Intermediate Four (I04) Learning Objectives: I04 - Student's

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The list below will help you follow up on your achievement. Please put a check ( ) in the box that in your opinion shows your progress. Make sure you demonstrate you can do the following when finishing the respective unit.

Intermediate Four (I04) Learning Objectives

To express sympathy E.g. What a shame. / Thats too bad. / Im sorry to hear that. / Oh no! You must be upset. I saw it in class I understand it I can use it

Unit 10

To express wishes about present situations E.g. I wish (that) I could speak Russian. / I wish (that) I were tall. To express different meanings using the verb get E.g. Did you get on the bus? / My bicycle got stolen./ I get up early. To listen for detailed information To give direct advice E.g. If I were you, Id / You should / You ought to / Why dont you? / I would To talk about unreal situations using present unreal conditions E.g. If I had a yacht, I would sail around the world. /If I were honest, I wouldnt lie on my rsum. To report one persons statement to somebody else using reported/indirect speech E.g. Mr. Brown said (that) he couldnt move his toes. / He said (that) his wife was coming. To read to infer meanings To offer additional opinions and ideas E.g. Thats very nice, but/ Yes, but on the other hand, / Even so / But then again To express different meanings using the verb like E.g. What does she look like? ~ Shes tall and thin. / What is she like? ~ Shes very friendly. / Ann and Lea are very good friends. Theyre like sisters. / I like to go hiking. / It took her something like 4 hours to finish. To talk about facts using the passive voice in various tenses E.g. Most skyscrapers are built with a steel frame. / The worlds tallest building has been built in Taipei. / Someday a skyscraper without concrete will be built. To write about a famous landmark using the passive voice in various tenses

Unit 12

Unit 11

Remember that you must be able to ask follow-up questions and elaborate answers.

May, 2008

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