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Mulligatawny Soup: (serves 1 for lunch) Ingredients: cup cooked rice (1/8 cup raw) 100g Ingham Breast

ham Breast Appetisers Lite (defrosted) 1 small carrot (100g) sliced cup chopped onions cup sliced celery 1 Tbsp parsley 1 tsp curry powder 1 tsp Chicken Stock (continental salt-reduced) + 2 cups water Additional water if required.

(optional extra: dinner roll = grain serve) Directions: 1. Boil water, add 2 cups of boiling water to saucepan. Add rice, stir so the rice doesnt stick. 2. Add curry powder & stock, stir. 3. Add vegetables, stir & boil gently for 10 minutes. Stir occasionally & make sure rice is cooked (soft). 4. Add sliced chicken, stir & heat for 1 minute. 5. Add parsley, stir. 6. Serve.

Nutrition Panel Serves 1 (lunch) KJ Protein Fat Sat Fat Carbs JC grain, 3 meat, 1 veg & fat






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