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Sunshine A. Baclaan BS.

Pharmacy 4 Political Science REACTION PAPER

February 4, 2013

Case No.: 5CC-508 (Civil Case) For Collection of Sum of Money Plaintiff: Cebu Sandai Motor Sales Inc. Defendant: Romela G. Malazarte Presiding Judge: Hon. Carlos C. Fernando When the hearing started the defendant was called to front by the judge and was asked her claim about the collection of sum of money. At first, she looked like she didnt know what to say or understood what was asked. Then she claimed, and quote, that she did not owe any money. When the judge reiterated her answer, she replied right after, only a portion of the amount. This made her statement confusing. The judge notified her that the documents submitted to him stated she owed the Cebu Sandai Motor Sales Inc. 100,000.00 pesos. And she denied the fact and requested her husband speak for her behalf. From there, the judge heard the husbands explanation and requested the representative of the Cebu Sandai Motor Sales Inc. to explain their side. After that, both sides and the judge retract the negotiations from the first transactions up until the last. The defendant claimed that they were shammed because the verbal agreement for the interest rate of the vehicle being purchased and the interest rate projected in the promissory note was not right. The judge then asked why the defendant signed the said promissory note when it was not the agreed upon interest rate. The defendant reasoned that he trusted the person making the transaction because he was a friend. From there, they fixed the problem through a settlement that the defendant, who did in fact still owe money, pay their dues on a monthly basis provided when three faults have been made of the payments the defendant will voluntarily surrender the vehicle. After the settlement was made, the judge, after seeing some of our confused expressions, explained to us what just happened in summary and also what this case what all about. From what I have witnessed during the hearing, Ive learned that you should really be very careful with the words you put out since it could make the case more complicated and that (as the judge had put it) wordplay can be a little tricky to handle especially if you use complicated words which could mean a lot of things instead of using short and simple words that go straight to the point. Ive also learned that when youre in front of the judge, or in a hearing for that matter, you must also be clear with the facts and your statements. You must know why you are there and for what purpose are you going through with the hearing. You must also remember all the necessary information that might be related to the case for you to not misunderstand nor create any confusion with the facts. It was a very interesting experience to witness such cases. Somehow I imagined a different environment a little messy and theres an agree aura surrounding us all but it can be a possibility. After all, this was only a small money claims case. I wonder if thered be more action and thrill in an even more dangerous case?

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