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Physical Assessment

Appearance Cardiovascular
Stage of development, Heart rate and rhythm,
general health, striking Homans’ sign, peripheral
features, height, weight, pulses and temperature,
behavior, posture, edema
communication skills,
grooming, hygiene Respiratory
Rate, rhythm, depth,
Skin effort, quality, expansion,
Color, consistency, cough, breath sounds,
temperature, turgor, sputum production
integrity, texture, lesions, (color and amount),
mucous membranes tracheostomy size,
nasal patency
Color, texture, Gastrointestinal
amount, distribution Abdominal contour, bowel
sounds, nausea, vomiting,
Nails ostomy type and care, fecal
Color, texture, shape, size frequency, consistency,
presence of blood
Pupil reaction, motor and Genitourinary
verbal responses, gait, Urine color, character,
reflexes, neurologic checks amount, odor, ostomy
Range of motion, gait,
tone, posture

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