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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code CSE205 Course Category Course Title DATA STRUCTURES Courses with Placement focus Course Planner 14508::Harleen Kaur Lectures 3.0 Tutorials Practicals Credits 0.0 0.0 3.0

TextBooks Sr No T-1 Title Data Structures Reference Books Sr No R-1 R-2 R-3 Title Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C Data Structures with C Author Mark A. Weiss Seymour Lipschutz Edition 2nd 4th 2nd 2012 2007 Year Publisher Name Pearson Education Schaum Series McGraw Hill Pearson Education Author Seymour Lipschutz Edition 20th Year 2011 Publisher Name Schaum Series McGraw Hill

Data Structures And Program Design Kruse Robert L. , Robert In C Kruse , Cl Tondo

Relevant Websites Sr No RW-1 RW-2 RW-3 RW-4 RW-5 RW-6 (Web address) (only if relevant to the course);b=277 Salient Features detailed description of dynamic memory allocation pointers tutorial for beginners allocation and reallocation of memory C Pointer to Pointer, Pointer to Functions, Array of Pointers ebook data structures and algorithm analysis in C by Mark A. Weiss pdf-d263500719 notations %2520%26%2520ALGORITHMS_Lecture%25201.ppt +&hl=en&gl=in&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShCaheU180EE5BNxG2WTApH9nYp3LEjN HkYrVVxNOyK7GkrcMQFg6CeclIUIKOy8J1ytQFudbjA4Nz2s7fdw4c8u5GEKh6pFfdE_awiXzEYT4djhtpXmh2GkoVvGVLFi5wS5h&sig=AHIEtbTA0rwr7F0i8bs0vihHJqitp3g6sw (AV aids) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features Data Structures AV Tutorials Animations for all the data structures and sorting searching techniques

Audio Visual Aids Sr No AV-1 AV-2

Virtual Labs Sr No VL-1 (VL) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features Learn about different types of operators, precedence of the operators and evaluation of an expression

LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks) Weeks before MTE Weeks After MTE Spill Over 7 6 2

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Number Lecture Number Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Chapters/Sections of Text/reference books Other Readings, Lecture Description Relevant Websites, Audio Visual Aids, software and Virtual Labs Introduction to data structures and basic algorithmic notations Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool Demonstration/ Case Study / Images / animation / ppt etc. Planned lecture cum demonstration and problem solving lecture cum demonstration and problem solving lecture cum demonstration and problem solving

Week 1

Lecture 1

Introduction(Basic Concepts and Notations)

T-1:1.1-1.5 2.1-2.4

Learn basic concepts and algorithmic notations used in data structures

Introduction(Complexity analysis: time space and trade off) Lecture 2 Introduction(Algorithmic notations, Big O notation) Introduction(Introduction to omega, theta and little o notation) Arrays(Linear arrays: memory representation)


Study about different complexity of parameters of complexity algorithms evaluation of algorithms study about different notations of complexity evaluation Study of three basic notations of complexity analysis Study of simplest data structure Arrays, and representation in memory operations on arrays Big O notation for complexity evaluation


Lecture 3


three basic notations of lecture cum complexity demonstration and problem solving memory representation lecture cum of arrays demonstration and power point presentation complexity analysis of various operations performed on arrays complexity analysis of various operations performed on arrays lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation

Week 2

Lecture 4


Arrays(Array operations: traversal, insertion, deletion, sorting, searching and merging and their complexity analysis.) Lecture 5 Arrays(Array operations: traversal, insertion, deletion, sorting, searching and merging and their complexity analysis.)



operations on arrays

Week 2

Lecture 6

Multidimensional Arrays, Records and pointers(Multidimensional Arrays memory representation)


memory representation of multidimensional arrays

to learn how multidimensional arrays are stored in memory and how to acces them from memory

lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation

Week 3

Lecture 7

Multidimensional Arrays, Records and pointers(Traversal of multidimensional arrays, jagged arrays, matrices and sparse matrices) Multidimensional Arrays, Records and pointers(Record Structures)


different types of metrics exposure of multi lecture cum and multidimensional dimensional arrays and demonstration and arrays metrics power point presentation storage of record structures learn how to store records in memory lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation lecture cum demonstration and problem solving

Lecture 8

T-1:4.11-4.12 R-2:4.14-4.15

Multidimensional Arrays, Records and pointers(Pointers: pointer arrays, array of pointers.) Multidimensional Arrays, Records and pointers(Dynamic memory management: usage of pointers and memory management functions.) Lecture 9 Multidimensional Arrays, Records and pointers(Dynamic memory management: usage of pointers and memory management functions.) Multidimensional Arrays, Records and pointers(Pointers: pointer arrays, array of pointers.) Multidimensional Arrays, Records and pointers(Record Structures)


RW-2 RW-4

representation of pointers students will learn the of array in memory difference between the pointer arrays and arrays of pointers Memory management functions using pointers


RW-1 RW-3

Efficient use of lecture cum memory using pointers demonstration and dynamically power point presentation Efficient use of lecture cum memory using pointers demonstration and dynamically power point presentation lecture cum demonstration and problem solving lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation


RW-1 RW-3

Memory management functions using pointers


RW-2 RW-4

representation of pointers students will learn the of array in memory difference between the pointer arrays and arrays of pointers storage of record structures learn how to store records in memory

T-1:4.11-4.12 R-2:4.14-4.15

Week 4

Lecture 10 Lecture 11 Linked Lists(Introduction: memory representation, allocation and garbage collection) Linked Lists(Operations: Traversal, insertion and deletion) T-1:5.1-5.3 5.6

Quiz 1 memory representation learning of how linked lecture cum of linked lists in memory lists make effective use demonstration and of memory as compared problem solving to arrays operations on linked lists student will learn how to work with with linked data structures operations on linked lists student will learn how to work with with linked data structures lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation

Lecture 12

T-1:5.4-5.5 5.7-5.8

Week 5

Lecture 13

Linked Lists(Operations: Traversal, insertion and deletion)

T-1:5.4-5.5 5.7-5.8

Week 5

Lecture 14

Linked Lists(Header linked lists: Grounded and Circular)


introduction to different types of header linked lists and performing operations introduction to two ways lists and perform operations on the two lists memory representation of stacks and push, pop operations

learn the benefit of using the header node in linked lists students will learn benefit of using full duplex operational mode of doubly linked lists students wil learn how stacks automatically maintain the size of memory while processing

lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation

Lecture 15

Linked Lists(Two-way lists: operations on two way linked lists)


Week 6

Lecture 16

Stacks(Introduction: List and Array representations, Operations on stack (traversal, push and pop))


Lecture 17

Stacks(Arithmetic expressions: polish notation, evaluation and transformation of expressions.) Stacks(Arithmetic expressions: polish notation, evaluation and transformation of expressions.)


evaluation of expressions students will learn the lecture cum using stacks actual usage of stacks demonstration and in computer systems for problem solving evaluating expressions evaluation of expressions students will learn the lecture cum using stacks actual usage of stacks demonstration and in computer systems for problem solving evaluating expressions Test 1 quick sort and tower of hanoi techniques quick sort and tower of hanoi techniques students will learn several real world applications of stacks students will learn several real world applications of stacks lecture cum demonstration and problem solving lecture cum demonstration and problem solving

Lecture 18


Week 7

Lecture 19 Lecture 20 Stacks(Applications of Stacks: Quick sort and Towers of Hanoi) Stacks(Applications of Stacks: Quick sort and Towers of Hanoi) T-1:6.6 6.8

Lecture 21

T-1:6.6 6.8

Week 8 Lecture 22 Queues and Recursion(Recursion: Definition, Function Call & Recursion implementation, Complexity issues.) Queues and Recursion(Queues: Array and list representation, operations (traversal, insertion and deletion)) Queues and Recursion(Priority queues and Deques: Array and List representations) Lecture 24 Trees(Binary trees: introduction (complete and extended binary trees), memory representation (linked, sequential)) T-1:6.7 6.9 recursive procedures with examples Learning of relationship between recursion and complexity of algorithms lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation

Lecture 23


memory representation students will learn and operations on queues several real world applications using queues and their storage in memory different types of queues Effective memory utilization using different types of queues introduction to different types of tress and their memory representation benefit of using non linear data structures



Week 9

Lecture 25

Trees(Binary tree traversal: preorder, in-order and post-order (traversal algorithms using stacks).) Trees(Binary tree traversal: preorder, in-order and post-order (traversal algorithms using stacks).) Trees(Binary Search Tree: introduction, searching, insertion and deletion)


different tree traversal techniques using stacks

efficient usage of stack lecture cum for processing trees demonstration and problem solving efficient usage of stack lecture cum for processing trees demonstration and problem solving lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation

Lecture 26


different tree traversal techniques using stacks

Lecture 27


introduction to BST and students will learn the operations on BST benefit of using BST arrangement in searching elements from a tree introduction to BST and students will learn the operations on BST benefit of using BST arrangement in searching elements from a tree usage and operations of AVL trees

Week 10

Lecture 28

Trees(Binary Search Tree: introduction, searching, insertion and deletion)


Lecture 29

Trees(AVL trees: introduction, insertion and deletion)


exposure to height lecture cum balanced trees and their demonstration and benefits power point presentation Introduction to an elegant Sorting technique with lesser complexity lecture cum demonstration and problem solving lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation Discussion, lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation

Lecture 30

Trees(Heaps: insertion, deletion, sorting and complexity analysis)


usage, benefits, operations and complexity analysis of heaps

Week 11

Lecture 31

Graphs(Introduction: sequential and linked representation, searching, insertion and deletion.)

T-1:8.1-8.3 8.5-8.6

memory representation benefit of using graphs and operations on graphs due to non linear memory representation through the real life applications algorithm to find the students will learn to shortest path among two find the shortest path vertices between two vertices of a graph searching of nodes in students will learn the graphs by using BFS and two most efficient DFS traversal techniques searching techniques in graphs sorting and applications of graphs real life examples on graphs

Lecture 32

Graphs(Warshall's algorithm)


Lecture 33

Graphs(Graph Traversal: BFS, DFS)


Week 12

Lecture 34

Graphs(Topological sorting, applications of graphs)


Lecture 35 Lecture 36 Hashing(Hashing introduction: hash functions, hash table) R-1:ch 5 RW-5

Quiz 2 Study of algorithm that maps large data sets of variable length to smaller data sets of fixed length Learn about a subroutine that maps large data sets to smaller fixed length keys

Week 12

Lecture 36

Hashing(Open hashing (separate chaining))

R-1:ch 5


hashing technique of learning how to storing collisions outside minimize collisions by the table storing them outside the table hashing technique of storing the hash collisions records in tables study algorithms for sorting of elements in different data structures study algorithms for sorting of elements in different data structures study algorithms for sorting of elements in different data structures study algorithms for sorting of elements in different data structures study algorithms for sorting of elements in different data structures study algorithms for sorting of elements in different data structures study algorithms for sorting of elements in different data structures learning how to minimize collisions by storing one of the records in the table

lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation lecture cum demonstration and power point presentation

Week 13

Lecture 37

Hashing(Closed hashing (open addressing): linear probing, quadratic probing and double hashing.) Sorting and Searching(Bubble sort)

R-1:ch 5


Lecture 38

T-1:ch 9 R-1:ch 7 R-2:ch 9 T-1:ch 9 R-1:ch 7 R-2:ch 9 T-1:ch 9 R-1:ch 7 R-2:ch 9 T-1:ch 9 R-1:ch 7 R-2:ch 9 T-1:ch 9 R-1:ch 7 R-2:ch 9 T-1:ch 9 R-1:ch 7 R-2:ch 9 T-1:ch 9 R-1:ch 7 R-2:ch 9 T-1:ch 9 R-1:ch 7 R-2:ch 9


Understand and apply AV aids, animations fundamental aspects of and lecture cum basic searching and demonstration sorting methods Understand and apply AV aids, animations fundamental aspects of and lecture cum basic searching and demonstration sorting methods Understand and apply AV aids, animations fundamental aspects of and lecture cum basic searching and demonstration sorting methods Understand and apply AV aids, animations fundamental aspects of and lecture cum basic searching and demonstration sorting methods Understand and apply AV aids, animations fundamental aspects of and lecture cum basic searching and demonstration sorting methods Understand and apply AV aids, animations fundamental aspects of and lecture cum basic searching and demonstration sorting methods Understand and apply AV aids, animations fundamental aspects of and lecture cum basic searching and demonstration sorting methods Discussion and problem solving

Sorting and Searching(Insertion sort)


Sorting and Searching(Selection sort)


Sorting and Searching(Quick sort)


Lecture 39

Sorting and Searching(Radix sort)


Sorting and Searching(Merge sort)


Sorting and Searching(Shell sort)


Sorting and Searching(Complexity analysis and comparison of all searching and sorting techniques.)


complexity evaluation of Efficiency Analysis of various searching and sorting, searching sorting techniques techniques

Week 14 Lecture 40 Lecture 41 T-1:7.13-7.14 T-1:7.15-7.16 m way Search Trees B Trees learn about multiway trees lecture cum demonstration learn about trees having lecture cum more than one children demonstration

Scheme for CA:

Component Test Quiz

Frequency 1 1

Out Of

Each Marks Total Marks 10 2 10 20 10 10 20

Total :-

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