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CHANCE IM & FAMILY MODEL: THE CHILEAN EXILES IN DENMARK a pilot study Loreley Friedmann Dr. dur. Copenhagen, November, 1980 x.-Appendix : The Chilean Political Refugees in Denmark. A quantitative description Prepared under the auspices of the Institute for Research in Mental Hygiene, with support from the Danish Social Research Council. this stuay 1s devoted to the ghting of the Chileans, there and here. Copenhagen, November 4, 1980 The researcher gives warmly acknowledgement to Niels Rasmussen, (institute of Social Medicine) whose assistance was provided at all ages of the development of this pilot study. Also acknowledgement is due to Jorn Vestergaard (Institute of Criminal Science) without whose encouragement and help this study would not have become a rather finished work. Rewarding support has also been received from members of the Institute, especially from the generous friend Henning Koch The author appreciates the reviewing by Peter Sommerfeld and Martin Spencer of some of the many language problems. A profitable conversation with Christopher Grayson (Council of Burope, Division of Social Affairs) gave a much needed support. This pilot study has been made under the auspices of the Institute for Research in Mental Hygiene, with a nine months stipend provided by the Danish Social Research Council. Some additional funds nave been provided by the Faculty of Law and the Institute of Criminal Science both of the University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, Novenber 4, 1980

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