Teknik Kejuruteraan TINGKATAN 4 2012

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1) A) B) C) The products used at home or office are manufactured in the factory through the industrial process. The combination of human expertise, tools and machinery to change the raw material into useful products is called manufacturing. What is a prototype? ( 4m ) Using a chart, explain ( 9m ) Draw the example of a simple manufacturing systems flow chart that must be done to produce a wood table in a factory. ( 7m ) the elements of a closed manufacturing system.

Figure 1 2) Figure 1 show an axe made of high carbon steel. A) i. What is the content of the carbon in high carbon steel? ii. Give four characteristics of high carbon steel. iii. Give four other uses of the steel. B) If the axe above is made of low carbon steel, how would it affect the axe? (6m) 3) Before a product is manufactured, research is done to choose the suitable material for the production. A) B) C) i. What is the difference between ferrous metal and non ferrous metal. ii. Give TWO examples of ferrous metal and non ferrous metal. ( 4m ) ( 4m ) (2m) (8m) (4m)

The mechanical property of metal shows how a metal reacts towards external forces. List FOUR mechanical properties of metal and explain them. ( 8m ) Plastic ( 4m ) is used to manufacture many products. State FOUR properties of plastic.


Plastic is a non- organic, polimer material which can be shaped to different objects using a specific process. There are two types of plastic which are thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic. Briefly explain both types of plastics based on the physical properties, characterictic, melting point and draw a molecular bonding structures both of them. ( 20m )


There are two categories of hammer Heavy hammer and light hammer. Explain the physical properties and the uses of both types ( 14m )

The picture above shows a simple hammer. Draw a diagram to show the correct use of hammer and the incorrect use of hammer. ( 6m )

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