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F. G. V. circle listen open write please that this to what alphabet a rezerva clock example name number pen picture small window hallo lab chair your go to is

Hello. How are you? See you later. Good morning. Fine.thanks. Okay. Goodbye Listen. Whats that? Its an open the door. Whats this? This is a book. cerc; ciclu; a inconjura close a fi atent la; a asculta look a deschide; deschis; a incepe repeat a compune muzica; a scrie; scriere my a multumi; a satisface thats care; aceea; acela; incat; pentru ca; sa; ca the aceasta; acesta; asta whats catre; in comparatie cu; pana la; pentru; ca sa care?; ce?; ce fel?; cum? twenty alfabet book capital letter ceas; orologiu door exemplu letter nume; reputatie; a numi; a stabili; a alege notebook numar page ingraditura; stilou; tarc pencil tablou; fotografie; imagine sir mic; nensemnat table fereastra; vitrina word incuiat; inchis; apropiat privire; uitatura a repeta mea; mei; mele; meu articol hotarat douazeci carte; a inscrie; registru; usa litera; scrisoare caiet de notite; maculator pagina; paj creion; a schita domnule mancare; masa cuvant; vorba; a redacta

a striga alo sau hei; alo; asculta(interj); hei laborator; Partidul Laburist(Anglia); laborator(presc) a instala(intr-o functie); catedra universitara; scaun dumitale; dumneavoastra; ta; tale; tau; tai; voastra; vostru; vostri; voastre a merge; a se duce; a deveni; energie; entuziasm; miscare; incercare; moda pers a III-a sing. indicativ prez. de la be (a fi)

hello Good morning. Whats your name? My name is. How are you. Fine thanks. See you later. Okay.Goodb ye. A.Good morning. Z. Good morning. How are you? A. Fine, thanks .How are you. B. Z. Fine thanks. Ou, my teacher is in the classroom.

C. See you later. D. Z.Okay.Goodbye. A.Good morning. Z.Good morning. How are you? A.Fine.Im Ted.Whats your name? Z..My name is Aldo. This (that) is a pencil. What is this? That is a pen. What + is = Whats Whats this? Its a book. That+is = That s Whats this? It + is = Its Open the window. Close the window. This is my pen. That's your pen. This is a book. Whats that? That is my chair. What is that? Thats a pencil. Thats your pen.

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