Contrastive Grammar Linguistics

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Gramtica que intenta establecer las correspondencias entre las gramticas descriptivas de dos lenguas distintas con el fin

de descubrir sus diferencias. Diccionario Enciclopdico Vox 1. 2009 Larousse Editorial, S.L. La designacin gramtica contrastiva proviene del ingls contrastive grammar y la de gramtica confrontativa se le adjudica a L. Zabrocki (1970, 33), germanista de Leipzig,segn el cual, la primera se ocupa slo de las diferencias entre las lenguas y la segunda trata tanto las semejanzas como las diferencias. A pesar de que, con los resultados obtenidos delos estudios contrastivos, se espera lograr mejores resultados en la enseanza de las lenguas, el hecho de que la gramtica contrastiva slo tenga en cuenta las diferencias no siempre tiene resultados positivos en la enseanza porque existen otros factores causantes de errores (Di Pietro 1972).

Contrastive Analysis (CA) or Contrastive Linguistics: "In the study of foreign language learning, the identification of points of structural similarity and difference between two languages" (Crystal, 1992, p. 83).
Contrastive linguistics seeks to study and explain any two languages. This includes listing the differences and similarities between them. Contrastive linguistics has also been called differential linguistics and is a sub-section of comparative linguistics that is separated by its studying of only two languages at any one time. This area studies languages in order to discern how they developed as they did and what other languages they are historically related to. For example, comparative linguistic studies of Hungarian show its earliest links to Chinese and Korean, then how it was influenced by Mongolian, Turkish and other languages as the Magyars moved west across Siberia and eventually into Europe. Such studies have also shown how and when Hungarian split from its closest language partner, Finno-Estonian. There are many subdivisions of comparative linguistics and, therefore, also of contrastivelinguistics as they use similar techniques. The discipline is traditionally broken down into two main groups: general comparative linguistics and specialized comparative linguistics. General comparative linguistics is broken down into descriptive, typological and historical linguistics, while specialized comparative linguistics is broken down into generic comparative, the theory of linguistic contact and areal linguistics.

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