Chicken Pizza

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Chicken Pizza: (serves 2 for dinner, 3 for lunch) Ingredients: Base: Tbsp Dry Yeast (8.

.5g) 3 Tbsp warm water cup milk (Lite Vita Soy) (125 ml) (warmed e.g. microwave 20 secs) 2/3 cup Wholemeal Plain Flour Pizza: 200g Ridders (or Aldi) chicken 100ml tomato puree 1 tsp minced garlic 1 tsp minced chilli Cracked pepper, parsley & oregano (to taste) Directions: Pastry: Dissolve yeast in water, mix. Combine with warmed milk. Leave in warm place for 5 mins & allow mixture to sit & yeast to start to bubble. Mix together with sifted flour. Knead with floured hands for 5 mins. Leave in greased bowl, covered, in a warm area for approx 40 mins, or until dough has doubled in size. Gently press onto greased or non-stick pizza tray. Pizza: Combine tomato puree, garlic, chilli, pepper, parsley & oregano. Spoon tomato mix on pizza, to edges. Chop chicken & place on pizza. Add any additional free vegetable toppings you wish. Bake at 180 degrees celcius for 25 mins.

Note: pizzas may be frozen once cold. Nutrition Panel Serves 2 (dinner) 3 (lunch) KJ 1345.8 897.2 Cal 320.4 213.6 Protein 29.1 19.4 Fat 3.3 2.2 Sat Fat 0.6 0.4 Carbs 39.1 26.07 JC 2 grain, 2 meat 1 grain, 1 meat

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