Newton's Gravity Force Law

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Newtons Gravity Force Law

and is, for C atoms at a distance of 1.54 A in the range of only 3 1032 kcal/mol (12 1032 kJ/mol).

Newton found out, that the gravity force law goes For chemical bonds, the bond potential (e.g. C-C like at 1.54 A) is 90 kcal/mol (380 kJ/mol). 1 F 2 r leading to attraction at a distance (without things like springs etc. connecting the bodies). Descartes proposed that all bodies get hit by particles from all sides. For example, the moon would be bombarded by small particles from everywhere. However, if there is the earth in front of the moon, it blocks o a part of these particles, leading to a net force that is equivalent to a r2 attractive force law between them.
If particles are coming from everywhere (i.e. all angles), in order to shield a certain percentage of the particles (which means a certain net force), you need an object of size A in a distance a. We can think of the object of a sperical cap that is dened by its distance a from our moon and by the solid angle that it covers. The percentage of the surface of the moon that gets not hit by particles is equivalent to this solid angle. But the spherical cap that covers a certain solid angle has to be bigger for further distances a: the size (i.e. area) of the spherical cap goes like a2 (as the surface of a sphere). So, to get the same shielding eect (or the same force), for further distances, the size of the object has to increase. If the size remains the same, the screening eect will decrease 1 like a 2.

However, the mass proportionality that is charateristic for Newtons law of gravity Fg = Gm1 m2 r2

cannot be explained using this theory.

Dierent Forces
The Coulombic potential energy goes like q1 q2 , VCoulomb r leading to binding energies in the range of 216 kcal/mol (or 907 kJ/mol, this is for a proton and an electron at a distance of 1.54 A). For magnetic interation of two electron spins, the potential is 1 2 Vmagnetic 3 , r where the binding energy for the same distance as above is only 0.0014 kcal/mol (or 0.0058 kJ/mol). The strong force as it acts between the proton and the neutron in a deuterium nucleus has a binding energy of 5 107 kcal/mol (2 108 kJ/mol). The gravitational potential goes like m1 m2 Vg r 1

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