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Current Posted Sep 30, 2006 @ 1:51:46 pm
score: 3
Daewoo is correct.The next gun buyback seems the best idea.
You should have another one of these silly things in a city near you
You'll make a little cash or get a voucher and get rid of a lousy gun.
(Current score: 3)
Original thread/news
Current Posted Sep 26, 2006 @ 2:42:11 am
score: 3
RE: Alaska and Vermont
nate1865 wrote:
I don't know how AZ intends to do it, but IN honors all people licensed to
carry in their state - even those who hail from states that grant everyone a
permit by default (Alaska, Vermont)

Glad to see another state get a little "free-er". :)


Indiana can't honor a Vermonter because Vermont doesn't issue a permit'by
default'.They issue nothing,period.
So Indiana and all other states can not honor a Vermonter's right to carry.
Alaska solved the problem by giving their residents the option to get a
permit to allow them reciprocity.Permit less Alaskans can carry only within
Vermont has yet to take this step.
(Current score: 3)
Original thread/news
Current Posted Sep 26, 2006 @ 2:26:39 am
score: 3
RE: AZ not the only one.......
C._Woodard wrote:
Incidently, AZ is just the latest to honor any other states permit.

AZ, ID, IN, KT, MI, OK, SD, TN &UT all honor every other states permit.

A VERY interesting question was posed in that what will AZ do in regards

to AK and VT. My guess is that AZ, and probably any other state will not
allow CCW by residents of those two states. Again guessing, they have not
been through a background check.

While I would never expect him to speak for other states, I’m sure Steve
Wenger has seen the question, and I sure he will come up with an answer
for AZ.


Alaska gives it residents the option of getting a permit to allow them to
have reciprocity with other states.
Vermont residents do not have this option as VT issues no permits.
Alaskans with permits should be honored by AZ.
(Current score: 3)
Original thread/news
Current Posted Sep 26, 2006 @ 2:05:31 am
score: 3
RE: RE: Wow!
Bruce_Foreman wrote:
What a diatribe,the Fed!
You definitely are ready for that Pasco County,Florida retirement.
The sooner the better.

It's no diatribe. I held a TS clearance with higher than TS endorsement for

just short of 20 years active duty service and 10 years after retirement
accepted a federal civil service position that required the same clearance
with even higher level access for emergency situations.

Everything he described is factual and not exaggerated.

You put up with it if you want to keep the employment. Background

investigation for me was updated every five years.

I was just having fun with the Fed.He didn't take it seriously so neither
should you.
I'm ex-Govt. myself(24 years)so I'm very aware of the stresses and strains.
Hope you are enjoying your retirement.You surely earned it.
(Current score: 3)
Original thread/news
Current Posted Sep 25, 2006 @ 9:46:46 pm
score: 3
RE: I believe the correct internet lingo
peaksjam wrote:
for what just happened to Atticus is PWN3D!!!!!!111

Please enlighten myself and other internet illiterates.
(Current score: 3)
Original thread/news
Current Posted Sep 25, 2006 @ 9:37:42 pm
score: 3
RE: You're taking a risk..............
herbstnebel2ss wrote:
While having a gun in a newly developed caliber may be quite a novelty,
there is no guarantee that the new caliber will stick around, as you pointed
out with the 10mm. Remember, .45 ACP brass cannot be trimmed down to
work in the .45 GAP.
On the other hand, since the new gun essentially cost you nothing, having a
novelty might not be a bad idea. If the .45 GAP goes belly up, it's sure to
increase in value and be of interest to collectors.
If it weren't for guns, we'd be British......

The 10mm is not only sticking around,its getting stronger.

Ask the guys at Double Tap Ammo.Their whole burgeoning business is
centered around the 10mm.
(Current score: 3)
Original thread/news
Current Posted Sep 25, 2006 @ 9:19:03 pm
score: 3
Thank You Google Here's the link Ed.Fast Eddie at his two timing
(Current score: 3)
Original thread/news
Current Posted Sep 25, 2006 @ 9:06:28 pm
score: 3
Ed Read Professor John Lott's off the cuff interview with Fast Eddie when
the fast one was addressing the VPC a few years ago.I'll try to find a link.
This chameleon has never met a gun control law he didn't immediately
Looks like you are getting him for another term.My faith in Pennsylvanians
common sense is beginning to run thin.
(Current score: 3)
Original thread/news
Current Posted Sep 25, 2006 @ 8:54:15 pm
score: 3
Glock39 I would go with this compact GAP.
Very concealable,the punch you are looking for and being a Glock its
almost certain to survive,though not obtaining the .45 ACP's icon status.
And congratulations on winning the contest.
(Current score: 3)
Original thread/news
Current Posted Sep 25, 2006 @ 6:47:33 pm
score: 3
Wow! What a diatribe,the Fed!
You definitely are ready for that Pasco County,Florida retirement.
The sooner the better.
(Current score: 3)
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