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an iPhone/iPad device
This document is a guide to help you connect an iPhone/iPad Device to your mailbox after it has transitioned to Office 365.

Reconnecting to Exchange after transition

Your mobile device will con0nue to receive and send email un0l your account is transi0oned. Once your account is transi0oned you may no0ce that your device has stopped receiving email. You will need to reconnect your device to your new mailbox loca0on to con0nue sending and receiving emails.

To re-connect an iPhone/iPad device to Exchange after transitioning:

1. Under SeJngs - Select Mail, Contacts, Calendar

2. Select Your corporate Mail Account

3. Select Your corporate email address 4. Update the Server name to:

The device should automa0cally nd your new home mail server. If it does not, or you are having trouble connec0ng your account, follow these steps to remove your account from the device and re- add. Only proceed to the instruc1ons on page 2 if the steps above fail. 1

Remove and re-add an iPhone/iPad device to Exchange ONLY on page 1 fail:

A. Under SeJngs - Select Mail, Contacts, Calendar B. Select Your corporate Mail Account

C. Scroll down and select Delete Account

E. Add a new Microso> Exchange Account

D. Select - Add Account...

F. Email: Your Corporate Email Address Server: Domain: Leave Blank Username: Your Corporate Email Address Password: Your Corporate Email Password Descrip0on: Your company name or Work

G. Slide Mail to On

Slide to On any other feature you would like to sync with your device

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