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Greetings and Introductions

Lesson 1

Guidelines to an Effective Greeting

What you do and must say in the first few precious moments of meeting someone is crucial, if you are to gain and hold their attention.
Smile Introduce yourself / ask for your colleagues name. Speak and act sincerely. Talk about things you know. Ask non-threatening questions Look at the other speaker attentively. Compliment and thank your listener.

a smile will humanize you and make you appear more approachable.

Positive energy
smile makes you real smile always looks good smiling can be a sign of a success person smiling is contagious Practice your smile

Form of speech

Period of the day

Formal First meeting Semi-formal

Good _____________,


Subsequent meetings

Informal Very Informal/Slang

Hi, How are you doing?

Hey! Whats up? Ha Ya Doing?

Most commonly used salutation.

How are you?

Form of speech Formal First meeting Semi-formal How are you? How are you doing? How have you been? How are things? How are things going? How are you getting along? Whats happening? How do you do?


Subsequent meetings Very Informal/ Slang

Greeting Responses
When someone asks the question

How are you?

This is not a request to know how you are feeling.
Response: Formal

Im fine, thank you. And you?

This is a statement used in formal greetings. They normally really are not concerned with knowing your physical or mental condition.

Im great Im doing well Im doing OK

Im getting by Im fantastic Im getting along

However, you do not want to answer with negative statements. Example: Im feeling terrible. Im feeling a little sick.

Greeting Responses
In an informal sitting, the person asking maybe concerned about how you feel. In this case, how are you refers to Are you feeling OK?


howre you doing Are you feeling OK

Really great, fantastic, etc. Im tired Im confused Im angry Im on cloud nine

Im in love Im bored

Very Informal/Slang

So, so great, getting by, doing well, fantastic, doing OK

End of Lesson
Next Lesson

Introducing yourself

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