Bipul has worked in USA with several leading technology companies and early startup companies including Cisco, EFI, ServerEngines. Bipul brings years of core technology experience to the company. Bipul has worked on different technology startup companies in the areas of networking, storage networking, embedded systems and developed extensive experience in core technology design and architecture. Bipul has a passion for telephony and networking tecnologies and is focused on brining cutting-edge refinements to the telephony industry. Bipul holds a bachelor degree in computer science from IIT - Kanpur.


Anoop Mishra Vice President Products Anoop has 10+ years of expereince in India and USA focusing on the formation and management of IT companies. At Knowlarity, Anoop is responsible for the conceptualization and development of the products for cloud telephony platform. Earlier, Anoop Co-Founded Surfsimple Technologies in USA creating a mass communication device to automate telephonic notification service. Backed by venture-capital, the company bagged several clients across multiple industries including legal and legislative, health care, airlines and internet. Anoop is also a Co-Founder and director at, a web service company that automates the entire ad booking process for the print media advertisers. The service provides a completely online and intuitive workflow to create, book and manage print ad campaigns. Anoop holds a bachelor degree in Computer Science from IIT - Kanpur.




In a very short period of time we have achieved high growth from a garage startup to a 60 people company with revenue ranging in several crores! The success has come through the focused leadership and exceptional contribution from each and every single employee. The company is now looking beyond the geographical boundaries to foray into developed markets where it can deliver cutting-edge telephony products leveraging the benefit of inexpensive infra from India. Our strength is our knowledge and the experience of serving thousands of businesses in India.
Company Details Year Legal Turnover Nature of Business

of Status

Establishment of Firm

2007 Limited Liability/Corporation (Privately Held) US$ 0.25-1 Million (or Rs. 1-4 Crore Approx.)

Manufacturer Wholesaler Service Provider



Indian Subcontinent East Europe East Asia Middle East North America


Our modern infrastructure facilities enables us to successfully meet the emerging demands of the industry. We have with us well equipped production units that are backed by hi-tech machines & latest technology. This coupled with the expertise of our professionals who posses rich industry experience assist us in bringing out superior quality in our product range. We are also committed to our employees professional development and conduct both internal & external training that helps them to upgrade their knowledge base as per the latest industry trends & technology. Since the inception of the company, quality has been one of our major priorities. We are committed to provide competitive & reliable products, solutions and services that help us to stay ahead of our competitors. International quality standards have always been maintained in all the processes of devise design and development. Our team of quality control personnel make optimum use of the available testing equipments and ensure that they meet the laid down quality parameters.




Knowlarity is the pioneer of cloud telephony based solutions in India. The company has cluster setups in Delhi, Noida, Lucknow, Mumbai and Muzaffarpur. Knowlarity has developed a distributed and extensible telephoney platform that utilizes and combines the calling capacity of each cluster on demand to serve high volume requirements for any of its telephony products or services. The Vision Small and medium size enterprises in India are the growth engine of India economy. Collectively they contribute $110 Billion of revenue with high growth rate and provide employment to 75% of workforce in India through the manifestation of the relentless entrepreneurial dreams. These entrepreneurs run their business on that small piece of mobile phone. The founders of Knowlarity dreamed to enable these millions of entrepreneurs with innovative, inexpensive and hosted telephony based business products. The Mission Knowlarity started in early 2009 with a vision to enable SMEs in India with productivity telephony solutions. The company has since then launched products that have been sold in wide range of sectors from the SME industry. Knowlarity is focused to deliver simple and useful telephony products that can help businesses improve their bottom-line. The heart of Knowlarity is a cloud telephony platform called "Knowlus". Knowlarity is proud to be the first in India to deploy a cloud based telephony platform. The end to end platform has been developed inhouse by our hard working engineers using open source technologies. Knowlus has proved faster and flexible than any of the competiting platforms. The mission continues to deliver ground-breaking telephony solutions over knowlus to improve the way buisnesses use phones in India.

Our company has been a leading manufacturer and supplier of telephony business solutions. We have a long list of esteemed clientele who have


availed our services on a day to day basis. Some of the reasons that make us a favorite among are clients are:

Robust technologies Best support Feature rich product Easy customization Our consistency in delivering a wide range of quality products assist us in meeting the varied needs and specific requirements of the industry. Our company has been a major telephony business products provider over the years. There are number of prestigious companies that we have worked with portrays our quality and commitment.




The main functions of Administration can be further sub-divided into : Personnel i.e., H.R. Salary & deductions, staff benefits and other miscellaneous expenditure. House keeping. Protocol and PR section. Miscellaneous. Documentation Centre and Library 2. SALES AND MARKETING The marketing department must act as a guide and lead the company's other departments in developing, producing, fulfilling, and servicing products or services for their customers. Communication is vital. The marketing department typically has a better understanding of the market and customer needs, but should not act independently of product development or customer service. Marketing should be involved, and there should be a meeting of the minds, whenever discussions are held regarding new product development or any customer-related function of the company. 1. 2. 3. 4. Researching and analyzing your business and the market Planning and writing the plan Implementing the plan Evaluating the results 3. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT This departments function is to seek the highest quality of development and design for future growth of forest preserve sites; foster and encourage public participation; protect plans for future

growth of the county in order to enhance the quality of life; work with local, regional, state and federal agencies to implement safe and effective programs and policies to protect natural resources; and prepare department budget and expenditures that provide the most beneficial use of District funds. It comprises the following positions: Planning and Development Manager Land Preservation Planner 4. EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP The roles that the top leadership of the executive branch may fulfill include: running the functions of the firm, managing , and deciding how to enforce laws managing and determining working conditions

The organizational structure of the executive branch will determine the relationship between the heads of state and government respectively. The Executive Branch also carries out the laws.

5. FINANCE This departments function involves budgeting and financial management, administering payroll, overseeing licenses and agreements, providing bid and purchasing processes, providing fund account reporting for the public and complying with all federal and state accounting practices. It comprises the following positions: Director of Financial Services Administrative Assistant

Accounting Clerk II and Buyer Accountant 2.5 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE

Here, the company structure is shown,where different products are divided into functional departments and thus are handled by the specific employees. For e.g. X represent the SUPERFAX Product. Y represent SUPERCALLER product Z represent the ERCC Product and so on.






Superfax Get fax on your mobile phone Superfax is a new generation Internet based online fax solution that provides you the flexibility to send and receive faxes directly through email. Superfax gives you a real phone number in your area which you can distribute to your contacts as your fax number. This number when called gives a fax tone to the caller. This number is internally mapped to your email id. When someone sends a fax to this number and SMS is sent to you and the Fax comes to your email mailbox as a PDF attachment. Just replying to the email can send a Fax back to the sender.


How Superfax works

FAX to Email Customer gets a Virtual Number which gives a Fax Tone when called the Incoming Fax is received, converted to a PDF and is emailed as a PDF attachment. Email to FAX Customer sends Email with an attachment to (for eg: <STD code><FAX number> The attachment is extracted and sent to (<STD code><FAX number>) as a paper fax. Superfax allows the entrepreneur to receive his all important faxes on his email, even when he is not in the office, without having to worry about fax machine, telephone line or thos all pervasive power cuts.


Fax Anywhere & Anytime: Send or receive faxes anywhere in the world via email. Always On and Never Busy 100% Private & Confidential: Your own private fax number, No need to share a fax number with others Instant Notification: Instant SMS Alert on fax arrival Zero Maintenance cost: No telephone line required, No electricity required, Hassle Free Low Cost: Very economical outgoing fax, Saves paper, ink and cartridge expense Green Fax: Paperless, Over internet, No electricity Send/Receive International Faxes: Send international faxes without ISD Multiple Retries: Automatic re-try while sending fax Send Bulk Fax: Send Copy of Fax to Multiple People Automatically


Secure: High confidential ensured by 128-bit encryption technology.


ERCC Emergency Response Coordination & Communication ERCC is a Web-based emergency notification system designed to provide instant communication with people around the corner or around the world. The system is off-site, redundant, reliable and completely scalable. With ERCC Installed, your mobile phone will become a trigger for the Emergency Alarm. The announcements will be made on the mobile number of each person present on the premises.

How ERCC works

In case of emergency, call the ERCC Number from any of the designated mobile phones. Specify the nature of emergency by pressing keys on your mobile phone as instructed by ERCC. ERCC System pulls the pre-specified phone book from the server containing numbers of people to be alerted.

ERCC gives the business owner the sense of assurance that if something goes wrong in his office, his employees would can be contacted in seconds - and not hours. An emergency alter system thar rings thousands of mobile phones in parallel notifying them of emergencies.



More Secure - With ERCC make your premise more secure for workers and visitors. Manage Panic and reduce casualties in case of natural or man-made emergency Multiple Emeregencies in Multiple Languages: ERCC gives an option to broadcast upto 9 pre-recorded messages in multiple languages. This feature is especially useful in reaching out to a mutli-cultural environment. Call, Record and Broadcast - ERCC allows you to record your own message and broadcast it simultaneously to intended recipients allowing efficient handling of unforeseen emergencies. Instant Alert to Many people - With ERCC Cloud Telephony platform, emergency alert can be broadcasted to a 1000 people in 30 seconds.


Extensive Run time Reporting - . Automated report is generated immediately after and an emergency happens or a mock drill is conducted. The report can be downloaded and recorded for audit purpose. Hosted solution - ERCC does not involve any on-premise hardware for its functioning.

Supercaller Cloud telephony based IVR deployment Supercaller is the core of the cloud telephony platform which can make over 6000 calls simultaneously, which is over 20 lac (approx) calls in 10 hours, for various telephony related solutions. The platform when combined with hosted IVR solution give the complete freedom and flexibility to deploy any custom telephony application. Supercaller has been the the underlying infrastructure for many of the Knowalrity products and solutions such as IVR Studio 2, Mid Day Meal solution, NREGA solution, Automatic Phone Verification, Political campaigning etc. For the enterprise, Supercaller works as a telephony application platform hosted and managed by Knowlarity. Enterprises can purchase an account of Supercaller with Knowalrity and can buy calling credits to fuel its calling capacity. Any hosted IVR app, provided by the Enterprise or custom made by Knowlarity can then be associated with the Enterprise account. The results of the calls are reported in comprehensive reports with the outcome of each and every call. APIs to use the Supercaller platform from within the Enterprise solutions are also provided for creating more integrated IVR applications.


Massive calling power fuled by cloud telephony platform 26 Indian languages support for Text to Speech Completely hosted and managed telephony application deployment Integrated with feature rich and most advanced IVR Studio Automatic and Intelligent retry mechanism Extensive call reporting capabilities Developer APIs for integration with client applications

Redundant clusters based, geo-distributed, reliable and secure telephony application platfrom

Use Cases CRO SS SAL ES Outbo und IVR for month ly paym ent remin ders * *




SMS marketi ng with callback IVR

Perso nal Loan

Web API for outbo und fraud preve ntion calls

Inboun d IVR for telebankin g

Increa se revenu e with advert isemen t in remin ders


SMS/W eb/Emai l marketi ng with callback IVR for propert y listing and call forward

Inco ming IVR with catal ogue of prope rties

Const ructio n linked plan remin ders to buyer (allott ed



)from builde r Inbou nd IVR for stude nt infor matio n/ school result s


Newspa per insert marketi ng with callback IVR

Outbou nd IVR for weathe r announ cement s


Outbou nd IVR for broadca sting govern ment initiativ es in rural areas SMS/W eb/Emai l marketi

Inbo und IVR for gover nmen t surve ys

Outbo und IVR for recor ding daily status updat es

Inboun d IVR for payme nt on telepho nes

Pulse Polio remin ders


SMS 2Call for deal

Virtu al recept ionist

Outbo und IVR for

Outbo und IVR with


ng with callback IVR for new travel deals

enqui ries

travel delay notific ations

crosssale of hotels, restau rant deals


Databas e cleanup

Cick2 Call for sales inqui ries

Inbou nd IVR as teleportal to increa se the reach of the web portal

Databa se Verific ation


SMS marketi ng with callback for premiu m calculat or

Inboun d IVR for insuran ce payme nt

Outbo und IVR for delaye d month ly paym ent remin ders



Inbou nd IVR for portfo lio check. Emer gency Servic e Reque st Auto mobil e Servic e Syste m

Outbou nd IVR for sending daily stock tips


Song dedicate through SMS


Fund raisng

Religi ous Mess age

Shops and merc handi se

Appoin tment Confir mation

Superdialler Web Powered Autodialler


SuperDialler brings the power of cloud telephony to a conventional autodialler. An autodialler is limited by the communication bandwidth of the single telephone line (or SIM Card) that is connected with it. SuperDialler overcomes this limitation by using the conventional autodialler to trigger an emergency alarm on the Knowlarity's Cloud Telephony platform - Knowlus. In the event of an emergency Superdialler can call 1020 numbers in under 2 minutes. Use Cases

Educational Institutions Super dialler is very useful for the Parent Notification system(PNS) & Student Notification system(SNS), where institutes can inform all the latest happening or information of their institute to the ward of students like Results, Leave, Parent Meeting, Circulars etc. Similarly students can also be informed within few seconds about any latest happening, event, lectures , test , dates etc on their phone. Corporate Offices Super Dialler provides the most economical and advanced emergency notification system for corporate offices. Superdialler can be integrated with any existing Fire alarm panel or burglar alarm panel which are connected with smoke detectors, temperature sensors , magnetic sensor etc. It is very useful and reliable system to inform multiple employees on their mobile phone in case of any emergencies. It overcomes all limitation of existing autodialing system and PA system. Super dialler is most economical solution for emergency evacuation system. Government Projects 1.Traffic Police Management system 2.City surveillance and Emergency Notification System 3.Fire Management system / Ambulance 4.Defence / Military / Army 5.Airport Management system 6.Natural Disaster Management Industrial Plants Super dialler is most effective solution for the factories where accidents, short circuit, fire etc are always having the maximum chances of occurrence and therefore super dialler is very effective and economically suitable for any 4 zone/ 16 Zone/ 32 Zone/ Multiple zone addressable Fire alarm system . Super dialler can

be integrated and very beneficial for GSM based Fire Alarm Panel& Autodialer. It can also be useful for Guard alert system Financial Institutions Super dialler provides globally acclaimed solution for Banks called Bank Management system(BMS). BMS consist of different solution like: 1. Bank premises security through Burglar Alarm or Fire Alarm system 2. ATM Security solution 3.Cash carrying Van security solution Enterprise Solutions Harness the power of cloud telephony with Knowlarity Knowlus platform from Knowlarity is a raw calling power with extended usability through programable APIs. There are several use cases for the Enterprise sector as studied on the Supercaller page, however the possibilities are infinite. Here are some most useful usage as delivered by Knowlarity to several of its Enterprise customers. Custom IVR Custom IVR deployment is a very common requirement of most of the Enterprises. Be it a user centeric business or purely B2B business, IVRs have become a commodity tool for performing several operational tasks for Enterprises. Knowlarity provides service to create custom IVRs and host them on the Supercaller platform. Knowlarity has engineered custom IVR solutions for Enterprise client from domains raninging from financials to recruitment to sports and entertainment. With the added service to host and run IVRs on our cloud telephony platform, our Enterprise clients don't have to look anywhere else for a reliable and integrated custom IVR solution.

Phone Payment IVR Phone payment IVR system combines the power of IVR with the payment gateway solutions. Phone Payment IVR gives Enterprises the opportunities to cater new markets wherever financial transaction were limited by the mode of payment. With Phone Payment IVR you can close the sale with your clients and customers over

the phone and securely receive payment through an automated voice prompt driven IVR system. The financial instrument details are collected by the IVR using DTMF, i.e. keypresses from the client's telephone's keypad. Knowlarity provides Phone Payment IVR solutions to be integrated with clients existing payment gateway, or if required Knowlarity also helps client setup a payment gateway with India's leading service provider. With the Phone Payment IVR any business can reach the 600 million phone users in India with support for most of the payment instrument available including, debit cards, credit cards, netbanking or cash cards! Facebook Voicelet Facebook Voicelet is another simple but very creative and powerful application from Knowlarity. With voicelet any user can call a service number and post a voice message on facebook wall. Idea is as simple as of voice based blogging but with the marketing scope within facebook it becomes a very powerful branding and social networking solution, for example, for a talent hunt show with a facebook page, anyone can leave a song in his/her voice for the show judges and the fan community to screen talent. For Enterprises, Voicelet opens loads of brand building possibilities. While it's a fun way to engage your customers for any kind of communication, it also has massive reach and is a very efficient way to manage and filter such kind of communication. Knowlus APIs The application of cloud telephony platform is endless. For creative minds and cutting-edge service providers we provide development APIs to the telephony platform to make and build your very own cloud telephony application. This way you or your business does not have to worry about the telephony infra and can still utilize the complete power of the cloud telephony to make calls, receive calls, schedule calls, set various calling parameters, view extensive calls logs and if required also host your application with us!



Helping Build Better Infra for the Country Just like the Enterprise sector, at Knowlarity we believe that for India to progress the Government sector also has to adopt to newer and cutting edge technology faster. Mobile phones are the most deeply penetrated medium in India, therefore to communicate with the masses there can not be any a way other then the phone. We are committed to provide cloud telephony solutions to governemnt projects to help them collect or distribute information or communicate with the masses. NREGA The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act aims at enhancing the livelihood security of people in rural areas by guaranteeing hundred days of wage-employment in a financial year to a rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work. We provided a web hosted solution to NREGA to register daily employment of male and female workers and to prepare a report for the officials. The cloud telephony based solution calls daily call 52000 panchayats in 842 blocks of 72 districts of Uttar Pradesh to collect the daily employment male and female workers.

Mid Day Meal The Mid-day Meal Scheme is the popular name for school meal programme in India. It involves provision of lunch free of cost to school-children on all working days. The key objectives of the programme are: protecting children from classroom hunger, increasing school enrolment and attendance, improved socialisation among children belonging to all castes, addressing malnutrition, and social empowerment through provision of employment to wome A solution over Supercaller using Knowlus apis generates Interactive Voice Response (IVR)-based phone calls to over 1.5 lakh teachers between 10 oclock to

noon daily in all 72 districts of Uttar Pradesh. It asks for the number of students for which the meal has been cooked that day. The teacher responds simply by punching the number of students on his phone. The data is automatically fed to the server set up in Delhi which is connected with the website of Mid Day Meal Authority of UP. Officials who have access to the system can check the data anytime. Police Helpline Police helpline for Madhya Pradsh government is another remarkeble solution developed by Knowlarity. The system allows any person form anywhere in the state to call register a complaint over a phone. The system senses the location of the person and connects to the police station that has jurisdiction there. On the other side of the call is the police officer responsible for registering the complaint. The complaint gets registered with the voice signature of both the police officer and the person who is making the complaint. This solutions allows audio logging of complaints and a definitie proof through the voice signatures of the police officer that the complaint was actually registered. M.P. government is using the solution to crack the corruption and improve the turn around time in resolving a complaint. RSBY Helpline For people living below poverty line, an illness not only represents a permanent threat to their income earning capacity, in many cases it could result in the family falling into a debt trap. When the need to get the treatment arises for poor families they often ignore it because of lack of resources, fearing wage loss, or wait till the last moment when its too late. Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna or RSBY has been launched by Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India to provide health insurance coverage for Below Poverty Line (BPL) families. The objective of RSBY is to provide protection to BPL households from financial liabilities arising out of health shocks that involve hospitalization. But there is a missing link - i.e. to be able to connect the poor people with the RSBY serivce. Knowlarity has provided a cloud telephony based helpline serive for the RSBY project where the person can just call and record his or her health related problem

from any pay-phone or mobile phone available. The hospital nearest to the person would send required medical care to the patient in no time. Political Campaigning Knowlarity provides campaign service to goverment officials, ministers and social servents. A pre-recorded message is sent out at scheduled time to the target audience. With the massive calling power of the cloud telephony, we can call everyone in India without breaking a sweat. In 2008, Knowlarity helped the Chief minister of Orissa connect with Crores of his voters with Supercaller when time was running out during elections. Everyone's beloved Navin Patnaik could not reach the remote corners of his state even when flying in his helicopter day and night. Supercaller helped Navin Patnaik send his voice to 60 Lakh voters in time span of 2 weeks. Same solution was then used by Nitesh Kumar, the Chief minister of Bihar in his 2010 campaign. Supercaller sent out Nitish Kumar's personal recorded message to 70 Lakh voters in just 15 days. PEN - Personal Emergency Number Working women, senior citizens and those living alone at home feel un-secure and un-protected several times during a typical day. The night time work culture has added to the criminal activities against young workers. There has been a need for a communication mechanism that can send a distress message in case of an emergency to the employer, police, guardian or friends. Knowlarity has solved the problem with a cloud based telephony service called Personal Emergency Number or PEN. It works by first registering the user mobile number, list of people (phone number) to alert in case of an emergency and a personal emergency message on the PEN website. Now in case of an emergency user just dials the PEN service number and within seconds the prerecorded emergency message reaches close to 20 people on their phones. For employees working in BPO and Media industry where work happens in night shifts PEN is the system which can be configured as a Speed Dial on the mobile phone for personal emergencies. The system can be triggered by press of a single button on the mobile phone. Emergency message can be recorded on phone and

relayed to Family, Friends, Employers and Police at the same time. The system is also useful for Senior Citizens for health and safety related emergencies. PRODUCT AND SERVICES OF THE COMPETITOR ORGANISATIONS Knowlarity Communications plays MONOPOLY. It has no competition in the market,it is the sole provider of its kind of services. So it enjoys all the benefits of having no competitors in the corporate.



KNOWLARITY COMMUNICATIONS is an MNC ,with its headquarters based in Pittsburgh, US.In India , its headquarters are based in Gurgaon ,Haryana . It is Indias one of a few monopolist companies with a pan-India presence catering to many cities covering the length and breadth of the country. It has a highly profitable business model with strong distribution channels of its employees marketing a range of different products like supercaller, superdialler , superreceiver , ercc , ivr , and various other services . The company has pioneered Direct Marketing so as to cater to the largest section of population in India .In present scenario Knowlarity Communications is earning more than 4 crores In the competitive market Knowlarity Communications sell various financial products, according to the customer needs and wants. Knowlarity Communications is increasing their sales through tele marketing and then work upon leads which is generated by the telesales team.It has now also started the


channel sales of marketing so as to gain new heights. The products which are sold by the Knowlarity Communications according to customer needs, are:-




Work Profile:NameDesignationWork placeTripta Narwara Sales Executive Delhi (Specially SOUTH Zone)/NCR

Work Criteria- To sell product SUPERFAX, client meeting on given leads. And sometimes , I had to made follow-up cases.

Role & Responsibility1. Identifying Perspective customer. 2. Providing information regarding the product of the company to the customers.


3. Identifying customer preferences and requirement and accordingly approached to them. 4. Convincing customers to believe in the product credentials. 5. Increasing market value of the company by increasing customer base.

3.2 KEY LEARNINGS Information regarding Telecommunication industry , and how knowlarity has enhanced its features by using internet. Information regarding all the products offered by Knowlarity

Communications . Understanding of customer behavior regarding product superfax. Understanding the flow of product at place at right time. Information regarding faxing need for a person.


The live experience during the training 1. Each client is unique and are not alike. Each individual has a separate set of personal characteristics. 2. Before going in front of the client, we must have the detailed knowledge of services, facilities, company profile, market price and competitors. 3. In each meeting, we must be on time. 4. Some clients are not ready to pay charges. 5. In some cases, we find that clients are not satisfied with the charges and services. 6. Candidates want more services in fewer charges. 7. Brand issue is main concern in the mind of client. 8. Clients are more aware about the market 9. Delay in services can lead to loss of client. 10.Quick response is necessary for the future healthy relationship with the client and candidates. 11.Service charges negotiation is most important to deal with the client.





To analyze SUPERFAX.

the preference of customers toward Knowlarity s product

Product Research: Assessment of suitability of cost. Market Characteristics Research (Qualitative): SUPERFAX with respect to their features and

Here we analyzed that, Who uses the product ? Relationship between customer and salesperson , selling motive, how a product is used, analysis of consumption rates, needs affecting the use of a product , services demanded by the customers, consumer attitude , Interest of consumers, brand loyalty, research of special consumer groups, survey of local markets, basic economic analysis of the consumer market, etc.


Size of Market (Quantitative): Market potential, total sales quota, territorial sales quota, quota for individuals concentration of sales and advertising efforts; appraisal of efficiency, etc.

Competitive position and Trends Research. Sales Research: Analysis of sales records. Distribution Research: Channels of distribution activity. Advertising and Promotion Research: Testing and evaluating, advertising and promotion.



.1 To study the behavior of customer of product SUPERFAX .2 How to convince the individual .3 To know what is the actual need of the customer .4 Selling pattern based on full benefit. .5 To make a follow-up (with not interested customer) .6 To study the market trends for SUPERFAX



Data Source: Any marketing research requires data collection to arrive at the solution of the problem. Data collection always starts with secondary data. Hence, in a way we can say that: Any marketing research starts with secondary data. Data can be broadly classified into two categories: 1. Primary Data 2. Secondary Data

1. Primary Data: It can be defined as the data which are collected at first hand either by the researcher or by someone else especially for the purpose of the study. For example, I collected the statistics of customer behavior towards the Insurance product 2. Secondary Data: Any data which have been gathered earlier for some other purpose are secondary data in the hands of the marketing researcher. When sufficient secondary data are available, considerable time and money may be saved. It helps us in better understanding of the problem. The secondary data is collected by the internet by

knowing how the competitor use the various ways to promote their product, how much they invest on the BTL advertisement, what are the various ways of BTL advertisement . Data collection: Methods of Primary Data collection: 1. OBSERVATION 2. SURVEY Anything from a short paper & pencil feedback form to an in depth one to one interview is called as survey research. Survey can be divided into two broad categories: 1. The Questionnaire 2. The Interview

While considering the type of survey, we need to consider the costs, physical resources, and time required to conduct the survey. Choice of particular survey method mainly based on:1. Returns 2. Maturity 3. Coverage


Since each survey is different, there are no hard and fast rules for determining its size. The deciding factors in the scale of the survey operations are time, cost, operational constraints and the desired precision of the results. Also, consider what should be the acceptable level of error in the sample. If there is a lot of variability in the population, the sample size will need to be bigger to obtain the specified level of reliability.

METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION: Person-Administered: In this method interviewer reads questions, either face-to-face, to the respondent or record his or her answers. Different ways of this method are as follows Face-to-face- Involves trained interviewers visiting people to collect scheduled data. It is a good approach for ensuring a high response rate to a sample survey or census, and trained interviewers gather better quality data. So during the survey I did the face to face interaction with the people so by this way I understand the respondent behaviour towards the product. Close-end questions - Respondents choose from possible answers included on the questionnaire. Types of close-end questions include:


Multiple choice questions which offer respondents the ability to answer "yes" or "no" or choose from a list of several answer choices. Like in the questionnaire I asked several question which are in yes or no such as Would you prefer to take a policy to your dear one Scales refer to questions that ask respondents to rank their answers or measure their answer at a particular point on a scale. For example, a respondent may have the choice to rank their feelings towards a particular statement like How would you rate Policy in terms of Safty, brand value, Returns, and After Sales Service the scale may range from "very good", "good " and "neutral" to "satisfied" and "not satisfied" . Open-end questions - Respondents answer questions in their own words. Completely unstructured questions allow respondents to answer any way they choose. Questionnaire of our project was open ended too. We provided respondent with range of options to answer. As we were evaluating brand of Insurance product, there were questions that on what fronts does Insurance product, as a brand, need to improve.


Sampling Plan: In our daily life we reach to conclusions by describing the characteristics of a large number of items of a phenomenon usually referred as (population) based on an analysis of a limited number of items from that phenomenon (called sample). The major reasons for sampling are as follows: - Decision makers will have stipulated time to make decisions. If they consider the whole population, they cannot come to consensus within the stipulated time. - The cost of gathering information is highly important. - The accuracy can be maintained if we take small sample of a population. The following are the managerial objectives of sampling: - The data can be collected from the desired section omitting others. Sufficient accuracy that can be obtained by considering the sample. - Research resources can be efficiently used.


By sampling also sometimes we get unimportant data. They are as follows: 1. Data produced is of high quality but not applicable to the problem definition. 2. The data produced is of stable result but becomes obsolete till it is produced. Type of Sampling Procedures: There are two types of sampling procedures. 1. Probability Sampling Methods 2. Non probability Sampling Methods Probability Sampling Methods Much of the sampling in marketing research is non-probability in nature. That is, samples are selected on the basis of the judgment of the investigator, convenience, or by some other non random process rather than by the use of a table of random numbers or some other randomizing device. Non probability sampling procedures: Quota Sampling: In quota sampling the sizes of various subclasses in the population are first estimated from some outside source, such as from Bureau of the Census Data.


Since the interviewers judgment is relied upon to select actual respondents within each quota, many sources of selection bias are potentially present. Judgment Sampling (Purposive Sampling): The key assumption underlying this type of sampling is that, with sound judgment or expertise and an appropriate strategy, one can carefully and consciously choose the elements to be included in the sample so that samples can be developed that are suitable for ones needs. The intent is to select elements that are believed to be typical or representative of the population in such a way that errors of judgment in the selection will cancel out each other out. Convenience Sampling: In convenience sampling selection, the sampler chooses the sampling units on the basis of convenience or accessibility. This form of sample selection is commonly used in the man on the street form of interviewing and, at times, associates may be interviewed, and, at times associates may be interviewed simply because they are accessible.





Analysis of Knowlarity products Knowlarity was conceptualized in July 2007 by Ambarish Gupta and Pallav Pandey . In a very short period of time we have achieved high growth from a garage startup to a 60 people company with revenue ranging in several crores! The company is now looking beyond the geographical boundaries to foray into developed markets where it can deliver cutting-edge telephony products leveraging the benefit of inexpensive infra from India. The company has cluster setups in Delhi, Noida, Lucknow, Mumbai and Muzaffarpur. . Collectively they contribute $110 Billion of revenue with high growth rate and provide employment to 75% of workforce in India through the manifestation of the relentless entrepreneurial dreams. These entrepreneurs run their business on that small piece of mobile phone. Alternate Channels Knowlarity has a network of associates to help the company conduct its marketing, sales promotion, lead generation and branding activities in towns and cities that they are locally strong.


- Company Work as service provider in the competitive market - Where the customer get good opportunity to choose the product - Company focuses on the customer day to day needs - Remind the customer time to time about their product.



Here I came to know that Knowlarity is one of the largest service provider in the market and playing monopoly .Customers were astonished to see the fast and new technological products of the company. It is the only company which just solve the customer dilemma. Knowlarity modified its business goals along with the changing times to initiate its entry through direct marketing , i.e. hard core sales , telecalling , as well as channel marketing .Through this method, Knowlarity has become a successful organization with its innovative ideas.



6.1 SUMMARY OF LEARNING EXPERIENCE In this industry I learnt that What type of customers are available in the market ? What is the basic need of the customer ? Response of the customer? Behavior ? Attitude of the customer? Ups and down of the company?




Knowlarity, a service provider firm, will use the funding to expand into newer markets. In a very short period of time it has achieved high growth from a garage startup to a 60 people company with revenue ranging in several crores! The success has come through the focused leadership and exceptional contribution from each and


every single employe. Small and medium size enterprises in India are the growth engine of India economy. Collectively they contribute $110 Billion of revenue with high growth rate and provide employment to 75% of workforce in India through the manifestation of the relentless entrepreneurial dreams. The company has cluster setups in Delhi, Noida, Lucknow, Mumbai and Muzaffarpur. Knowlarity has developed a distributed and extensible telephoney platform that utilizes and combines the calling capacity of each cluster on demand to serve high volume requirements for any of its telephony products or services.

Some of the reasons that make it a favorite among are clients are:

Robust technologies Best support Feature rich product Easy customization Its consistency in delivering a wide range of quality products assist us in meeting the varied needs and specific requirements of the industry. Thecompany has been a major telephony business products provider over the years. There are number of prestigious companies that it had worked with , that portrays our quality and commitment.


SWOT Analysis

Strength At the time of dealing with clients, I was full of confidence. I impressed the customer with my knowledge about the product and finally closed the call. WeaknessI felt a bit tired at evening after the meeting due to hard core sales profile. OpportunityAs an opportunity, I have maintained the database of the customers which will be useful in future. ThreatsI am trying to overcome the physical stress.


Recommendation As a recommendation : To identify regions where promotions are required. Knowlarity lacks the required promotional campaigns , due to which consumers are unaware of the product as well as company. There are no warranty provided on the products , this leads to lack of trust of customers People are asking for some more facilities with the superfax , so some solution should be carved for this problem Knowlarity should contact to their clients regularly for knowing the problems faced by them, this will help them in providing best services . Many a times clients are facing the server problem,which delays the service of superfax, this problem should be dealt with.


Books And Newspaper 1. Economics Times 2. India Today URLs: .1 .2



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