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Mums Healthy Vegetable Cake : (serves 10 as a snack/dessert) Ingredients: cup grated carrot (1/2 medium) cup grated pumpkin

grated pumpkin (100g) cup grated Sweet Potato (150g) 1 cup Plain Flour 1 cup Natvia (organic sweetener) 1 tsp bi-carb soda 1 tsp mixed spice 1 tsp vanilla essence tsp salt 3 Tbsp Western Star 70% reduced fat margarine (melted) 4 egg whites (small) 1 Tbsp sultanas cup flaked almonds (or chopped walnuts)

Directions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Preheat oven to 200C. Prepare a 20cm non-stick cake tin grease & line with baking paper. Peel & grate vegetables Sift flour, bi-carb soda, salt & mixed spice. Add sweetener, vanilla essence, melted margarine & egg whites. Mix well. 5. Add the grated vegetables, sultanas & almonds & mix well. The mixture will be quite moist. 6. Pour the mixture into the cake tin & bake for 40 mins or until cooked when tested with a skewer. Halfway through the baking, cover the top of the cake with baking paper to prevent burning. 7. Cool in tin or on a cooling rack & cover with aluminium foil until cooled. Serve cold. Keep cake in the fridge for a few days, or place in the freezer for later. Nutrition Panel Serves 10 (snack/dessert) KJ Protein Fat Sat Fat Carbs JC 1 grain &1 fat






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